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  • First that's not how astroturfing works. Everyone repeating it isn't being paid to or a bot. Just useful tools. Second I never accused anyone of being Bots Etc. This all comes off as deflection and ignoring what was actually said. Regardless. This deflection illustrates your awareness of it. Despite you're unwillingness to acknowledge it.

    I've never been allusioned with Biden. There was only one Democrat I liked less than him in the 2019 primaries. It was quite a surprise that he far exceeded my low expectations. But he did. Still we are talking fascists, literal fascist. Who've already attempted to overthrow the government once. With a literal fucking plan on how to end democracy when they regain power. How are we so focused on the runner-up in a shitty person contest? There is a reason. And no, you will not acknowledge it.

  • New smartphone SIM card has faster embedded CPU core — single RISC-V core claimed to help deliver 10x storage, 10x faster transfers, improved security
  • They're talking storage speed and security.

    Specifically the on Sim storage and security.

  • PSA: Like tracking pixels, these users are transparent.
  • There's a shit storm of astroturfed anti Biden sentiment. You know this, everyone knows this. Knowing that, you should know that there aren't enough hours in the day to eloquently frame and debate the benefits of Biden. To people who most likely aren't even listening. At a base level, Trump WILL be worse on all issues. It's a fact. And if Biden doesn't win. Trump WILL. Also a fact.

    It's not a great argument. But it's the only argument necessary. The fact that you act wounded or surprised by this seems very disingenuous. Why are others obliged to spend their time explaining public knowledge to you? Not to knock those that do just that. It is important after all. But where's the entitlement coming from.

  • PSA: Like tracking pixels, these users are transparent.
  • Wrong as always. There's always consequences. Whether or not you and I think they are worth it. Doesn't matter. Someone else will make that calculation for themselves.

    For better or for worse, a lot of donors and fundraisers would abandon him. And if you think them abandoning long time substantial supporters. To chase fickle ideologues is a winning strategy that they should focus on. You're crazier than advertised. There's a very good reason they don't generally Court the votes of leftists like us. A huge portion of us don't know what solidarity, or strategy is. And will abandon them distracted at the first opportunity. We can at best make up a winning margin in some circumstances. But are not enough for them count on to win regularly. And yet. Many of us still act childishly entitled. Further cementing them not supporting us.

    Also not that it should need pointing out. But when Biden was presumptuous enough to even delay the shipment of weapons recently. Both Republicans and Netanyahu together attacked him and act like he done something horrific. Many Democrats support wavering as well as there are far too many zionists among them. Now counting the man who primaried Jamal Bowman.

  • PSA: Like tracking pixels, these users are transparent.
  • Biden couldn't veto anything related to Israel if he wanted to. All Republicans and enough Democrats would vote to override it instantly. Because Congress is the problem. But sure, continue to waste effort and be counterproductive.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • Yes we absolutely need plenty of immigration. The American population has been below replacement on birth rates since the 1970s. With the Boomers going down it's going to hit the fan real soon but all they want to do is restrict immigrants.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • The 4th estate is a wholly owned subsidiary of fascist inc these days. And facts don't sell. Just rage.

  • There are some countries named after cheese though.
  • There was a whole family named after a cheese. The Munsters.

  • ML mods deleted a post about charging a 15yo russian with a 5 years sentence over anti-Putin leaflets
  • Well, they claim that, but more than they are anything else. They are strictly anti-west. And criticizing something that isn't the West is pretty much out of their wheelhouse. They don't have to self-awareness to acknowledge basic realities. And feel that any attempt to criticize Putin, Xi jin ping, or the current Little Kim is always some sort of Western propaganda/psyop.

  • The Supreme Court rules for Biden administration in a social media dispute with conservative states
  • They're keeping their powder dry when they all swing hard right for the most consequential ruling. So everyone can say but look we were reasonable on all these other things that wouldn't have ever really impacted you.

  • Rep. Lauren Boebert cruises to GOP primary victory in Colorado's 4th District
  • Check the candidate debate. It was a clown show. Not the moderators though. They were kings. But the candidates all were fucking clown shoes. Apart from the token that seemed sincere but wouldn't fly with the racist base. Somehow Bobo seriously came out looking the better of the group while still being visually white enough. Had it been a skit on veep or some other show it would have been hilarious. I just hope the democrat candidate can win against her this time. They got close last time.

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • Bowman was the better candidate. No doubt. But he isn't without fault. Many in the district had legitimate complaints about his focus. Not even pertaining to Israel. It's a shame so many people when feeling let down by representation can gravitate to worse candidates. Simply because they're someone else. And not a better candidate.

  • Pokemon hammer and sickle
  • It's not a very good meme. But Trofim Lysenko exists. And absolutely is the reason many starved under the fledgling ML countries. And is keenly emblematic of the flaws of Marxist Leninism and their hamfisted nuanceless interpretation of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • Reading comprehension, you don't have it. Bye Felecia.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • And your petulant childish behavior is without bounds. Listen I've never once questioned your commitment or political alignment. Yes I've commented how you behavior is childish. Which it is and that's one thing. But I've never questioned your intent. Just the efficacy of it. And you've proven over and over again by impuning upon my commitment calling myself and others no true lefty. Because we disagree with you. You could not be displaying anymore petulant childish behavior.

    Even your last response here was completely disingenuous purposely missing the point. Yes they f***** themselves over with trump. But on the regular they actually get things accomplished. Whereas people like yourself who constantly harp on others, denying their identities. Are the exact reason why people in general don't take the left very seriously and why the left as a group struggles to get anything accomplished. Have fun with your Purity tests.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • LOL such bad reasoning. I'm not fond of much of what they've done but I'll give them this much they've actually accomplished things where people with your mentality haven't. Good luck with that:-)

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • If you think having strategy makes you a moderate. That's a you problem. And one I'm glad not to have. Everyone needs strategy if they want to get something accomplished. And you'll learn that someday.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • Lol, I'm a Dejacque Libertarian/anarchist. They aren't going to listen to me either. Do you are more than welcome to keep proving my points. And acting the victim pretending that it's all because you're somehow so much more left than anyone else LOL. That sort of rhetoric is only a victim of itself.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • I'm not defending them. I criticize them often. What I am doing, is commenting on your childish behavior.

    I know why young people don't vote. Especially those that have been radicalized like yourself. With no strategic/critical thinking skills. Ain't none of em good.

  • Good = Boring = No Corporate News Story
  • And that's why they aren't voting for it. No one is proving your point. And no it's not just Democrats. Whatever conspiracy pit you frequent, you need to get out.

  • Eldritch Eldritch
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