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Alabama executes death-row prisoner with nitrogen gas
  • And the human implementation is why people have been arguing with you this whole time. Because he wasn't executed using proper asphyxiation like that suicide pod (not that execution in itself is morally acceptable anyways), they just slapped a mask on him that was hooked up to a tank of nitrogen.

    Even the people watching it found it traumatic because he struggled and thrashed pretty much the whole time.

  • Anon mows lawns
  • Tipping is ingrained into our basic economic culture. Restaurant staff (waiters and waitresses in particular) make 80%+ of their money through tips. Federal minimum wage is about $7.25 USD, and almost no states have a minimum wage that low (some places it's easily double that), but it's completely legal to pay wait staff $2.25 an hour and expect them to make up the difference to $15-20 per hour in tips almost anywhere. A standard "good" tip at a restaurant is 20%. Even going to a grocery store you'll often see a tip jar on the counter that people toss their spare change into. Outside of restaurants, no other job is completely dependent on tips to live, but in many service industries it's still customary to tip as a way to show appreciation for a service rendered (especially if they go above and beyond).

  • Just Stop Oil activists throw soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers after fellow protesters jailed
  • This is why I said "you might as well do something worth the punishment." In the US, protesting can get you more harsh sentences than crimes like assault or robbery. And not to "That's, like, just your opinion, man"'s just my opinion that their time would've been better spent blocking the street and holding up rush hour traffic or something for the punishment that they got. Like you said, it clearly worked because people are talking about it - and talking about it enough that the arguing in another post on this article got the post locked.

    I'm not here to rag on them. Again, there's no "right way to protest," and this is a noble cause to protest for.

  • Just Stop Oil activists throw soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers after fellow protesters jailed
  • I mean stupid as in "you might as well do something worth the punishment" or that they might have been better off blocking traffic through a major thoroughfare or something rather than possibly damaging a cultural artifact.

    I agree with the concept, just not this particular executation.

  • Just Stop Oil activists throw soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers after fellow protesters jailed
  • While I think this was a stupid way to go about risking jail time for a noble cause, I would like to remind everybody here of what everybody in the 60s thought about MLK and his peaceful protests:

    There never has nor will there ever be such a thing as "the right way to protest." The right way to protest means out of sight where it can be conveniently ignored.

  • Just Stop Oil activists throw soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers after fellow protesters jailed
  • Actually, it's almost exactly like the Civil Rights protesters. MLK even outright said that they didn't do anything more than marches and sit-ins because those were already illegal and doing anything more could get them killed or prison sentences.

    That said, I think this was a stupid way to risk jail time.

  • Alabama executes death-row prisoner with nitrogen gas
  • Except they're not filtering out the carbon dioxide, so you're suffocating in a mix of your own exhalation plus the nitrogen.

    Maybe read the part where the dude struggled for 8 minutes before he finally died.

  • Your stupid decal finally makes sense!
  • Yes. That's the remnants of a massive hurricane that just pushed through Florida. Hurricanes sometimes bring salt water with them in the form of rain many miles away from the coast. When I was very young, there was one time where there was a massive hurricane here that was bad enough that we were evacuated, and when we came back, the glass door at my dad's office was covered in so much salt that it looked like frosted glass. And that office was miles away from the beaches.

    This is basically the only time those idiots with the "Salt Life" stickers hundreds of miles from the coast will see salt water.

  • Alabama executes death-row prisoner with nitrogen gas
  • Since when is 8 minutes of fighting against your restraints and desperately gasping for air "a very short time period?"

    Being strangled to death with a piece of rope would take less time than that. A proper chokehold with your bare hands to deny oxygen to the brain would've killed him in about a minute.

  • Ubisoft comes crawlin' back to Steam
  • I didn't mean that Ubisoft's was better than Steam - just better than Epic's store when comparing both against Steam. I hated the uPlay store as much as everyone else.

    As for your question, once you have feature parity, it becomes about finding a niche. GoG has its list of old games and lack DRM going for it, for example. Nobody is going to pull large groups of people from Steam immediately without some major draw, obviously, but if you offer a similar service that doesn't exclude people on other platforms like Steam from playing games with people on your own platform, then people will be drawn to whichever they like better.

    The big reason I think we don't see any real competition for Steam is that the companies with the funding to do so all wanted to force a piece of the pie rather than actually compete with Steam on quality of service. If EA, Ubisoft, and Epic had tried that, we would probably have a much more diverse ecosystem of storefronts - especially with crossplay becoming common. As it stands, Steam's biggest competitors are the consoles, and that's largely down to hardware preference rather than storefront/launcher preference.

    Steam has so much impetus now that competing with them is very difficult, but as I saw somebody else in here say, if Epic had done something like offer their lower take from devs on sales at the agreement of a 5% lower price on their platform instead of spending all that money on forced exclusivity, people would have a real reason to go there instead of Steam (if the quality of service were comparable).

  • Ubisoft comes crawlin' back to Steam
  • A. The technological landscape is very different today than it was 21 years ago. Many other companies have launched a better copy of Steam - including Ubisoft themselves. People didn't like when Ubisoft and EA did it because they tried forced exclusivity, like Epic, and couldn't offer anything beyond their own games. And you couldn't even sync friends between the 3, needlessly splitting your friends between different platforms. GoG has been doing fine for years now.

    B. Maybe if Epic had provided basic stuff like a shopping cart - you know, a basic feature that you can find on any webhost service's website maker - instead of paying companies for forced exclusivity, maybe people would've been more willing to give it a chance.

    Forced exclusivity put them on a bad start. The lack of basic features that were standardized for online storefronts 25 years ago killed any chance they had to gain any kind of traction. And the series of bad decisions following guaranteed that they never would have a good reputation. Remember when they had a sale on unreleased games without asking the devs of those games?

  • You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway.
  • I wish I had the source on hand, but you'll just have to trust my word - after all, 47% of the time, it's right 100% of the time!

    Joking aside, I do wish I had the link to the study as it was cited in an article from earlier this year about AI making stuff up even when it cited sources (literally lying about what was in the sources it claimed it got the info from) and how the companies behind these AI collectively shrugged their shoulders and said "there's nothing we can do about it" when asked what they intend to do about these "hallucinations," as they call them.

  • Fatty acids
  • This kind of stuff used to be really funny on old Tumblr because you'd find these hyper-niche arguments between a bunch of drunk biologists in the middle of scrolling through the vast sea of porn. 2 posts down would be furry porn followed by a 1,000 word Obama x Dr. Who fanfic or some shit.

  • PSA: Don't just eat peanut butter
  • That's a very different food pyramid from the one that I was taught at least. The 90s/2000s food pyramid made no distinction between different kinds of meats but did make a distinction between grains, fruits, and veggies, with grains as the base of the pyramid.

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