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  • That shit works IRL too. Why do you think therapy practices often have themselves positioned in front of a wall of books? Not that it's a bad thing; it's good for outcomes to believe your therapist is competent and well educated.

  • This is fine.
  • But there is basically nothing preventing you from some private recreational forklift operating

    That sounds like a horrible idea. If you operate a forklift without proper training, some really bad stuff can happen.

  • 'Hypocritical’: Anti-China GOP congressional candidate caught wearing made-in-China merch
  • There's a difference between not buying anything from China, which would be nearly impossible, and not specifically having your own merch made there, though, especially when you get to choose the manufacturer. It's not like China is the only place you can have these things made.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • There's nothing wrong with shearing sheep if there's no exploitation occurring. The problem is when you add a profit motive to keep breeding animals designed with their exploitation in mind.

    However, I'm going to go out on limb here, and say there probably aren't many sheep in the care of vegans except on animal sanctuaries. The important thing is to stop buying wool and funding animal exploitation.

  • [SOLVED] Accidently damaged an MicroSD by pulling it before it had fully ejected
  • Might also want to make an image of the device with dd if=/dev/DEVICE-NAME conv=sync,noerror bs=128K > sd_card.img first. It's often a good practice to make a raw backup before doing anything that changes the device.

  • ‘The big story of the 21st century’: is this the most shocking documentary of the year?
  • Really? That's how things play out in reality for sure, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be calling for anything less than a complete abolition of animal exploitation and cruelty. But let's try it with some social movement that's often discussed on Lemmy to be sure. Do you think this is a good take:

    "You shouldn't call for an end to the genocide in Gaza, that's unrealistic. Just stick to 'Israel should try and kill fewer Palestinians.' Don't let perfect be the enemy of good."

    The problem of advocating for half measures is that you don't properly communicate that the behavior in question is unacceptable. It sends a mixed message: "It's bad and you shouldn't do it, but it's still OK to do a little."

  • Za #4, Pepperoni Pizza

    I happened across some store bought vegan pepperoni, and decided I'd do one of the most simple pizzas in existance: the NY style pepperoni pizza. It totally wasn't because I was lazy and it takes like almost zero effort.

    My dough caught on the peel as I was shimmying it on to the griddle, so I kinda got this weird teardrop-shaped pizza. Oh well. (:

    There's really just something very comforting about a basic-ass slice like this. It's not fancy or pretentious, just delicious.

    Pizza Friday #3 - Sweet & Savoury

    So I've decided to make pizza every Friday this summer. This is \#3, but I declined to post the first two because they contained a slightly controversial brand plant based meat substitute.

    This one has vegan blue cheese, caramelized onions, button mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, balsamic reduction and pear slices. I meant to add a bit of arugula, but I forgot. A little fresh basil probably would have been good too.

    Oh yeah, I was going to have it last night (y'know, on Friday like I said) but some stuff came up so I had to delay a night.

    Feel free to ask for any recipes or whatever! I generally follow Adam Ragusa's NY style pizza recipe, but he's not vegan so if you don't want to give him additional traffic, I can probably answer any questions you might have.

    If you have any suggestions for my next pizza, I'd love to hear it! \\

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