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Negative affects of obesity
  • It's genuinely great to hear that that wasn't the overall goal or intention of the idea.

    That said, I think it also does need to be acknowledged that there absolutely were prominent influencers on social media who preached HAES literally - as in, posting videos vehemently declaring the doctors are lying to you and obesity is actually perfectly healthy.

    I guess as with many other things, it's a case of the extreme outliers (who in this case, as you say, didn't even get the point) getting the most attention and spoiling things for the sane people.

  • I'm tired of living like this
  • I'm just curious, could you expand on what the rules are pertaining to this subject here? This is the first I've heard of it, since the Rules on the sidebar don't mention it.

  • Funimation is shutting down — and taking your digital library with it
  • "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing."

  • Canadian Army needs to spend $220 million to replace gear donated to Ukraine, says general
  • Anyone who has followed this conflict closely can see alarming gaps in the Forces' equipment. The lack of systems like self-propelled guns, rocket artillery, and weaponised drones / loitering munitions would put our troops in a seriously bad position if push came to shove.

  • Republicans to meet allies of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán on ending Ukraine aid
  • The brutal reality is that Putin's Russia embodies everything the Trump Republicans dream of for America: a boundlessly corrupt, white supremacist, ethnonationalist fascist state whose oligarchs possess limitless power so long as they obey The President.

    They call themselves the "party of Reagan", while they trip over themselves to sell the geopolitical future of Europe down the river to Moscow...

  • The Day Before locks down Discord, blames “overwhelming toxicity,” urges refunds
  • I see that they used the wrong tense for "described", but that could be a typo. Other than that it seems grammatical to me. I guess "alluded to" and "described" are redundant, but that's more a stylistic defect than an actual error imo.

  • Tips for someone who's about to move to Canada
  • I know here in BC the Labour ministry has job centres called "WorkBC" that not only help with resumes and job searches, but actually have dedicated classes specifically for newcomers from Ukraine.

    P.S. Welcome! We're glad to have you, and I hope everything works out without too much trouble :)

  • Li Keqiang: Official nerves show as BBC hears praise for dead Chinese leader
  • "Chinese officials visibly nervous at the outpouring of public praise for dead leader [who they had sidelined and demoted]."

  • Hundreds storm airport in Russia in antisemitic riot over arrival of plane from Israel
  • Русский, no — Российский, yes.

  • Putin blames the West, Ukraine after mob storms Russian airport to 'catch' Jews
  • Well, it's a good thing that the Bad Foreigners are to blame for the issue — otherwise the Kremlin might be forced to engage in critical thinking over the implications of their incessant agitprop for the stability in minority regions, and we can't have that.

  • ‘We lie on the floor till someone buys us’: shocking allegations of UAE agencies’ abuse of domestic workers
  • The monthly prices users pay per maid are according to race, the website states – with employers charged less for the services of a black maid. “Filipinas AED3,500 ($952)/month” and “Africans AED2,700 ($735)/month,” it states

    The website states that Filipina maids require a bedroom of their own to sleep in, while African maids do not.

    Nobody does racist slavery quite like the Gulf Arab countries, do they? I don't know which is more grim, that or the disclaimer:

    “Zero legal liability. Maid stays on our visa, so you’ll never have to worry about any legal consequences. If anything goes wrong (eg runaway maid, pregnancy), we’re responsible to deal with any lawsuits or visits to police stations, not you.”

    IE, you can sexually abuse your underpaid migrant worker without fear of legal consequences, and the employer can then revoke their visa. What a great service! /s

  • India urges 'utmost caution' in Canada travel advisory as bilateral crisis escalates
  • "State-sanctioned criminal violence"?

    No, sorry Mr. Modi, you're thinking of Gujarat in 2002, not Canada in 2023.

  • Chechen leader Kadyrov is in critical condition - Ukrainian intelligence
  • This article has confirmation from the GUR, Ukrainian military intelligence, that Kadyrov is critically ill. There are no exact details on what he has other than that it's related to a chronic health condition, potentially kidney failure given his facial swelling. It's also long been reported that he's an addict.

    I also call attention to the fact that Kadyrov allegedly had his personal physician executed in suspicion that the latter was poisoning him. It would truly be poetic justice if denying himself that medical treatment in a fit of paranoia precipitated this (hopefully terminal) episode.

  • Soviet symbolism removed from 'City-Hero' obelisk in Kyiv
  • "Great Patriotic War" is the fine conceit of historical revisionism that lets the Russians neatly overlook the unpleasant little detail that WW II started with the Soviets fighting as cobelligerents with Nazi Germany to invade Poland.

  • Canada's QAnon 'Queen' forced out of Kamsack, Sask.
  • Where was that? I hadn't heard of it, but I fully believe you.

  • Canada's QAnon 'Queen' forced out of Kamsack, Sask.
  • This summary leaves out that said "cease and desist" notices also threatened execution for noncompliance — at the same time as the head cultist was urging her followers to kill nurses administering vaccines, prompting her followers to post pictures of their firearm arsenals.

    It is only a matter of time before the cultists kill someone.

  • In Kazakhstan, local residents made a person cover a Z symbol on his car with paint. He tried to justify himself that his last name, Zinovyev, starts with a Z, and apologized for his actions.
  • Upvote for a sincere question. Here's the wiki article on its use as a fascistic pro-war symbol. Kazakhs are unhappy with it because they too are a country that Russia makes territorial claims against and are thus largely opposed to the war and its symbols.

  • Russian Colonel General commanding the Central Military District: war in Ukraine "an intermediate stage" in a longer war for Eastern Europe, which Russia "will have to attack".

    Machine translation of video.

    Speaking to an interviewer from Russian state media channel Россия 1, Col. Gen. Mordvichev says the quiet part out loud regarding the broader goals of Russian policy: namely that the ambition of conquering Ukraine is only a stepping stone to attacking the rest of Eastern Europe, a course of action which he presents as a necessity ("we will have to attack").

    I would opine that statements like these, brazenly uttered to domestic mass media by a senior military figure, are indicative of the realities of Russian ambitions: to revive Russian imperial domination of Eastern Europe by force of arms.

    The north tower of Exeter Cathedral features perhaps the oldest known surviving cat door, dating to the 14th century

    "This 14th century door at Exeter Cathedral, UK, is thought to be the oldest existing cat flap

    A cat was paid a penny each week, to keep down the rats and mice in the north tower, and a cat flap was cut into the door below the astronomical clock to allow the cat to carry out its duties.

    Records of payments were entered in the Cathedral archives from 1305 to 1467, the penny a week being enough to buy food to supplement a heavy diet of rodents."

    Victoria cyclists furious after finding screws and nails left on purpose on new bike lane - Canadian Cycling Magazine

    > “Total haul from the Superior Street bike lane today, 43 screws and nails found lying in the middle of the bike path, and only on the bike path".

    Patch #11 - crossplay, balancing and bug fixes Patch #11

    Rejects, Here are the patch notes for patch #11 that just went live! New Feature: Cross Play With this update Darktide introduces Cross Play between Steam and MS Store! We will rollout CrossPlay soon after the update goes Live, and closely monitor our servers for a couple of days. If we detect any ...

    Patch #11
    • Crossplay w/ MS Game Pass
    • New mission condition: Elite Resistance (fewer, stronger enemies)
    • Various Blessing changes and buffs to Recon Lasguns, Slab Shield, Revolver
    • Many bug fixes
    [Mod] For the Blood God, by Zombine04 - force maximum gore/dismemberment on kill! For the Blood God

    Forces enemies to dismember and optionally adds vfx/sfx when they died. You want to see more bloods don't you?

    For the Blood God

    I thought I'd try to contribute here by posting new mods as they get posted on the Darktide modding Discord server.

    This one lets you configure the option to force maximum gore and dismemberment on every enemy kill. Perfect for true Zealot enjoyers ;)

    Prigozhin says again that Rusian lines in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are falling, and it is only a matter of time until moves similar to Kherson and Kharkiv regroupings take place Dmitri (@wartranslated)

    Prigozhin says again that Rusian lines in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are falling, and it is only a matter of time until moves similar to Kherson and Kharkiv regroupings take place. Local Russian commanders are forced to provide false reports on their positions so as to not antagonise the high command.

    Dmitri (@wartranslated)

    Via Dmitri (@wartranslated):

    • Prigozhin says again that Rusian lines in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are falling, and it is only a matter of time until moves similar to Kherson and Kharkiv regroupings take place. Local Russian commanders are forced to provide false reports on their positions so as to not antagonise the high command.

    The latter part in particular seems to be a systemic problem with the RU command structure — false reports are passed up the chain, leaving general staff out of touch with realities on the ground and unable to give orders that will have the desired result.

    Or, as Prigozhin so eloquently puts it, "the General Staff head, after a glass of vodka, screams like a woman, like a pig, demanding to return the positions!"

    Epilektoi_Hoplitai Epilektoi_Hoplitai
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