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C'est bibi
  • Même dans ce cas de figure idéal il reste quand même quelques problèmes :

    • Comment garantir que le terminal de l'utilisateur n'est pas compromis ? Comment on fait pour protéger des millions de PC/smartphones contre, par exemple, un virus qui modifierait l'affichage du logiciel de vote électronique pour faire croire à l'utilisateur qu'il clique sur un candidat alors qu'il clique en fait sur un autre ?
    • Comment faire pour garantir que les votes arrivent bien a destination et que les flux ne soient pas détournés ?
    • Comment faire en sorte que le résultat du vote soit accepté par toute la population ? Comment faire pour démonter des accusations de triche ou de manipulation sans rentrer dans des détails techniques incompréhensibles par le commun des mortels ?

    Le dernier point en particulier me fait dire que le vote électronique restera toujours quelque chose d'innateignable

  • C'est bibi
  • Jamais j'espère. Ça serait pratique pour les électeurs c'est sur, mais ça serait encore plus pratique pour les acteurs malveillants qui veulent influencer les élections

  • Législatives 2024 : les Français sont-ils de plus en plus racistes ?
  • « Une majorité de citoyens restent ouverts, insiste M. Tiberj. Ouverts à la diversité, à l’immigration, capables de faire la distinction entre critique de l’islam et préjugés antimusulmans, mais beaucoup ne votent pas, tandis que les plus radicaux de droite, eux, se déplacent aux urnes. » Ainsi 54 % des sympathisants du Rassemblement national (RN) et 26 % des sympathisants Les Républicains se disent racistes.

    Tiens tiens, les "fachés pas fachos" seraient-ils quand même un peu racistes au fond ?

  • Les médias ont réussi à inverser le barrage - Contre Attaque
  • C'est ça qui me dégoûte le plus dans cette campagne. Que les fachos votent pour le parti des fachos c'est de bonne guerre, mais que les prétendus "centristes républicains" tombent les masques et dévoilent de plus en plus clairement qu'ils préfèrent Bardella au pouvoir qu'un SMIC a 1600€ ça me rend fou

  • Les médias ont réussi à inverser le barrage - Contre Attaque
  • C'est le bon sens quoi. "On prend les meilleurs idées de gauche, les meilleures idées de droite et on gère le pays comme des gens raisonnables qui arrêtent de se chamailler". Quand t'as pas de culture politique ça paraît logique de tout dépolitiser et de raisonner dans des termes plus simplistes

  • In Snap Election, French Left Forms Alliance To Counter Far Right and Neoliberals
  • Just out of curiosity, is it commonly thought outside of France that Macron is anywhere close to left-wing ?

    He's been campaigning for a week on a plateforme that's basically just "The left is just as bad as the far right", several of his ministers have clearly stated that they would vote blank in case of a duel between the left and the far-right in the runoffs, and he's repeatedly called the left a "danger for democracy"

  • In Snap Election, French Left Forms Alliance To Counter Far Right and Neoliberals
  • You seem to be under the impression that Macron is fine with the left winning.

    He's definitely not: he's been viciously attacking the left for years now, and has just last Sunday accused them of being antisemitic, antirepublican and antiparlentarist.

    His Minister of Justice said in an interview that, in case of a duel between the left and the far-right during the election runoffs, he would vote for neither.

    His prime minister keeps saying in Interviews that the left represents chaos for the country.

  • In Snap Election, French Left Forms Alliance To Counter Far Right and Neoliberals
  • What Mélenchon thinks is of little consequence. All the left parties have put together the baselines of a common program, and supporting Ukraine is a big part of it.

    Mélenchon is too disliked by the rest of the left to be considered for PM if it comes to that anyway, and all other potentiel candidates are strongly in favour of helping Ukraine.

  • In Snap Election, French Left Forms Alliance To Counter Far Right and Neoliberals
  • Ah. No, what he basically did is gamble on the fact that the left couldn't unite and that his candidates would face against the far-right, so he could once again campaign on the platform of "The only two options are me or the fascists".

    The fact that the left managed to put aside their differences and unite completely took him by surprise and he now has to actually campaign. His main argument now is that the left is just as bad as the far-right and that he's the only reasonable person in the room.

    You were right to think he didn't have it in him, because he definitely doesn't.

  • How do you feel about the galactic war?

    I really, really want to like that side of the game. I love the idea of players pooling together their tiny, individual actions towards a greater shared goal and what it can bring in terms of RP and immersion. Having new content gated behind community participation is an awesome idea, and I totally get the idea of simulating a back and forth war between the players and the AI for the control of the Galaxy.

    However, I can't help but feel mostly frustrated with how it's actually implemented, both in its presentation and in its actual mechanics.

    On the presentation side, everything looks so half-hearted that it ends up feeling meaningless. Apart from the major order and a few flavor lines thrown together in a corner of the screen, there's nothing that make us feel like the galactic war has any consequence on the lore of the game. Every few days we gain or lose a planet, but it doesn't really feel like winning or losing: we just get our medals or we don't, and then it's mostly back to usual business. Even the consequences are not clearly shown: the apparition of bit gunship is a clear consequence of us not managing to capture To it, but I'm pretty sure the majority of the player base won't even notice it and just think "well, I guess the update brought us some new enemy types, cool!". I get minimalism, but I feel all of this would be so much better if we had small cutscenes to mark each important step, or even just a war room in the ship where we could read strategic reports or whatever, anything to give it more context.

    On the gameplay side, the fact that the only available action the players can do to have an influence of the global war is to either launch "attack missions" on enemy planets or "defense missions" on a super earth planet feels very limited, especially since all missions are played very similarly. It just seems to devolve in a endless tug-of-war consisting of capturing a planet, then defending it over and over, with very few variations and very few reasons to care Gameplay-wise. How cool would it be if defense missions were actually about defending allied areas against an enemy invasion, with radically different objectives like supporting SEAF positions or defending strategic zones against waves of enemies?

    To close up what is slowly starting to look like a wall of text, I just want to say that I don't mean to sound whiny and that I actually really enjoy the game as it is. It just feels like a wasted opportunity to have this truly awesome idea and then do almost nothing with it.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Edit: Also, just wanted to point out I realize that budgets exist and the galactic war probably wasn't (and shouldn't have been) their top priority. Getting the core gameplay was and still is more important than the rest.

    [Discussion] Quelles sont les sorties que vous attendez le plus ?

    Salut !

    Bon, Baldur's Gate 3 est sorti et j'imagine que ça va occuper pas mal d'entre nous pour les prochaines semaines/mois. Mais à part ça, quelles sont les sorties 2023 qui vous hypent le plus ?

    Personnellement j'attends de pied ferme Payday 3. Je sais pas trop ce que ça va donner, mais j'ai englouti des dizaines d'heures sur Payday 2 avec un groupe d'amis à l'époque, et ça sera l'occasion de nous refaire quelques petites sessions tous ensemble

    En vacances a Marseille une semaine, des conseils ?

    Salut !

    Le titre se suffit probablement a lui-même, mais en gros je viens d'arriver a Marseille où je vais passer une semaine de vacances. Est-ce vous avez des conseils à me donner sur les trucs à faire, a ne pas faire, etc ?

    Merci !

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