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Framework Laptop 16, six months later
  • It's not v1 though, it's v4 of the concept. They already made 3 generations of the concept with the framework 13, and it's pretty bad to have these kind of issues after that many attempts.

  • 2.6M Piracy Reports Against French Users Resulted in 234 Financial Penalties * TorrentFreak
  • Old enough to have experienced the world before the internet was widely available in the "western" world. It's not about getting things instantly, but I'm also over waiting for a week+ just to download a movie. The level of anonymity that a good VPN provides is good enough for me.

  • 2.6M Piracy Reports Against French Users Resulted in 234 Financial Penalties * TorrentFreak
  • At a measly 200kb/s it would have taken me more than 200 days of constant downloading at "full speed" to build my media library to were it is now (3.6tb), instead of a few days...that's not about instant fix IMO, that's just super duper slow. Few (no?) people need true anonymity for torrenting, just enough to not be indisputably linked to it so they can't take you to court.

  • Sony DMCA Notice Nukes 200 Aniyomi Extensions as Tachiyomi Fork Feels Heat * TorrentFreak
  • In a world with safe P2P via VPN and I2P, why would you use a pigeon? Then you never have to leave your house...or perhaps more importantly, you won't need to feed potentially hundreds of carrier pigeons and clean their cages.

  • Sony DMCA Notice Nukes 200 Aniyomi Extensions as Tachiyomi Fork Feels Heat * TorrentFreak
  • People seem to always forget, that pigeons only know their way home. So you still need to get your pigeon(s) to the person sending the data with the pigeon back to you, in which case you can just pickup the data now that you're there yourself.

  • Leak: EU interior ministers want to exempt themselves from chat control bulk scanning of private messages - EU Reporter
  • It would just result in them having official and unofficial devices, where all the things they don't want linked to their person, political party or public knowledge is on a different device that isn't going to get caught in the FOIA requests.

  • How long until running stops sucking?
  • I've been where you are, for me it changed when I was able to do easy runs (HR in the 135-145 range) at a "reasonable pace", I.e. still have a feeling that you're moving at a significantly higher speed than walking.

  • Heavy sweaters, how do you cope?
  • I don't really feel comfortable changing shorts and underwear on the side of the road, which is the biggest issue WRT sweating for me. I'm running on the country side, lots of cars and open space and nowhere to "hide" while changing.

  • Heavy sweaters, how do you cope?
  • I do wear these "sweat wicking" clothes, but it doesn't evaporate even remotely as fast as I sweat. Sweat is literally just absorbed by my so-called "sweat wicking" clothes like someone sprayed me with a water gun.

    Do you have some brands to recommend? Or material? One of my biggest issues is that the wet fabric of my tights starts chafing in my groin area.

  • Heavy sweaters, how do you cope?

    I sweat a lot when I exercise. After an hour of running at medium intensity (~150bpm avg HR) in 20°C @ 50% humidity, I am literally drenched in sweat. I can wring my clothes and sweat will pour from it. It's difficult to find clothes that are comfortable to wear for my long trips.

    Jellyfin wrongly identifies show and messes up metadata

    I want to add Pokemon Journeys to my jellyfin server, but jellyfin fucks up everything because it thinks it the regular Pokémon show from 1997 and imports metadata for that.

    How can I fix this so it shows up correctly in jellyfin?

    Tdarr AMD GPU

    I've been trying to setup Tdarr to transcode using my AMD integrated GPU instead of my CPU, but all I'm finding online is people using nvidia cards...well, I don't have one of those, but I have an AMD CPU with integrated gpu, so I wanted to use that, but apparently that's extremely uncommon and I can't find any working solutions.

    Edit: I'm running Tdarr in a docker container on my OMV media server.

    Edit 2: I've gotten it working, but the compression is nonexisting. A h264 -> h265 transcode increases file size by ~5%.

    Needed to add my Tdarr container to the render group and pass through the dev/dri/renderD128 folder.

    gluetun VPN health check fails after a few hours

    My gluetun VPN keeps failing the health check after running for a few hours. I found that some had fixed this by changing the update period to a shorter interval, and this worked for a while for me as well. But for the last 24h or so, it keeps failing after a few hours.

    How can i fix this?

    docker compose: !

    gluetun log: !

    Do i need to run sonarr and radarr behind my VPN?

    I've started setting up my media server and was wondering if I should put my docker containers with sonarr and radarr behind my VPN the same as my qbit?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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