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weird mutation on my Pineapple Express Auto seedling
  • I've seen four-leaf clover so 🤷‍♂️

    Lucky you

  • i’m back ❤️
  • I'd say death by suffocating counts as 'getting hurt'

  • Coming into week 9 on the aero Durban Poison.
  • What about RH%? Do you use a dehumidifier?

    Atm i have 2 plants in a 80x80 tent and only 1 fan running. (Pics in profile) It's a strong sucker, Noctua something extra silent. I thought that enough there's quite some space for airflow, ~48% around the surface and i watered them today.

    But not sure when the buds get bigger and also the humidity in my room where the box stands fluctuates a lot. So I'm thinking about getting a dehumidifier, but often heard from others that they never even thought about the need to get one.

  • Coming into week 9 on the aero Durban Poison.
  • That's beautiful. Did you have ventilation beneath the leafs? Because as a noob I always worry about mold and not sure about if there's enough wind downstairs with such a dense rooftop

  • Hallo! What American novelties would Germans enjoy?
  • Damn I mixed him up with Steinmeier. And actually he brought a Berliner Kebap bar owner who brought the Kebap himself. But well

  • Hallo! What American novelties would Germans enjoy?
  • If Scholz brings a Kebap when visiting Erdogan you can bring Bratwurst & Sauerkraut.

    No seriously, I think most Germans would like to try other country's versions of our food. But not sure if you're even allowed to import food (or what kind of food exactly) on a flight.

  • Are these pollen sacs? Because this plant has already trolled me with bobbles that then spat out white hairs. I'm still a noob
  • Since it's my first grow I'm scared af that they breed. It's my smallest plant of 3. I'm gonna kill them today 😥 Thank you for your evaluation!

  • Are these pollen sacs? Because this plant has already trolled me with bobbles that then spat out white hairs. I'm still a noob
  • Since it's my first grow I'm scared af that they breed. It's my smallest plant of 3. I'm gonna kill them today 😥 Thank you for your evaluation!

  • First grow - should I be (more) worried?
  • How many more weeks do you plan on going before you harvest them?

    3 weeks in flowering cycle now (since 4/20 :) ). Plan was to wait until they look ripe. (Is there an option to force/delay this?) But they could all 3 be different strains so idk when

    Btw could i dry a first harvest in the same tent where i still have 1 or 2 plants in flowering stage?

  • i’m back ❤️
  • The basement of a house I lived in burned down because the resident fell asleep on the couch while smoking. He died.

    Always put the ashtray on a table.

  • First grow - should I be (more) worried?
  • Oh nice. But I don't have one since the one I had as a child turned into a biohazard.

  • First grow - should I be (more) worried?
  • Ye I guess the coming cannabis social clubs here will also be allowed to engage external/freelancing grow masters or at least consultants. It's also usual that clubs have one or more permanent employees to keep a club running. I don't think the CanG says anything against this. (@ me if you need an unskilled coworker without driver's licence based in Berlin. My current job is starting to fuck me off atm..

    edit: though I'm a pro in customer service and logistical disposition. Take this as a serious job application if you are serious and need help one day.)

  • First grow - should I be (more) worried?
  • Yeah I think I'll just try keep using the cheap liquid fertilzer from now on for watering that one. And see what happens.

    That one has always been paler than the other 2.

  • First grow - should I be (more) worried?
  • Yeah I think I'll just try keep using the cheap liquid fertilzer from now on for watering that one. (If no one else comes around with further/other suggestions. Thank you!

  • First grow - should I be (more) worried?
  • I used this pre-fertilized coconut soil / coco substrate. I also repotted them twice with the same substrate.

    And last week I used this liquid fertilizer very diluted when watering.

    Until now I was more worried about too much nutrients/ wind/ light. Also because the other 2 seem super healthy to me. But well I'm inexperienced

  • First grow - should I be (more) worried?

    So far I'm very happy with my first grow. I found the seeds, so I have no idea what strains they are. But they're all female :)

    Days or even weeks ago I noticed that some leaf tips of the largest plant at the back were turning brown and curling up. Only a little at first, so I didn't think much of it. But now I'm not sure if this is unhealthy behavior. A few of the large leaves have also already turned yellow, which I've removed. The air circulation is better this way, but I'm starting to doubt whether the plant is safe or in danger.

    Last night I hung the lamp a little higher (about 30 cm away) and aimed the fan at the wall; previously it had been aimed at the canopy. I hope it was only too much wind/light stress for this one plant.






    If you have experience with this I'd love to get some feedback.

    Discussion of whether baguettes belong at a picnic
  • Nun als ich heute Nacht besoffen war dachte ich irgendwie mein Kommentar wäre gefickt eingeschädelt

  • Discussion of whether baguettes belong at a picnic
  • Oh mondieur. It was no other but Carl Rânsairè, the probably most unsuccessful chef of all time, who invented le pique-n'i-que. Work- and shelterless he put old shoe soles that he found on dry baguettes that he stole from the duck feeding seniors in the park, trying to sell them there. He died after he ate one of his creations. But his legacy remains

  • Habt ihr schlechte Erfahrungen mit dem Vorgesetze gehabt, nach der Mitteilung, woanders im Betrieb versetzt werden wollen?
  • Ich würd sagen slles richtig außer 4. wenn die Leitung dich fragt sag doch einfach wie es ist

  • Wie verhindere ich Verrutschen des Beckens bei Situps?
  • Kein Werturteil. Nur was ich glaube, das es ist. Könnte natürlich auch falsch liegen

  • Wie verhindere ich Verrutschen des Beckens bei Situps?
  • Arschbacken zusammenkneifen. Feste den Schinken trainieren würd ich sagen.

  • Jan Delay - Liebe
    The Impossible Fact

    The Impossible Fact:

    Palmstroem, old, an aimless rover,

    walking in the wrong direction

    at a busy intersection

    is run over.


    "How," he says, his life restoring

    and with pluck his death ignoring,

    "can an accident like this

    ever happen? What's amiss?


    "Did the state administration

    fail in motor transportation?

    Did police ignore the need

    for reducing driving speed?


    "Isn't there a prohibition,

    barring motorized transmission

    of the living to the dead?

    Was the driver right who sped . . . ?"


    Tightly swathed in dampened tissues

    he explores the legal issues,

    and it soon is clear as air:

    Cars were not permitted there!


    And he comes to the conclusion:

    His mishap was an illusion,

    for, he reasons pointedly,

    that which must not, can not be.


    [Poem "Die unmögliche Tatsache" (1909) by Christian Morgenstern, English translation by Max Knight]

    Fenchelhonig AH?

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    Edit: GELÖST von state_electrician:

    >Der Zusatz „AH" steht in unserem Fall für „Aldenhoven", wo sich der Firmensitz unseres Herstellpartners befindet. Die Abkürzung hat jedoch keinen Bezug zur Zusammensetzung oder zu den Inhaltsstoffen des Produktes.

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