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Terrifying reality of what airport security could actually see through an X-ray machine
  • I am a "regular" flyer and a stoner and I never fail to bring with me a sample of devil's lettuce when I'm leaving for extended period of time and never once I've had any issue bringing my hazardous material with me.

    One time I even embarked with a small firework in my wallet I forgot I placed there after a party and none bat an eye.

    Security level: top (not gun)

  • Oklahoma GOP votes to censure Lankford (R-Okla.) over Senate border talks
  • It Will get better IF after the 2024 elections the GOP will be left with a minority in both the houses, Congress and senate. At that point it will be only on the democrats to pass legislations, notwithstanding eventual characters like Sinema and Manchin.

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • I know but still sometimes I cannot let go and I have to follow for a couple of days these kind of people just to remind them they are no longer in touch with this world, hoping that this will prevent them by spreading their nonsensical reasoning in real life by giving them a good dose of preemptive shame.

    A long shot, I know, but a man has to indulge in some vices from time to time ;)

    Have a great holiday season my dude <3

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • Let me ruin the suspense for you: no, he won't answer any if your questions nor will he reply to any if your points. He will just go on shitting on your life because it doesn't fit the narrative he was spoon-fed about an invisible man in the sky silently judging everything we do and punishing those who are deemed "evil" and nothing else.

    Just another brainwashed sheep in the flock of the lord, no hope to have a normal conversation with this one

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • No hate from me dude, it's you who is hating homosexual people because they love who they love, without choosing it and without any fault of their own. You really are a full-time projector, uhu? Never thought about working into cinemas? XD XD XD

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • Well, at least I don't use people' sexual preferences, which they cannot choose, to be a dick to them. I can see what's right and wrong there while you clearly can't.

    Happy holidays once more I presume

  • Today I'm launching Flare, a video sharing site built on Nostr! 🎉 Like YouTube, ...
  • Content moderation is gonna be tough, especially when advertising for absolute freedom of speech. It's possible trolls will ruin the environment in a very short time if moderation and its rules wouldn't be very clear and applied when necessary

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • Sure buddy, whatever you say.

    By the way, going outside and touch grass is a much better choice than watching an image of Jesus or a bare wall but there are many other options at your disposal, such as DnD, music, art, sports, literature or any other passtime you maybe believe to be satanic or whatever. Don't throw your only chance at life away following something you can't see or prove it's there

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • S

    Until proven contrary it's not me who has decided to submit his will and reason to the tenets of a religion which doesn't even consider treating men and women as equals.

    A little projection about the bondage bit? Or a repressed sexual arousal around ropes and chains? Only you can tell us

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • Because I don't have anything to repent about. I bear no original sin and I haven't done anything for which I haven't given my apologies would I have ever hurt someone.

    I don't need to subject my loyalty to anyone if not myself as I alone am arbiter and judge of my own actions

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • No, we cannot.

    The "natural behaviour" argument also bear no weight to the discussion since homosexual intercourse is well documented in a number of animal species thus rendering this a "natural" act as many others.

    Hope to have made myself clear

  • Homosexuality Can Be Healed / Christian Science Sentinel
  • He died of an heart attack at 81 years old, just like a normal man would do. No golden carriage descending from the heavens to collect his body nor no resurrection three days after his death.

    A con man dying like a normal human after a life of lies and peddled "miracles" to poor, uneducated people.

    Press S to spit on his grave

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