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Giving Windows total recall is a privacy minefield
  • Ah, it's not even on by default.

    So don't turn it on.

  • The War Is Shifting Europe’s Politics Away From Israel
  • And once again, we see the real mechanism by which terrorism "wins". Israel has hurt itself in its confusion.

  • U.S. "Know Your Customer" Proposal Will Put an End to Anonymous Cloud Users
  • Especially given that this particular comment is 90% quotes from some other author.

  • What do you personally use AI for?
  • I find a ton of uses for quick Python scripts hammered out with Bing Chat to get random stuff done.

    It's also super useful when brainstorming and fleshing out stuff for the tabletop roleplaying games I run. Just bounce ideas off it, have it write monologues, etc.

  • Boston Dynamics introduces a fully electric humanoid robot that “exceeds human performance”
  • We've got LLMs now that can do that. Sorry, you've been replaced. Please gather your things into this box and cheer up.

  • Johnson Needs Democrats on Ukraine, Handing Them Power to Shape Aid Plan
  • If it saves Ukraine from Russian occupation I'll at least give them a favorable mention. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

  • Removed
    Leaked Cables Show White House Opposes Palestinian Statehood
  • Indeed. If the US government were truly dancing on the puppet strings of the arms industry right now there'd be a ton of resources heading to Ukraine.

  • Trump Rejects Several Female Jurors as Not His Type
  • Looks like we're in another period of "double-check every headline to see if it's real or from the Onion" for me...

  • Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy?
  • I think there's a significant difference between "neutral" and "diverse".

    For example, Reddit is big enough that if you find yourself holding an unpopular opinion in some particular subreddit and you're getting battered with downvotes, you can probably find some other similar subreddit that's more friendly to whatever view you've got that's drawing ire. People speak derisively of "bubbles" and "echo chambers", but really, why should I stick around and try to engage with people who just don't want you around? Communities naturally tend to segregate themselves along ideological lines like this.

    Here on the Fediverse the population's too small to support quite so many diverse communities yet, unfortunately. So if you've got an unpopular minority view you can end up stuck with either routinely finding yourself serving as a punching bag or just not posting. That's no fun.

  • Evidence is growing that LLMs will never be the route to AGI. They are consuming exponentially increasing energy, to deliver only linear improvements in performance.
  • Yeah, so many people are confidently stating "LLMs can't think like humans do!" When we're actually still pretty unclear on how humans think.

    Sure, an LLM on its own may not be an AGI. But they're remarkably closer than we would have predicted they could get just a few years ago, and it may well be that we just need to add a bit more "special sauce" (memory, prompting strategies, perhaps a couple of parallel LLMs that specialize in different types of reasoning) to get them over the hump. At this point a lot of the research isn't going into simply "make it bigger!", it's going into "use LLMs smarter."

  • Reddit seem to have switched to the newer, even shittier UI by default.
  • To be fair, that description of being piled on by angry people who are looking for an excuse to be angry could easily describe a lot of threads I've been in on the Fediverse lately. Seems like there's an unfortunate mood going around right now.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • Actually, you can do exactly that. Fork them.

    You can't force the people who are using Github to follow you, of course. But that's every individual's choice.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • You think Microsoft is the only "evil corporation" among these? That's very naive. Any hosting service will deplatform users when they can see a profit to be made from doing so.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • "We" as in the conversation as a whole. You joined an ongoing thread.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • So we've moved from "GitHub is not open source" to "GitHub has some support software for peripheral features that is not open-source?" I'm definitely failing to see the rant-worthiness of it at this point. It's certainly not monopolistic, platforms like GitLab and Bitbucket also provide these features. And I'd bet that some of them have their own proprietary software to support these things too.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • There's quite a series of leaps of logic here.

    Because Google (not Microsoft) released a project under the BSD license (an open source license) but "everyone on Lemmy" doesn't think it's open source, therefore a hosting site owned by Microsoft (not Google) is not "open source."

    I'm not even sure what is meant by GitHub being "open source." It's a hosting provider, not an actual piece of software. The site itself doesn't have a source license. The individual repositories can have licenses, which can be whatever the user who created the repository sets it to be - including open source licenses. Do you mean GitHub Desktop? Microsoft released that under the MIT license. And you don't need GitHub Desktop to use GitHub anyway.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • Oh, that's what you meant. How do you contribute to a project on any git host if that git host won't let you? In what way is GitHub any different from that?

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • You're not "pretty fucked". Just use one of the many other git hosts out there. OP himself lists some of them in his rant.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • Microsoft has developed many open-source projects. The view of Microsoft as some kind of anti-open-source crusader is 20 years out of date.

  • GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • All of those issues would arise if you wanted to migrate an established project to Github as well.

  • FaceDeer FaceDeer

    Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.

    Spent many years on Reddit and is now exploring new vistas in social media.

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