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pay the bills... repeat...
  • It doesn't though. Plenty of free things you can do to better your life. Wages are stagnating? Review your career path. Need more skills? Educate yourself further. Need more money? Search for a new job.

    The people "trapped" by capitalism are those who allow themselves to become complacent. Statistically, you will see a pay rise by changing employers. Increasing your skill set increases it further.

    How do I know this? No diplomma and I make six figures. Take some personal ownership and improve yourself.

  • Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce
  • Almost like crying about Steam "exclusives", creating an actual exclusivity PC war, and handing out free games to prop up a shitty marketplace and launcher wasn't such a good financial decision...

  • China warns Australia to think twice before sending MPs to Taiwan
  • Does he want another Aussie nuclear powered sub? Because this is how you get it.

  • China warns Australia to think twice before sending MPs to Taiwan
  • Every day they don't offer him a honey pot.

  • China ridicules Taiwan's defence goals as island unveils new submarine
  • China: Your submarine is stupid and you look awful in that light.

  • pay the bills... repeat...
  • If rent is the only thing keeping you from enjoying life, there are several solutions to your problem.

    Capitalism does not keep you from enjoying life. Creating a Boogeyman does.

  • “We Will Not Stand Idly By:” Mali Warns Against Repeat of NATO’s Libyan War in Niger
  • Yup, that about sums up the worth of any comments from a Hexbear. Lol

  • “We Will Not Stand Idly By:” Mali Warns Against Repeat of NATO’s Libyan War in Niger
  • Lol, tell me how you really feel, child.

    The ramblings of a small, angry, uneducated, imbecile. I won't discuss fantastical perspectives if you're unable to add even a shred of fact into your complaint.

  • “We Will Not Stand Idly By:” Mali Warns Against Repeat of NATO’s Libyan War in Niger
  • I'm writing, not speaking, but yes, I read what I write as it is being written.

    "Bombed the country to ashes". What a hot take, considering it was the largest operation of guided munitions in history. Next you'll trot out the disproven 500,000 civilians killed figure. The country is in shambles now because they never achieved a unified government in the decade since the death of Gaddafi. The only thing NATO truly reduced to ashes was the Gaddafi compound.

    So the UAE put guys on the ground but you're claiming that is a NATO issue? Weird. Also no, that didn't go against the resolution. It specifically states occupation forces, which special forces are not.

    The 1970 resolution also contains no mention of what you claim in regards to intervention. I would suggest you reread both so you can familiarize yourself with the facts you are attempting to distort.

    So was it a NATO war or a civil war? You can't say the rebels wouldn't have won without NATO assistance and also insinuate NATO started it. Perhaps you should worry less about my "western propaganda" and hop off whatever BRICS-sponsored train you're riding. I'm begging you.

  • Help me death
  • Lol. "Xanax addicted clout goblin" is a fantastic image.

  • “We Will Not Stand Idly By:” Mali Warns Against Repeat of NATO’s Libyan War in Niger
  • No, the war in Libya was a militia operation to overthrow the government. The only thing NATO did was enforce the UN resolution to close their naval and airspace, and run sorties against Gaddafi.

    You know Qatar and Tunisia also played roles in the civil war? Last I checked, they were not NATO members. The Arab League and African Union also played parts in the conflict, with the former supporting NATO involvement to enforce the UN resolution.

    Implying NATO started things or led the charge is ahistorical.

  • Help me death
  • I will never understand how mumble rap became popular AFTER the reign of multiple rap gods.

  • “We Will Not Stand Idly By:” Mali Warns Against Repeat of NATO’s Libyan War in Niger
  • Weird that you went for skin color instead of just calling them Africans.

    I'd argue no, they don't. There is a reason they come to Western militaries for training, which includes intelligence gathering.

  • “We Will Not Stand Idly By:” Mali Warns Against Repeat of NATO’s Libyan War in Niger
  • Picking up the phone when militias, who are overruning a terrorist led government, want air power to put the nail in his coffin... hardly a NATO led war.

    Cherry picking moments from the Arab Spring really shows the biased perspective at play. A dozen countries experienced turmoil. The US lost people at the Benghazi Embassy in 2012. Where were the battalions of soldiers to defend them in the NATO war? Oh right, there were none, because it wasn't a NATO war.

  • Trump confuses Obama and Biden in speech, warns Biden will lead U.S. into 'World War II'
  • Yeah, I'm glad they got his creepy grandpa vibes in check. That was not a good look following ol' "grab 'em by the pussy".

  • Russian Black Sea commander shown on video call after Ukraine said it killed him
  • Give it a couple weeks and lets see if that video call changes each meeting.

  • JPMorgan pays $75 million to settle lawsuit over Jeffrey Epstein ties
  • They'll have to dig through the ol' pittance drawer for that kind of cash.

  • Trump confuses Obama and Biden in speech, warns Biden will lead U.S. into 'World War II'
  • I mentioned unscripted, aka real moments that actually show how sharp their minds are. He's still in the game, sure. After 40 years, I'd expect him to keep himself on the path, but noticing danger and pitfalls is another story.

    Last election he argued with and made enemies among auto workers. This election, he's buddying up. He's done good and he's done bad, some promises unkept or even unmentioned since.

    He's better than Trump, sure, but that's a low bar to set. Especially for someone who won't live to see the potential consequences of their actions.

  • Trump confuses Obama and Biden in speech, warns Biden will lead U.S. into 'World War II'
  • Which are fine hits towards Trump, but does nothing to alleviate the issue of senile seniors in government. Speaking coherently > Reading/Speaking at a basic level.

  • Poland's education minister says he's 'taken steps' to extradite Yaroslav Hunka
  • Send him to Israel. Speedy trial guaranteed.

  • Unrepentant Ben Gvir spars with Bella Hadid over Jewish vs. Arab rights claim Unrepentant Ben Gvir spars with Bella Hadid over Jewish vs. Arab rights claim

    Minister invites 'Israel hater' supermodel to West Bank settlement home to see how 'Jews are being murdered;' Israeli officials: far-right minister causing huge diplomatic damage

    Unrepentant Ben Gvir spars with Bella Hadid over Jewish vs. Arab rights claim
    Fazoo Fazoo
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