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Telstra, Optus to delay 3G network closure amid public safety concerns
  • @Taleya Yeah, that’s what I’ve learned. Shitty infrastructure and no intention to improve it.

  • Telstra, Optus to delay 3G network closure amid public safety concerns
  • @Taleya yeah it should. I have no idea why it stopped.

  • Telstra, Optus to delay 3G network closure amid public safety concerns
  • @Taleya
    The Apple Store told me the telcos would be unlikely to upgrade 4g and would probably redeploy the 3G resources to 5G.

    My phone does support VoLTE but the Optus infrastructure is crap. It used to drop to 3G calls but no longer. Now it just drops out completely.

    I guess it doesn’t matter now because the telcos have realised half of rural Australia would be left with no service and that would be very bad.

  • Telstra, Optus to delay 3G network closure amid public safety concerns
  • @Taleya do you mean like for people in the country where all the calls drop to 3G, and in the city dead zones?

  • Telstra, Optus to delay 3G network closure amid public safety concerns
  • @vividspecter @Baku

    It was suggested to me that they have no intention of deploying old 3G resources to 4G. They will go straight to 5G which is why our 4G phones will no longer work.

    They have been sending endless messages that I have to buy a new phone but refuse to say why.

  • Telstra, Optus to delay 3G network closure amid public safety concerns
  • @hitmyspot @Baku

    I have a 4G phone. #Optus has been telling me for months it will no longer work when they switch 3G off.

    They won’t tell me why though.

  • FerdiMagellan Ferdi Magellan

    Land, air, water. #NoNazis. Worried about how we leave the planet for the youngins. Want Australia to embrace the incredible history and culture of the first Australians. They have been silenced too long.

    Interested in politics, journalism, birds, art, flowers, animals.

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