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Hey @ 13:30 in this video this really scared me.. can you guys tell me what's going on?
  • Clint Howard gets like that when there's a full moon, even if it's still daytime

  • Fellow completionists: What are some games that are very fun *especially* as completionist games, where the extra goals you dont *have* to complete add to the experiance if you do? (also read body)
  • This is kind of where I landed on Odyssey. It has the bones of a decent Witcher 3 clone, but dear god it is tedious as fuck if you try to 100% the Steam/UPlay achievements. It's almost the No Man's Sky problem due to the sheer scope, even though it's not an infinite/procedurally generated world. Still, the initial exploration is pretty chill, especially if you get one of the women's choir ship's crews. Sometimes all you really need out of life is a gaggle of sirens or Ares cultists singing a song to remind you not to piss off Poseidon.

  • Obungler really banking on nostalgia to blind people from believing their lying eyes.
  • Democratic Party staffers standing by with crowbars waiting to pry the lid off of Mumm-Ra's sarcophagus if Biden croaks during the debate

  • G@mer moment.
  • Born too late to send death threats over RC Pro AM, born too soon to send death threats over Assassin's Creed: Boston Marathon

  • It has never been more joever
  • Rosa Luxemburg would have disavowed her for making Tabby a wrestling heel character, and Natalie not only knows this, but has to sleep at night with this knowledge lurking in her subconscious. rosa-shiningsolidarityknifecat

  • It has never been more joever
  • At least PhilosophyTube had the wherewithal to become a man-hating lesbian witch in a Star War. And basically the same thing in Baldur's Gate 3. And basically the same thing again in Gambo Thrones. If it spares us from cringe musings about how China and North Korea Bad interspersed with otherwise tolerable long-form video essay content, then fuck it, good enough

  • It has never been more joever
  • CIA got her with the pill addiction gun, and then with the DNC shill gun, and then with the "guest spot on Hillary Clinton's podcast" gun

  • It has never been more joever
  • Don't you get it? If Trump wins, it will be the literal apocalypse by March of 2025! But if Biden is reelected, the great US and A will continue to prosper for much longer, until at least mid-April!

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • Depends on the source of the shit and if the shitter is capable of consenting to having their shit eaten.

  • My lib friend, unprompted, posted this bullshit
  • defenders of human rights

    You're missing a component here: us-foreign-policy

  • OH MY GAWD! The liberals are actually going to purge Biden!
  • Kamala initiating a purge of her detractors in a baffling Pinochet-esque fashion in which she throws them out of coconut trees

  • Love having a president with the leadership style of Skeletor or Megatron
  • Kamala as Starscream or Beast-Man kind of checks out

  • Thoughts on selling trump/biden merch to cash in on the democracy grift?
  • Can't even get an ice cold hot dog in Congress anymore because of woke

  • Rage Against the Machine - No Shelter


    Korn - Blind (Official HD Video) [Nu Metal]

    This one goes out to everyone who stared at the eclipse

    Nirvana - Aneurysm (Live At The Paramount, Seattle / 1991)

    I was told that we were Nirvana-posting !sicko-jammin

    Feral Hogs Reenact the Shootout at the OK Corral After an Acorn Falls on Police Car


    > But he and a sergeant who shot at unarmed suspect Marquis Jackson were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, according to Sheriff Eric Aden. > > Jackson, who sat handcuffed in the back of the patrol car as deputies opened fire, was not injured. Hernandez resigned while being investigated.

    !the-pigs!xi-gun-2 🌰

    HRT be like

    The Hank Hill ass is dying, and the new ass struggles to be born: now is the time of ass monsters.

