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Scholz proposes equally high tariffs for EVs from China and the EU -
  • As we replace ICE cars with EVs people will think "problem solved" and refuse to fund transit, bike lanes, denser housing. I see the point you are making but I'm worried society's capitalist attitude will use EVs as an excuse to kick the can of centric planning down the road.

    We need to both. We need to bring all urban areas up to walkable standards and make them serviceable by transit. We need to provide EVs for rural people and those who refuse any other mode of transit for whatever reasons.

    Just building the same way but with EVs instead of ICEs is still a massive impact on the environment. It wastes vasts amount of valuable urban lands while also being one of the least energy effecient modes of travel.

  • Ford government didn’t need to close science centre, firm that designed it says
  • This is what bothers me the most about the closure. It impacts many kids. Nearly every kid within 2-3 hrs of the center gets a chance to go on a field trip there. Now that will be taken away and their voices won't be heard, many won't even know what they are missing.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • A big problem IMO is the generational responsibility of the waste as well. There needs to be decades of planning, monitoring and maintaince to ensure waste sites are safe and secure, this can be done but modern political climates can make it difficult.

  • The Biden administration’s new automatic braking rule is “impractical,” auto industry says
  • General rule of thumb I use is try to maintain a following distance that provides enough time to stop if the car in front of me magically stopped dead in its tracks. A car could lose a tire, brake suddenly, roll on its side or many other incidents regardless of emergency automated braking.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • Work vans are the superior work vehicle for the majority of use cases. Lower bed/floor height to make loading easier. Covered rear so your tools/product doesnt get wet or dirty. Able to carry a ton of equipment, taller models you can even stand in and use a workbench in the van. The side of the van is large and flat making it easier to print large letters and numbers to advertise the company. Most modern work vans have better visibility than similarly sized trucks.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • What agenda is being pushed by a camera angle that makes the truck look 10% bigger? Its still a massive truck and I think it was mostly photographed this way to show the grills and hoods of both vehicles, not to embelish the size.

  • You can fit two cars there
  • I watched a guy load bags of soil from the hardware store into the back seats of the crew cab while he had an empty bed. The bed would have been easier to load and could easily be hosed down if a bag leaked. I guess he forgot it was also a truck and not just a luxury commuter car.

  • How some federal employees are pretending to work using 'mouse jigglers'
  • As a tradesman, my boss would fire me in a heartbeat if i took those 3 hours. Instead the customer still gets charged the 6 hours qouted price and I'm expected to go do more work or put in some time around the shop with the extra time.

    By your example are you expecting your employer to still only pay you 6 hours of work even if the job ended up taking 8?

  • How the automobile industry turned us into SUV drivers
  • I've done contracting, dump runs and fit an ice sled with a 2 man pop up hut and gear for overnight on the ice in a nissan micra. The low height actually makes it easier compared to a pick up or most SUVs.

  • Ford government closing Ontario Science Centre today after report found roof in danger of collapsing
  • I absolutely do not want my tax dollars going to promote alcohol competition. That is absolutely ridiculous. Wasn't the whole point to make alcohol easier to access?

    The bottle of pop at the gas station is easier to access, all the snacks and drinks there are twice the price as the grocer. Why do we need a different attitude towards alcohol?

  • With Trudeau on the ropes, Liberals contemplate the next election with hope and anxiety
  • I have a friend who is unemployed, collects disability pay, lives with his mom and they both need extensive access to healthcare, medication and mental health services. This guy thinks the conservatives are going to help him and refuses to acknowledge the history of conservatives stripping away social services.

  • How heterosexual couples met in the US
  • I don't have the energy to swipe new partners every week, I'm not a fan of hook up culture, anyone I've met on the apps keep using the apps while I see them. I'm not super big into social media and frequently don't have service at work, I've had people on the apps complain 20+ minutes is unacceptable as a response time. I don't take many pics of myself to make a good profile. Overall the experience is discouraging and stressful.

  • How heterosexual couples met in the US
  • Many of our cities in north america don't have good access to third places anymore, due to both availability and cost.

    I refuse to use online dating/friendship services so I struggle to meet friends and partners in the new citiy I moved to. Everyone at the local bar scenes is 15-30 years older than me, my outdoor local areas are homeless emcampments or riddled with needles and litter. I've met some people at my local climbing gym, but I find it difficult to get there between the cost of climbing and my physical labour job.

    It almost feels like if you don't make the plans online you don't get to meet/hang out with people anymore and I'm not a huge fan of that.

  • inconsistency with comments

    I've been having some minor issues with comments. Once a comment thread gets longer than 3 or 4 comments, accesing those deeper comment chains becomes very inconsistent/impossible. The "view more" button to see the rest of the comments will sometimes just disappear or do nothing when pressed. When accessing deep threads from my inbox or profile it will start at the top of the comment thread and fail to load/access the deeper comments, including the comment I used to navigate to that thread. Has anyone else had similar issues or found solutions?

    Sort by "hot" is inconsistent and often shows really old posts.

    The past couple updates whenever I'm browing "all" with sort set to "hot" the first few pages of scrolling is accurate but then it turns to posts that are 6months-2years old. This is only after 1-2 minutes of scrolling. Has anyone else had this issue?

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