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VirtualBox 7.0.16 Released with Initial Support for Linux 6.8 and 6.9 Kernels
  • AFAIK it's being worked on but time is a major issue for the person handling the MR.

    I'd love to donate specifically to get Virtio/VirGL on a Windows guest. Given that VirtualBox and VMware could be on very shaky ground thanks to their owners, I think libvirt will be the long-term solution.

  • VirtualBox 7.0.16 Released with Initial Support for Linux 6.8 and 6.9 Kernels
  • Not applicable to AMD, and device passthrough can be clunky and not worth it if the user isn't doing anything that GPU-intensive.

  • What do you use Waydroid for?
  • Yeah I got a headphone dongle for my phone. Cider 2 is still nice though, 256kbps AAC (whether CBR or VBR) is fine for most people, and it seems to stay in that bitrate.

  • LXQt 2.0 Gears Up for Wayland: What’s Ready and Next?
  • I'd think so, otherwise it would've been dropped by a lot of the major distros by now. They don't have a specific community like the XFCE forums, though they do have a dedicated wiki.

  • What do you use Waydroid for?
  • I was able to get lossless back then. It's a matter of enabling fake_wifi for the app in Waydroid. You have to play a track for it to activate, but that's also a bug I've experienced on my actual phone.

  • Stay on Fedora or Switch to Void?
  • I'd say try Void in a virtual machine if you have that itch. It should run fine on libvirt setups or VMware.

  • What do you use Waydroid for?
  • I would say use a cross-platform password manager that supports it in that case. Bitwarden, 1Password and Enpass all have Linux versions and support TOTP, and in the case of Enpass, it has local wifi sync so none of it goes to them. I get that moving 2FA codes to that can be time-consuming, though.

  • What do you use Waydroid for?
  • Used to use it for Apple Music but Cider 2 does what I want now, especially since Apple started locking down AM on rooted devices (of which Waydroid basically is) for no good reason.

  • Trying to ditch windows
  • Has Virtiofs matured lately into something that can be used day-to-day? I ask because I think the virtio stuff will be better for Windows virtualisation in the long-term, especially when VMware's future is not certain, but I heard folder-sharing on Windows guests was pretty bad from Lemmy recently, and a few years ago I tried it and yeah, I have to agree.

  • Apple to Allow Used Parts for Repairs, Starting With iPhone 15 Lineup
  • Some companies are alright with this but yeah there's always a catch with Apple.

  • LXQt 2.0 Gears Up for Wayland: What’s Ready and Next?
  • I think they're working on something as well. But just in case, MATE are experimenting with Wayland using Wayfire as the compositor, which is funny given that Compiz was very popular with GNOME 2/MATE back in the day and Wayfire is very much inspired by that.

  • Anyone else have their eclipse viewing ruined by clouds?
  • From the UK, the dark sky lasted longer than I thought.

  • Microsoft won't update your Windows 11 PC if it has these apps
  • For what it's worth, other Start menu replacements like Start11 and Open Shell's menu aren't on the list. This might genuinely be a compatibility-related blocker given that iCloud, EaseUS and certain drivers are also on the list.

  • what does everyone think about piped bot and other bots
  • I use a redirector extension for YouTube so PipedBot is useless and annoying for me. I'd rather someone just give me a YouTube URL and let the redirector extension do its work.

    TL;DRbot is okay, I guess.

  • 5 reasons why desktop Linux is finally growing in popularity
  • Getting 404 on that link. 😩

  • 5 reasons why desktop Linux is finally growing in popularity
  • Quod Libet was one I tried. Doesn't quite scratch the itch MusicBee gives me, but still solid nonetheless. Tauon Music Box is a gorgeous looking player that's similar.

  • Linux is officially at 99% for me.
  • I tried LM Studio since AMD advertised it for their GPUs. Once ROCm was installed my GPU was detected and I could use LLMs on that rather than on the CPU. I struggled to get it to work on Windows even when LM Studio was trying to do everything to get it to work.

  • 5 reasons why desktop Linux is finally growing in popularity
  • When I've used it, gapless playback being non-existent due to it basically being a frontend to the web client/MusicKit for web. I listen to a lot of albums in full nowadays, so that can really hurt the experience. It's a shame because everything else about it is great. I am aware that the Cider devs are trying to find ways of handling that without reliance on the web client/API, which might enable gapless but also stuff like lossless if you got AM for that.

    Edit: I should mention that Cider has a new client that's paid but still supports Linux (specifically with AppImage, .deb and .rpm packages), and my experience was with Cider Classic.

  • Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools
  • I think a lot of people have a few killer apps that just don't work on Linux even with WINE. Hell, I've heard that VR is not worth it on Linux. There are edge cases like that, that need to be sorted some way. Hopefully whatever Valve is doing wrt their supposed standalone VR headset helps there.

  • From the mod for the plush community there made plushes of the shoes from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

    cross-posted from:

    Context / Spoilers for Who Framed Roger Rabbit

    ___ In Who Framed Roger Rabbit, the villain douses the sentient shoes in acid that kills cartoon characters. Fair to say that scene probably traumatised a lot of children when it came out. Hell it hit me seeing that scene now and I'm in my mid-20s.

    The mod from the plush community on made the plush to show their child that they're only just acting and I think that's really sweet.

    Thought I'd share it here on Pawb's community.

    Anyone here in the UK ordered the Apollo plush?

    Might as well shoot the question here. Thought I'd ask since I ordered it, and I am a little worried with UK customs. The order form said there was nothing in import tax, so I presume customs will keep it until then?

    (FWIW, I've ordered internationally before but tax has been handled just fine there. This is the first time I've come across this.)

    Edit 2024-02-23: The plush arrived quite a while ago (early Feb) with no issues regarding customs. Honestly a really good quality plush for the price.

    Constant audio stuttering/cutting with Pipewire

    This isn't so much an Arch issue (For what it's worth, this also happened on Nobara) but rather a Pipewire issue but I wonder if anyone's had this issue as well as me...

    Running Arch on linux-zen (to fulfill Waydroid's binder requirement), on a Ryzen 7950X, motherboard has a Realtek ALC4080, connected via USB (yes it's still an internal sound chip).

    Basically, after any prolonged use, I would get a lot of stuttering. It got particularly bad when I was running MusicBrainz Picard while listening to something in VLC, but it will happen often, and constantly.

    I've tried setting my default output to the headphones, no dice. Also tried some workarounds from the Arch Wiki, specifically disabling suspend. Still happens. Adding headroom errored out Wireplumber.

    Anyone had this and if so, have they been able to fix it?

    Edit: I'll probably have to check if it's a kernel thing. I've just done some intensive tasks (i.e. installing Gentoo in a virtual machine) and the cutoffs come back. I remember Arch having something on the Wiki about that.

    AI WackyWorld: Oddities Unleashed! Flaky
    I asked Bing Image Creator to make Sonic drinking at Tim Horton's... I got him spewing instead.

    Prompt was something along the lines of "Sonic the Hedgehog drinking out of a steaming hot Tim Horton's cup".

    Funnily enough the two Canadian people that I know of both said negative things about Timmy's, one of them saying that he has referred to Timmy's as animal vomit, so maybe Bing is on the mark. 🤔 (disclaimer: i actually don't mind tim horton's and even like their sweeter coffees)

    Free/Name Your Price Music - A community for finding music that is free download/name-your-price

    In the MusicBrainz community, there's a thread for posting music that is available legally as a free download, or in the case of Bandcamp, name your price. I've used these sort of releases to help find new and interesting music to get into, and I thought that'd make an interesting community here for that reason.

    I am aware that some communities for free (as in libre) music exist, in this community here there's no strict requirement that it has to be libre, though you can still post them.

    I've posted some of my contributions from the thread to start things off.


    Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Reinterpreted By Mike Shinoda)

    I don't know I found out about this but a while ago I found out Depeche Mode had a remix of ETS by Mike Shinoda, during the days of Meteora it sounds like, judging by the wispy Numb-like synths. Both Depeche Mode and Linkin Park are two acts I really like, and I think this is an amazing remix. Definitely does the original justice.

    Electronic Dance Music (Updated July 2023) Flaky
    Rameses B - Event Horizon (2023)

    All around a great drum'n'bass album.

    Any appreciation for ITSV's Sp//dr?

    I'm not sure if I have to set spoilers for Into The Spider-Verse, but I will just in case. I do so on the servers I'm in, in case there are people there who haven't. I can't do anything about the title though. Ah well. Least I can do is spoiler the body.

    Spoilers for Into The Spider-Verse

    ___ I've watched Into The Spider-Verse last month and it was a great film. One of the best examples of "style is substance" I've seen, was overall a fun film to watch. That said, the movie's version of Sp//dr was my favourite character, design-wise. The spider anatomy, screen-face and the simplistic but expressive emotions on said face all made the character one of my favourite designs, especially for robot characters. It sounds dumb and sappy, but I was pretty sad when it got destroyed near the end of the film (yes, even when Peni was able to rebuild it).

    I wanted to see if there was any more interest, and before the Reddit exodus I checked the Spider-Man subreddit to see if there was similar appreciation, but it seems like most of the subreddit liked the comic designs better. Seems to be because of it being a more conventional mecha design than ITSV's Sp//dr. I don't mind the comic design but I dunno, ITSV's is way more interesting IMO.

    Wondering what people on the fediverse think.

    Trackers: The Sound of 16-Bit - Ahoy (41:11)

    As someone whose part of my love for music started from listening to this sort of music through keygens and later through watching demoscene productions when I was younger, I think this is a great video on tracker music and its history.

    AI WackyWorld: Oddities Unleashed! Flaky
    I asked Bing's DALL-E for five gold stars, for a personal playlist.

    At least the renders are pretty.

    AI WackyWorld: Oddities Unleashed! Flaky
    ChatGPT can't even recite the intro to the Link CD-i game properly without failing.

    ...and I don't know why it gave a Star Wars reference.

    My Thoughts on Bluey - TheOdd1sOut

    Thought I'd share this here, haven't seen it posted. Storytime YouTuber (and Netflix showrunner) TheOdd1sOut was pestered by his own animators to watch Bluey. I won't spoil it for you but it's a fun video and I think the community here will like it.

    Why Are Emulators Legal? Dolphin vs. Nintendo, and the Fate of Emulation (42:41)

    Interesting video from a lawyer, explaining the whole drama between Nintendo, Dolphin and Valve. It explains a lot of the current legal precedent really well, as well as how Nintendo and their lawyers crafted the cease and desist letter to Valve.

    Flaky Flaky

    26 / chaotic neutral / autist / fedi:

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