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Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it

A group of authors filed a lawsuit against Meta, alleging the unlawful use of copyrighted material in developing its Llama 1 and Llama 2 large language models....

Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it
Phone Link is Microsoft's late and closed source alternative to KDE Connect. It requires you sign in to a Microsoft Account for it to work.
  • The only unique (I think?) thing about phone link is that it enables you to use your Android phone camera as a webcam, which can be handy if you don't have a quality webcam. I think its only in the beta version though.

  • DuckDuckGo now shows which one is the official site
  • is generally fine to use, just be sure to check the notes on the Megathread and use your common sense.


    • When signing up on the 1337x platform, it's crucial to bear in mind that it's accessible to all users.
    • The act of downloading movies and TV shows is often regarded as safe. This is primarily because these files do not come in .exe format, thus reducing the likelihood of virus infection.


    • It's highly advisable to be careful when downloading games and software from the site unless you have total confidence in the uploader's trustworthiness. Avoid uploaders like IGGGames due to their notorious track record of distributing malware.
    • Opt for reputable uploaders like DODI Repacks, FitGirl Repacks, and KaOsKrew to ensure reliable content and mitigate any potential risks associated with unverified sources.
  • Where should I post a piracy guide?
  • That's great, thanks for making this, and for going to the trouble of making an account here just to update the wiki. Awesome stuff :)

  • Where should I post a piracy guide?
  • Plus, add it to the wiki or I can do it for you 👍

  • US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk'
  • From the article:

    Mr. Wardle’s curiosity was piqued by recent news that Russian spies had used Kaspersky antivirus products to siphon classified documents off the home computer of an N.S.A. developer, and may have played a critical role in broader Russian intelligence gathering.

    From the "recent news" article mentioned above:

    Government officials, who would speak of the classified details of the case only on condition of anonymity, said that Mr. Pho took the classified documents home to help him rewrite his resume. But he had installed on his home computer antivirus software made by Kaspersky Lab, a top Russian software company, and Russian hackers are believed to have exploited the software to steal the documents, the officials said.

    Honestly, I agree, it's a serious accusation against Kaspersky with very scant details and allegations made by off-the-record "officials". Having said that, just because they didn't present any compelling evidence doesn't mean it didn't happen. In the words of Carl Sagan, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." I'm not sure where that leaves us though lol. Honestly, I don't trust Kaspersky with my data any less that with any of the other big antivirus companies. I guess it makes sense they would want antivirus software with CIA/NSA backdoors over alternatives though :p

  • Removed
    Has Elon Musk made any sexist remarks?
  • This dude is getting legitimately downvoted for JAQing off. Also, his home instance is explicitly anti-corporate and anarchist, so defending right wing billionaires is against our rules. You are correct that Lemmy is generally left of centre, depending on the instance, so JAQing in defense of billionaire assholes is never gonna go down well.

  • It's the talk of the town
  • I guess the thought was it'd be much harder for low paid workers to live for 4 weeks on savings, before their first paycheck came in. But yeah, I get your point.

  • It's the talk of the town
  • It also varies by profession and/or position in some countries. Managers and "professionals" on higher salaries will often be paid monthly, whereas "ordinary" employees would usually get paid weekly or bi-weekly. Personally, I think it's a tacit acknowledgement that it's much harder to budget for a whole month on lower rates of pay.

  • MLMYM can't login?
  • Ok great, glad you managed to figure it out.

  • MLMYM can't login?
  • Are you using 2FA on your account?

  • MLMYM can't login?
  • Dang, I'm shit out of ideas. I think we've thoroughly ruled out a browser or extension issue. I've verified you now. Let's see if that helps.

  • MLMYM can't login?
  • Hmm interesting. The NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND error

    I can think of a few more things to try:

    1. Can you try clearing cookies and site data and then try login again?

    1. Try creating a new profile in Firefox. If there is some profile corruption this may fix the issue.
    2. Go to page about:support and then you should see the option to refresh firefox or enter troubleshooting mode.
    3. Try a different browser such as Edge or Chrome, just to see if problem persists.
    4. Try creating a new account on and then login with that account. If that works that would tell us if it's something to do with your lemmy profile settings.
    5. Try installing a fresh copy of Firefox via a different method (e.g. snap package or flatpack, or deb). The file not found error suggests it could possibly be linked to a file permissions or storage issue, so this may help.

    Obviously, you will lose your current Firefox settings with some of these actions, so caution is advised.

    Sorry I can't be more specific, it's hard to know specifically what's causing the issue since I can't replicate.

  • MLMYM can't login?
  • Hmm, ok, I'm on Ubuntu Firefox and was just able to log out and then back in no problem. Just trying to narrow down the issue in case it was a browser thing. I'd suggest next to try logging in using a private browser window so all your extensions are disabled and see if it works then.

  • MLMYM can't login?
  • Can you give us detailed steps to replicate? I was able to login just fine on Firefox.

  • MLMYM can't login?
  • Did you get it sorted out? Was probably due to server upgrade bugs.

  • ACAB.
  • The mod log reason for removing this comment thread is "Toxic and pointless off-topic comment thread about grammar in a meme." That's not mod abuse, it's just moderation. Mod abuse would be telling you to fuck off.

  • praxis

    cross-posted from:

  • I completely agree with you on ACAB in capitalist countries, for the same reasons you mentioned, but cops in "actually existing socialist" countries like Russian and China are no better. They still use authoritarian violence to oppress anyone who steps out of line with the will of the State. There are many, many historic and more contemporary examples of socialist countries using the [secret] police and/or troops to quell dissent from unions, anarchists, and other leftist groups, because anyone who protests the actions of the State, no matter how legitimately, is considered to be an enemy of the State, whether that State is capitalist or not.

  • Xi Jinping claimed the US wants China to attack Taiwan, FT reports
  • Those imperialist western dogs! Imagine providing a deterence and actual consequences for Xi's planned invasionreunification of Taiwan. What were they thinking? That countries have the right to choose their own form of government and who their allies are? If they are allied with Western liberal democracies, then it stands to reason they are Nazis, anyway. Xi should really send in the tanks asap to kill anyone doesn't agree with uskill all the Nazis and re-educateliberate the people!


  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats - Stack Diary

    In the wake of the recent European Parliament elections, the German Pirate Party has lost its representation in the legislative body. This outcome was confirmed by Patrick Breyer, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a prominent figure within the Pirate Party. Breyer, known for his staunch ...

    Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats - Stack Diary

    cross-posted from:

    > Patrick Breyer, a staunch defender of digital rights, laments the Pirate Party’s exit from the EU Parliament as a blow to online privacy.

    Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important

    A year ago, Walled Culture wrote about an extremely important case that was being considered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the EU’s top court. The central question was wheth…

    Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important

    >This is a good example of how copyright’s continuing obsession with ownership and control of digital material is warping the entire legal system in the EU. What was supposed to be simply a fair way of rewarding creators has resulted in a monstrous system of routine government surveillance carried out on hundreds of millions of innocent people just in case they copy a digital file.

    A New Documentary Traces How Piracy Overhauled the Music Industry A New Documentary Traces How Piracy Overhauled the Music Industry

    ‘How Music Got Free’ features interviews with Eminem, 50 Cent, Timbaland and more.

    A New Documentary Traces How Piracy Overhauled the Music Industry

    May be of interest to fellow pirates... youtube trailer | invidious trailer

    Ah, the good old days of Kazaa, Bear Share, LimeWire, and Morpheus. What do you guys think - did piracy permanently devalue the music industry as claimed? Or were the record companies just massively overcharging for music in the first place? Given that record companies have been stiffing artists since forever, what is the best way to support your favorite musicians today?

    > In the streaming age, the concept of music piracy seems eons behind us. Back in the early 2000s, however, pirates shook up the industry by stealing and illegally distributing MP3s, which listeners would otherwise have to pay for.

    > How Music Got Free takes viewers back to the ‘90s and early aughts, when the FBI launched a sprawling investigation into music piracy to identify – and convict – those stealing music. Even once the thieves were discovered, mass music piracy was blamed for permanently devaluing music.

    > Directed by Alexandria Stapleton, the two-part documentary premiered at SXSW earlier this year.

    Updates to the dbzer0 signup page

    This update is more applicable to new users, however existing users might also want to check out the updated signup page. Note that existing users will have to sign out or use incognito mode to view the page. A copy of the updated text is included below for easy reference.

    Our application process is mostly the same as before, and has so far proven very successful in screening out bots and other problematic users.

    The main change is the addition of our Golden Rules to the signup page. These rules were already in place for our instance (in the sidebar), however we wanted to ensure that they are foregrounded for new users, since the sidebar is not visible on the signup page. That's the main rationale for the update.

    We have also added a line asking people to ensure they verify their email, because it's fairly common for people to skip that, and then we don't receive their application.

    If anyone wants to suggest any further edits or improvements, please comment below and we will take your feedback into consideration.


    Thank you for your interest in joining our community. Note that this is primarily an anarchist server, but you don't have to identify as an anarchist to join. Please take the time to read the Golden rules before applying, to make sure our Lemmy instance is a good fit for you.

    Golden rules

    1. Don’t be shitty to each other. For clarity, calls to violence and/or telling people to kill themselves is strictly prohibited.
    2. Follow the Anarchist Code of Conduct. This code forms the basis of all our moderation decisions.
    3. No posts promoting cryptocurrency, blockchain or NFTs.
    4. No advertising or self-promotion without prior approval from the community moderator or site admin.
    5. No extreme-right-wing bullshit. This includes conspiracy theories, SovCit, Copoganda, AnCaps etc. We’ll know it when we see it, don’t test us!
    6. No anti-science or pseudoscientific bullshit.
    7. No Tankie bullshit.
    8. No TERFs.
    9. This instance is proud to be an ally of LGBTQ+ people and communities. If you're not cool with that, then please don't apply.
    10. When going to other communities, respect their rules AND our rules when they are more restrictive. Do not give cause for others to de-federate our instance please.

    Application instructions

    For your application to be approved, you'll need to include all three items listed below:

    • Please include the following words "I agree to follow the 10 golden rules" in your application.
    • Tell us the name of your favorite anarchist, pirate, or open source advocate.
    • Mention one public event or news story that happened in the last month.

    Incomplete applications will be rejected. Profanity is encouraged. Thanks for understanding.

    Note: Please be sure to verify your email when applying, or the application will not be processed.

    Appeals process

    If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision in matrix: and we will be happy to reconsider your application.

    IPTV Piracy Group Members Arrested For Signal Theft, Fraud, Money Laundering * TorrentFreak

    >Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me! I raise a toast to honor my many shipmates lost at sea. Salute, mes amis. Drink up me hearties, yo ho!

    \- Captain Jack Sparrow


    Reddit beats film industry again, won’t have to reveal pirates’ IP addresses Reddit beats film industry again, won’t have to reveal pirates’ IP addresses

    Firms wanted seven years' worth of IP address logs on users who discussed piracy.

    Reddit beats film industry again, won’t have to reveal pirates’ IP addresses

    While we can be pretty confident that Reddit has its own motivations (i.e. self-interest) for fighting these lawsuits, this is still a good news story for pirates.

    Hollywood to UK Govt: Investigating Pirates "Increasingly Difficult" * TorrentFreak

    Summary: A recent UK government inquiry into the challenges faced by the film and high-end television industry has recently received submissions from major Hollywood studios advocating for KYC (know your customer) rules for hosting providers, similar to banking regulations to identify money laundering. If adopted, this would help them to identify people hosting pirated content.

    > The submissions are united in identifying the same solution to this problem: the UK must implement a ‘Know Your Business Customer’ regime to compel commercial entities (including online intermediaries) to establish the true identity of their business customers as a precondition for selling, and receiving payment for, digital services.

    Launch of new “ce” (community edition) c/Piracy Wiki and Megathread

    Yarrr, fellow pirates! We are excited to announce that the c/Piracy Wiki and Megathread have recently been ported over to the new "Wiki by Zero" hosted at

    New links

    What makes this a "community edition"?

    All users of our lemmy instance at will have direct access to make edits to the wiki content, once registered. We hope that this change will help to ensure the wiki stays up-to-date and relevant.

    Of course, this change also means the wiki is more open to abuse and misinformation. Any users caught abusing the wiki in this way can expect to be banned from both our lemmy server and the wiki. And don't worry, we can always roll back unwanted changes when they inevitably occur. All community members are encouraged to report any undesirable edits to our lemmy instance admins or to the c/piracy mods.

    Registering for the wiki

    1. Visit and register for an account if you wish to be able to make edits. This is completely optional, as anyone can read the wiki without registering. To get permissions to edit articles, your wiki username must match the username you have in
    2. After you have registered your username on the wiki, simply edit your profile in Lemmy and add the following string in your bio (where wiki_username, is the username you registered on this wiki): wiki-user: wiki_username

    Once this is in place, your account will now have access to create new wiki pages and edit existing pages. Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge with the community!

    Rules for contributors / editors

    • ✅ In general, follow the c/Piracy Rules.
    • ✅ Try to follow the existing markdown structure(s) so the content remains visually cohesive and logically organized. If you need guidance with that, just ask one of the mods/admins. Nobody will be penalized over inadvertent typos or markup problems - only for malicious edits (which will likely get you banned).
    • ✅ Please make sure you leave a brief description of what changes you have made on the wiki. There is a field for that in the edit tab.
    • ✅ If you want to make an edit that may reasonably be expected to generate controversy, like removing a popular site from the Megathread, please make a post in ! first to gauge community response for the change. That way, anyone who is interested can have their input. Same thing applies if you want to make extensive changes to a wiki article.
    • ✅ If you aren't comfortable making edits to the wiki yourself, then please reach out to a mod/admin on our lemmy instance.

    If people think it's a good idea, we can have a monthly post to solicit Wiki edits so they are all captured in one place. I'll check the comments on this post to collate any requested edits for this month.

    Final thoughts

    I fully expect that some people will appreciate a more community driven approach, and some people will prefer things to be done differently. That's totally fine with me - there are many privacy guides available online, including the excellent one by FMHY, and the r/piracy rentry version is still available if you prefer that one. Each to their own, right?

    If you have any useful suggestions or comments to improve the Wiki, kindly leave them below.


    YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users

    I'm sure many of you are already aware that YouTube has been rolling out anti-adblock detection for Chrome users for a few weeks now.

    Today, as a long time Firefox user with the fantastic uBlock Origin extension installed, I got my first anti-adblock popup on the platform. Note that this may not happen to you personally for a while, but it is inevitably coming for everyone.

    Thankfully, the fine folks at uBlock Origin have already advised a simple workaround (on Reddit, yuck!) which I will duplicate in a simplified form below for your convenience. I have tested it on Firefox and it is working fine for me (so far).

    >PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS POST. > >1. Update uBO to the latest version (1.52.0+) . <== The extension itself, for technical improvements. You do this in your browser. > >2. Remove your custom config / reset to defaults. <== This means removing your custom filters (or disabling My filters) and disabling ALL additional lists you've enabled. It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead. > >3. Force an update of your Filter Lists. <== This is within the extension. Lists are what determine what's blocked or not. How to update Filter lists: Click 🛡️ uBO's icon > the ⚙ Dashboard button > the Filter lists pane > the 🕘 Purge all caches button > the 🔃 Update now button. > >4. Disable all other extensions AND your browser's built-in blockers. <== No need to uninstall, just disable them. They might interfere with our solutions. > >Make sure you follow all 4 points above. If you're seeing the message, it's likely due to your custom config (either additional lists or separate filters in My filters). > >Restarting your browser afterwards may help too. > >Once you've gotten rid of the issue on default settings, you can slowly start restoring your config (if you really need it). Do it gradually, to easier find out what was causing the issue in the first place. Once you find the culprit, simply skip it in your config. > >If you want to use Enhancer for YouTube*, you have to* disable its adblocking*.*

    May the force uBlock Origin be with you!


    Just wanted to mention a few things that have been pointed out in the comments:

    • There are quite a few projects that provide an alternative ad-free front end to YouTube. These include Invidious, FreeTube, LibreTube, Newpipe, Revanced, and I'm sure there are several more options I've missed. I don't have any particular preference really but I routinely use NewPipe on my cellphone just because I tried it once and couldn't be bothered trying all the others.
    • In step 4 listed above, to clarify, afaik you only need to remove adblocker extensions (if you have more than one installed) that might conflict with the uBlock Origin rules and trigger the anti-adblock, not all extensions.
    • If you hate non-stop ads but want to support your favorite content creators then be sure to give them some love on Patreon or whatever alternative options they provide. Creators typically make only a tiny, tiny fraction of what YouTube makes in ad revenue, assuming YouTube doesn't just outright steal the lot, and it's a shitty business model that's ruining the internet. Even if you watch the ads, you're only supporting YouTube most of the time, not the creators.
    Unremoval of Piracy Communities @

    cross-posted from:

    > Hello World! > > As we've all known and talked about quite a lot, we previously blocked several piracy-focused communities. These communities, as announced, were: > > - !, > - !, > - !, and their local counterparts as follow up actions. > > In our removal announcement, we stated that we will continue to look into this more in detail, and re-allow these communities if and when we deem it safe. It was a solid concern at the time, because we were already receiving takedown requests as well as constant attacks, and didn't want to put our volunteer team at risk. We had zero measures in place, and the tools we had were insufficient to deal with anything at scale. > > Well, after back and forth with some very cool people, and starting to have proper measures as well as tooling to protect ourselves, we decided it's time to welcome these communities back again. Long live the IT nerds! > > We know it's been a rough ride with everything, and we'd like to thank every one of you who were understanding of us, and stayed with us all the way. Please know that as users, you are what makes this platform what it is, and damned we be if we ever forget it. > > With love, and as always, stay safe in the high seas! > > Team > > ❤️

    FMHY (FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH) switching to db0 - Divisions by zero

    Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Crewmates, please join me in a hearty welcome to all FMHY users recently joining our instance.

    TLDR: due to a number of ongoing issues with their instance, FMHY has recently announced they are moving their lemmy community to dbzer0 - !

    DAZN's Early Piracy Targets May Include U.S. Govt. Domain Seizure Survivors * TorrentFreak DAZN's Early Piracy Targets May Include U.S. Govt. Domain Seizure Survivors * TorrentFreak

    Recent site-blocking measures requested by DAZN may include survivors of a U.S. government domain seizure campaign carried out last year.

    As reported in TorrentFreak, Italian regulator AGCOM has "successfully" blocked 45 pirate IPTV providers in Italy at the behest of commercial sports streaming company DAZN Italia. DAZN claims piracy steals €800,000 from live sports every single day (they are obviously batshit crazy).

    But the article also provides a handy list of pirate streaming sites, which you can find below:

    • freestreams-
    • SoccerStreams (now taken down)

    People caught using illegal IPTV services in Italy reportedly risk a fine of up to €5000, so always be sure to use basic precautions when sailing the high seas, such as using a decent VPN.

    Flatworm7591 Unruffled

    wiki-user: unruffled

    >Authoritarians, having argued so doggedly for the domination of a paternalistic state and having therefore turned themselves into ideological infants, then develop a hyper-reductive view of geopolitics; precisely the one, in fact, that a state would like for them to have. - DB

    Posts 22
    Comments 240