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Texas woman arrested for allegedly attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in possible hate crime
  • Nothing prevents them from saying that they aren't going to prosecute it as a hate crime

    The thing that prevents them from saying that they aren't going to prosecute it is that they are still considering prosecuting it.

    Deciding on a charging strategy takes a lot more thought than posting a hot take.

    EDIT: And let's not forget that she is most definitely being charged with attempted murder, so no matter what the DA decides she's gonna have a bad time.

  • Texas woman arrested for allegedly attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in possible hate crime
  • Can't imagine what sort of exculpatory evidence there could be

    Not being able to imagine something doesn't mean it can't exist.

    the simplest explanation is that it's a smaller suburb of Dallas-Ft Worth

    Suburbs don't prosecute, the county DA does. This county voted for Biden in 2020, and it prosecuted 42 hate crimes in 2022.

  • Texas woman arrested for allegedly attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian Muslim child in possible hate crime
  • She was charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child. ... The Euless Police Department has recommended that the incident be considered a hate crime and the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office is currently investigating it

    "Alleged" is what the DA has charged.

    "Possible" is what the DA might add to the charges.

    The opinions of the reporter, who is not a lawyer much less a prosecutor, are not helpful.

  • In West Virginia, the Senate Race Outcome May Shift Limits of US Climate Ambitions
  • It's definitely possible to overstate that.

    For example, almost nobody acknowledges that all of the major climate-related provisions in the Build Back Better act made it into the IRA, which Manchin voted for. Which is why climate scientists are generally very happy with the IRA.

  • Coke—and Dozens of Others—Pledged to Quit Russia. They’re Still There.
  • A 21% stake in a company is not control of that company. Especially when Kar-Tess, a private holding company, has an equally large stake.

    And when Coke left Russia, did you expect them to burn down their bottling facilities and kill their employees?

    The same Russian people are working in the same Russian plants, so it's no surprise the new product tastes like the old one.

  • Columbia University professors refute ICC and UN Gaza famine claims
  • They didn't say nobody in Gaza is starving.

    "If there was a famine somewhere in Gaza, it was not instigated by Israel." ... The research underscores that while sufficient food enters Gaza, its distribution within the territory is inconsistent, largely due to sabotage and theft by Hamas.

  • Kamala Harris: Hamas Committed Horrific Acts of Sexual Violence on Oct. 7. We Will Not Be Silent
  • Wrong again.


    Based on the examination of available information, including credible statements by eyewitnesses, there are reasonable grounds to believe that multiple incidents of rape, including gang rape, occurred in and around the Nova festival site during the 7 October attacks


    Credible information based on corroborating witness accounts describes an incident involving the rape of two women.


    There are reasonable grounds to believe that sexual violence occurred in kibbutz Re’im, including rape. This included the rape of a woman outside of a bomb shelter at the entrance of kibbutz Re’im

  • Biden sets out new Israeli proposal to end war in Gaza Israel-Gaza war: Biden sets out new Israeli proposal to end conflict - BBC News

    US president urges Hamas to accept the three-phase plan, saying "it's time for this war to end".

    Israel-Gaza war: Biden sets out new Israeli proposal to end conflict - BBC News

    Ending the Gaza war: Three phase proposal


    • It would begin with a six-week ceasefire, during which the IDF would withdraw from populated areas of Gaza
    • Hamas would release "a number" of hostages - including women, the elderly and the wounded - in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. Some remains of dead Israeli hostages would be returned to their families
    • Palestinian civilians would return to their homes in all areas of Gaza
    • Humanitarian assistance would "surge", with 600 trucks a day entering the strip, and hundreds of thousands of temporary housing units sent by the international community

    During that six week period, negotiations mediated by the US and Qatar would continue. If successful, the next part of the plan would begin.


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