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Framework Sold Out of 3 Batches of Laptop 16 in Less Than 3 Hours.
  • I believe Ryzen 7000 boards are already available for preorder in the 13 inch. Preorders are supposed to ship starting late 2023, so you should be all good by next year.

  • But why?
  • The community claims to be moderated by the r/unixporn mods.

  • SUSE Preserves Choice in Enterprise Linux by Forking RHEL with a $10+ Million Investment
  • It's stuff like this that makes me want to give Tumbleweed a try.

  • SUSE Preserves Choice in Enterprise Linux by Forking RHEL with a $10+ Million Investment SUSE Preserves Choice in Enterprise Linux by Forking RHEL with a $10+ Million Investment | SUSE

    Investment reinforces SUSE’s commitment to innovate and support SUSE Linux Enterprise distributions and related open source projects  SUSE plans to contribute its code to an open source foundation

    SUSE Preserves Choice in Enterprise Linux by Forking RHEL with a $10+ Million Investment | SUSE

    TLDR: SUSE plans on investing $10+ million over the next several years on developing a free binary compatible RHEL fork.

    They expect and encourage community input during the development.

    SUSE will also continue maintaining SUSE Linux Enterprise, naturally.

    90's kids
  • People downvoting this either didn't read it or don't understand that this is mocking the original image.

    My curfew was garden hose

    I mean come on. This is clearly not meant to be taken seriously, and the fact that it is may be a testament to OP's editing skills or those of whoever OP got the post from.

  • Rocky Linux Shares How They May Continue To Obtain The RHEL Source Code

    TLDR: They plan on getting source code from some combination of RHEL UBI containers and spinning up pay-per-use public cloud instances of RHEL. Their lawyers assure them that obtaining the source this way will not require them to agree to the new terms of service or EULA in the customer portal because they will not be using the portal at all.

    Iris White on Black

    Iris Rev 6 with MT3 White on Black and hand lubed Durock T1 switches. Case was 3D printed by TreeDogStudio.
