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what invisible thing could set off my smoke detector?
  • This makes it sound like it's probably just a defective detector. Swap it with one that hasn't been going off and see if that one starts going off too. If it doesn't then odds are something just failed in it.

    You could also just try blowing some air through it to blow out any dust. But it shouldn't be that dusty after only a year so I'm still leaning towards defective.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Be careful with vitamin D though. That is one of the very very few vitamins that you can actually take too much of because it's fat soluble, not water soluble, so excessive vitamin D will build up in your fat cells rather than just getting peed out. It's called vitamin D toxicity (VDT) and it can have some unpleasant neurological effects among other things.

    So it's probably a good idea to get your levels checked anyways just to make sure you're taking the right amount if you need it.

  • Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?
  • Find a boss who doesn't care. So far I've never had a boss that insists that I look busy all the time. As long as I'm getting my work done they don't care what I do. I spend a lot of time at my desk reading books on my phone. If your boss is being an ass about you using your downtime how you want when all of your work is done then that is not someone you want to work for.

  • CW: New York Times report finds israel systematically rapes Palestinians, sometimes to death.
  • Yes, if you run hundreds of amps through metal it gets hot, but that's not electrocution which is what the person you're replying to is talking about. You can't really electrocute someone with less than about 50V because the human body has too much resistance. You can try it yourself; lick 2 fingers and touch both poles of a car battery; you won't feel anything because your skin has too much resistance for 12V to meaningfuly pass through. The only danger a 12V battery poses is if you short it with a piece of metal then that metal will get very hot and often hot enough to melt or explode both itself and/or the battery. But as far as torture goes a car battery is a very round about way to heat up a chunk of metal when you could just use a torch or something.

  • Bribery schmibery. Make them pay for their stupidity
  • Honestly, their comercial ones are getting that way too. Like who the hell needs a touchscreen on an industrial thermal printer; thats just one more thing to easily break in an industrial environment. And god forbid you want a replacement touch screen because a new one is half the cost of a new printer.

  • Shark Fins!!!
  • Why is the car actively shitting in the bottom left corner?

    Edit: Wait, that's dirt on the concrete behind the car, not dirt actively falling out of the back of the car. From the angle of the picture it looked like dirt was raining out of the bottom left corner of the car and had been leaving a trail behind it.

  • Bribery schmibery. Make them pay for their stupidity
  • When I worked IT, our honeywell rep used to swing by at random and bring the entire building doughnuts. And I'm not talking gas station doughnuts, I'm talking doughnuts from the best bakery in the state (which happened to be local). Perhaps, not surprisingly we used a lot of honeywell stuff. It isn't hard to bribe IT guys.

  • Who created MELFs and who hurt them?

    Seriously, what sadist saw a flat PCB surface, flat pick and place machine heads, and said "lets create a round component"?

    Joking aside I am genuinely curious what advantage the MELF design actually offers. I know they're a pain to get a machine to place properly, they have more solder flow issues than components with flat leads, and they seem like they would be harder to manufacture too. So why a round component? Anyone here have any insight on why they even exist?

    How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees?

    So I just discovered that I have been working next to the waste of oxygen that raped my best friend several years ago. I work in a manufacturing environment and I know that you can't fire someone just for being a sex offender unless it directly interferes with work duties (in the US). But despite it being a primarily male workforce he does work with several women who have no idea what he is. He literally followed a woman home, broke into her house, and raped her. Him working here puts every female employee at risk. How is that not an unsafe working environment? How is it at even legal to employ him anywhere where he will have contact with women?

    Home Improvement Fosheze
    Bathroom vent out the side of the house?

    So I'm planning out a bathroom remodel and part of that is replacing the vent fan because currently mine is just venting into my attic (no bueno). I know normally bathrooms are vented out through the roof but my bathroom is on an exterior wall so I was wondering if I could just vent it out the side of the house. I'm going to be ripping open that wall anyways and I would much rather cut a hole in the side of the house than run a vent pipe up through the roof.

    Also I'm in Minnesota if climate is a concern.

    Do both sides of a transformer need to be fused?

    I work on equipment that runs off 3 phase 208V but it uses uses a transformer to drop it down to 120V for most of the controls. On this equipment I noticed that there are two fuses on the lines exclusively feeding the 208V side of the transformer and a fuse directly off of the hot side on the 120V side of the transformer.

    Isn't the fuse on the 120V side of the transformer redundant? From my understanding, if there is a current spike on the 120V side of the transformer then that will cause a current spike on the 208V side of the transformer and immediately blow those fuses anyways. Is this just a certification thing where that redundancy is required? I'm in the US but this equipment does also get shipped to various overseas locations. Also, while it isn't standard, this equipment is capable of passing a TUV inspection if a customer requests it so I'm not sure if the potentially redundant fuse is just a TUV requirement.

    What is and why do all the users from there show up as bots and have no history?

    I've been seeing a lot of users from commenting in various threads (mainly sports) lately. They only caught my attention because they are all flagged as bots and I typically manually block most bots (not all because there are some I like). For every one of them their entire post history consists of 1-2 comments or posts. When I took a look at that instance there is nothing there at all and it also shows no users. The comments look human enough but I guess I wouldn't be surprised to learn that all the comments are LLM generated. Is just someones LLM experiment or is something else going on here?

    Electrolytic Caps and Vacuum/Pressure

    So I'm a refrigeration tech with some electronics manufacturing experience. But I've never combined the 2 skillsets so I've been toying with the idea of building a large vapor chamber to cool a computer via direct immersion in a refrigerant. I know its about as far from practical as you can get but it sounds like fun.

    Ignoring all of the many many other problems with doing this for now the one thing I'm not sure about is how well the electrolytic caps on the various components would survive. I would need to pull a fairly hard (500 micron) vacuum on everything before I charge it with refrigerant. I know most electolytic caps aren't vacuum rated but I'm not sure if that just means you can't have them operating in a vacuum or if they will immediately pop if you just subject them to hard vaccum period. Additionally while I am planning on using a low pressure refrigerant (probably some R-123 substitute but I'm definitely still working on that part) the components would all still be subject to pressures of up to about 20 PSIG at the high end. Beyond that point I would probably have an active cooling system kick in just for safety sake. I'm not sure how well the caps in particular would survive being immersed in a liquid under 20 PSIG pressure.

    Does anyone here have any experience subjecting electrolytic capacitors to hard vacuum or elevated pressure? At what point do they just pop?

    How many calories does a standard whole blood donation burn?

    So I just went and donated blood again and durring the recovery period it occured to me that it takes quite a bit of work for your body to regenerate that lost blood volume and the actual blood cells. Regrowing that many cells seems like it would be fairly energetically intensive. So how many calories does producing all those new blood cells actually consume? Is there even a way to know that?

    TIL: There are Capital Sized Scanning Rigs

    While doing some exploration earlier I got a BPC for a Capital Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II.

    The weirdest thing is that the BPC isn't completely worthless. Contracts for that BPC still go for a couple million isk which means someone must be buying them and producing capital sized scanning rigs. So now the real question is, who the hell is fitting their capital ship for scanning?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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