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  • Its a stand in Ljubjana. I reccomed to visit it. I bought communist jesus :D

  • crops
  • So true (V)

  • Pornhub Pulls Out of Nebraska
  • In germany one of our state tv stations (wich are fucking good). A sort of late night show (zdf magazin royale) did a show with porn as the topic.

    At the end they announced that they have financed a queer and feministic porn you can find on pornhub. That was amazing.

    How about having could porn istead of making something so human just illegal?

  • I used to have literally zero conspiracy theory tendencies. It's just that nothing seems completely implausible, anymore.
  • I thought exactly the same thing as you. I feel like I am standing exaclty where you are, everything is possible

  • Removed
  • yeah. I hate Israel (the government and most politicians), but we need to be fucking cautious not seeing the fault in their religion. There are huge protest agains the President and the government.

    Most people in Israel are against that shit. In the cities the population is one of the most progressive in the world

  • Wtf is happening to my YouTube recommendations
  • 600K views. whata fuck

  • Not buying a shaver from Philips again..
  • I know with one, its shit. I hate phillips for that

  • Slava Ukraini
  • Slava Ukraini

  • When you see it
  • Fuck Nazis

  • Just a reminder that Israel is copying the tactics that the Americans used to genocide its own native population (the biggest genocide in history)
  • Its a genocide it Gaza thats clear, but you can not compare that to the Nazis.



    Nazis did not just commit a genocide they deported millions, told them to shower (gas chambers) and then burned them in furnaces. They sometimes used the skin of the Jews and made lampshades out of it (preferably with tattoes), as "party presents". Or Shrunken heads.

    I know what is happening in Gaza but be very cautious about comparing that to Nazis If there is something similar happening in Gaza, tell me that.

  • karma chameleons
  • Man, it took me 20 minutes to understand this shit. Must be cuz I am no native speaker, not that I am just stupid

  • I wonder why liberals care too much about Uyghurs but they don't even care about minorities in Europe...
  • What the fuck! You can not compare a genocide in china (uyghurs) with fucking scots. Never seen any scots beeing held by the 100.000 in prisions, forced to work. They are imprisoned in concentration camps, my dude.

  • PLZ good PeerTube alternative

    PeerTube has some big problems currently with fashists, but is the only option as an YT alternative in the Fediverse.

    I am not able to programm, I would love to create an alternative that somehow stops this facist bullshit (I have some ideas for that)

    Dear Fedis, what will we do now?

    FossilVerbrechen Sakura
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