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MMOs 'don't give people the tools to build community anymore,' says EverQuest 2 creative director
  • Some people like having others around to talk to, but not necessarily be hand-cuffed and totally dependent on them.

  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree currently has a 'Mixed' status on Steam, with many of the negative reviews complaining that the bosses are too hard [also game's PC performance]
  • You really need to be zealously masochistic and self-flagellant to enjoy that kind of shit. I don't know how people do it.

  • Rustad's message gaining traction with B.C. business leaders
  • Socialism for me and not for thee. Fascism in a bucket.

  • what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • No, ubports not affiliated with Canonical. They are a free open source community driven project and people would just yank that shit out.

  • what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • I'm using Ubuntu Touch on my Pixel 3A XL.

  • What do you use the back buttons for?
  • I use the back buttons with Eurotruck simulator/ATS, and for whatever extra functions i want with other games. Also use them with Firefox on the desktop for paging forward or backward.

  • Reminiscing about the "Reddit migration"
  • Don't miss Reddit at all, long live the Fediverse!

  • Negative media coverage of China reinforces and contributes to widespread negative views about China in the UK
  • The more people see of the CCP the more people want to distance themselves from them. We don't need to be building that empire up anymore.

  • Mexico is about to experience its 'highest temperatures ever recorded' as death toll climbs
  • As someone who has experienced a heat dome here in BC, you have my sympathies. It's soggy and cool here right now, and while depressing, it's not as depressing as being baked alive.

  • 32 per cent of Canadians blame grocery stores for rising food prices, more than any other reason: Nanos
  • I want a grocery store that doesn't require you to join their shitty club to get lower prices.

  • Fedi Garden to Instance Admins: "Block Threads to Remain Listed"
  • Why cover your nuts when you can just let somebody kick you there repeatedly?

  • The BC United Party Claims BC’s Government Is Funding Drug Dealers. No, Actually They Are Not.
  • Right wing extremist party pretending to be centrist, does right wing extremist things. News at 11.

  • Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death
  • Right, pullout, like Putin's daddy should have done.

  • Are Terminal Multiplexers a Fad?
  • Not a fad, a niche.

  • Linux has nearly half of the desktop OS Linux market
  • Android is linux with the goodness ripped out and replaced with a bag of shit.

  • Europe is doing so well regarding Linux smartphones
  • Tried sending text messages to my Ubports Pinephone the other day and it didn't work. On the Librem 5 it receives them fine.

  • NSFW
    Russian soldier is caught with his pants down. Literally.
  • He discovered the similarities between an ass and a hole in the ground.

  • FreeBooteR69 FreeBooteR69

    Just looking for a free internet horizon to sail towards.

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