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Basically the extent of my IPv6 knowledge
  • Yeah it's a huge source of problems. If you are outside the US your IPv6 prefix is never gonna be correct in every GeoIP database, even if you send a request to have it corrected, so you sometimes get geoblocked and other sites just block you because it sometimes gets classified as VPN.

  • 512MB ram is nothing now
  • I wouldn't call it running well though. Just barely playable on PS3. It was possible to get into a car, drive down a long, straight road and then crash into an invisible building because some cars were faster than the console could load assets.

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • I tried various linux distros like ubuntu as a kid, but because of gaming I didn't switch at that time, then around 2010 I got a home server and installed Arch on it. When Arch switched to systemd I switched to gentoo because I did not want systemd. In 2014 I switched to gentoo Linux on my desktop, but still had dual boot for gaming on windows. I tried various init systems on gentoo and then ended up using systemd anyways. Because I got sick of waiting for packages to compile I switched back to arch on my desktop. On my home server and laptop I used alpine linux for a while. I switched back to arch shortly after because I had too many issues with alpine on desktop. I still use alpine in VMs on the server, but others that I don't touch as much like the print server run rocky linux. I also tried GPU-passthrough to game in a windows VM, but I never managed to resolve all the issues. Since nowadays most games run on wine and proton I never bothered reinstalling/fixing windows when it stopped booting a few years ago, so now I use linux only.

  • NSFW
    How do things get stuck in the anus?
  • The reasons for insertion in decreasing order of frequency are autoeroticism, concealment, attention-seeking behavior, “accidental,” assault, and to alleviate constipation.

    I love how they put accidental in quotes.

  • why cant we connect 2 computers using USB
  • Well, that is just not true anymore and hasn't been in a very long time. Probably everything made in the last 20 years has auto detection and doesn't need a crossover ethernet cable. This was introduced as an optional feature sometime in the 100Base-T era and is required for gigabit ethernet.

  • What are some things that you like to watch in the side or in the background when you do stuff ?
  • Trackmania gameplay. It's an arcade racing game, purely skill based, no story to follow. Players will play the same track multiple times until they get a good time, that way you don't miss anything important if you look away for a while. Probably not gonna work for you if you're not into the game though.

  • Meet QDEL, the backlight-less display tech that could replace OLED in premium TVs
  • I am worried about burn-in on computer screens, but at the same time I am just wondering about how others use their phones, my last 4 phones had OLED and I have never had any burn in occur. I bought a used Galaxy S4 mini at some point and when I got it had slight burn-in of some icons, but it didn't get any worse in the two years I was using it. Am I maybe just too old because I use a computer while young people use their phones for 10 hours a day?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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