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You can certainly change it. But should you?
  • I've used it in the past when having flash memory blocks that could change but you need the compiler to put them into flash memory and not RAM. It's mainly to get the compiler to stop assuming that it can optimize using the default value.

  • Lawsuit time 🇺🇸🦅
  • It looks like the advisory/recall notice came out (depending on time zones) either before his posts or shortly thereafter.

    Looks like the company has jumped on this right away as they should.

    They have several non app solutions for bolus dosing. Looks like the app is new (iOS version isn't even out yet) and they didn't vet their consultants output adequately. Probably because this was some quick port that was outsourced and management didn't pay attention because 'requirements are the same'.

    Super important in med device development to have adequate internal oversight of developers to ensure requirements are properly rigorously tested. Especially in a class III device like this

  • Nearly 40% of conventional baby food contains toxic pesticides, US study finds
  • Ugh, another EWG backed 'study' that media decided to report on. They produce sensationalist garbage that matches their ideology and not the science or data.

    For example, if you look at their dirty dozen they list strawberries and all the news about it was showing fresh strawberries. Digging into the data they hadn't even tested any fresh strawberries, only frozen strawberries, and many of those from international sources. Their conclusions didn't match data

  • How to find extremely small components?
  • Really small microcontrollers is one category. There's the ATTiny20 and PSOC4000 ones but what else is hiding out there? DC-DC boosts is another - I've found a few that are sub 1x1 but it would be good to be sure I've found everything in that size category to help make an educated decision on what to use.

    Searching Digikey by package area isn't easy. Some vendors have the option but it isn't universal.

    Basically, I'm trying to figure out if there's a better approach to finding these parts across vendors.

  • How to find extremely small components?

    I am working on some extremely small designs where the entire board is less than 15mm2. There are a surprising amount of very small ICs but I've found it's really tricky to actually do a thorough part search for tiny (sub 2mm x 2mm) parts.

    Some vendors have CSP packages that are relatively huge while having other package types like X2SON which are actually smaller. What was called 'tiny' and 'smallest' a few years ago is actually pretty large by today's parts.

    Any tips on how to find parts?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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