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2 yr. ago

  • Manufacturer skins have long provided customisation for the Share menu. The stock experience has never been good.

  • Okay, no problem. That was worth a shot

  • I've never actually played any Final Fantasy game yet. It'd be cool if Final Fantasy I-VI is still available for entry!

  • Does System Clone have settings to enable/disable notificatiosn to cross the main system / cloned system boundary?

    Yes, there is an option to receive notifications from the other user while you're in one user. You can enable your clone user notifications to show up in your main user or enable your main user notifications to show up in your clone user or both.

    The most clunky aspect is that it is not possible to directly go from the lock screen to one or the other environments based on PIN ofr fingerprint.

    This is exactly what I like about System Clone. You can just simply enter a PIN or use a fingerprint on any lockscreen (on either user) and it'll take you to the appropriate user that you've set them for.

    The most exasperating deficiency to me is that Second Space no longer allows the user to change the display size under Accessibility.

    That is an odd thing to limit you from changing. With System Clone, you can have completely different fonts and font sizes in either user.

    Older versions of Second Space provided a tool to tranfer photos and files vetween between First Space and Second Space (in both directions).

    You can do it here both ways just fine, but it's a bit clunky since it doesn't bring up an actual file picker and instead you have to scroll through a very basic file lister which has no search or sort options.

    It is likely that Xiaomi will get around to revamping the Second Space for Hyper OS and your problems could be solved. But who knows if or when it will happen. This likely isn't a priority for them, with all the other stuff they have to fix.

    If you value this feature a lot, you could probably get any Oppo/OnePlus/realme phone. It is extremely helpful for me.

  • How does Second Space work? Oppo/OnePlus/realme phones have a feature called "System Clone" which sounds similar.

    It is essentially a secondary user in your phone but it's very low key and helpful to protect your privacy from other people who might access your phone. You can access the System Clone by inputting a different PIN or Password from your main user's password. You can even set up different fingerprints for your main user and the system clone.

    So depending on the fingerprint or PIN/password you enter, you enter either the main user or the System Clone. It also seamlessly transfers you to the main user if someone else enters your main user PIN while you had the phone locked in the System Clone user.

  • hardware Hardware

    End of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell

  • No one is asking you to switch your watch. Different people have different needs.

  • Maybe that's it. My dad's current phone does run an old Android version, so that might be why local backup restore worked. The WhatsApp version was up to date though. I can confirm local backups work on Android 8 and Android 11.

  • So did I, about 2 weeks ago, for my dad. It worked. It's unlikely that anything changed in a week

  • They do, but they don't explicitly allow restoring from local backups directly within the app anymore. However, if you manually move the backups to a new phone or whatever and then fresh install WhatsApp on that phone, you will be prompted to restore messages from the local backup that's present.

  • He's back

  • He's just edgy, not an actual Nazi or racist or anything.

  • I don't try to mess with their cloud backup scheme, I import the local backups manually instead. Their cloud backup is so slow and their chat transfer feature is so buggy.

  • People did report that, there was some "error" on CMF's side that swapped people's custom watch face backgrounds leading to this. It never happened to me though. I don't think this happened due to malicious intent. Of course they do store everything that you give them, including uploaded watch face backgrounds. This might just be their gross incompetence than anything, which led to this mishap.

    Here's a statement from CMF regarding the bug along with a reply for the fix:

  • linustechtips Linus Tech Tips

    Update on LTT's investigation regarding allegations

  • I hate these types of ads too, and they're so common.

    Also there are some ads which make the normal 5sec skippable video ads more like 30sec skippable ads. They're usually game ads, where they show you a skippable ad after 5 seconds, then they make you play a mini-game of sorts for 10+ seconds and then it shows you a splash screen with the name of the game which you're only able to skip after 5 seconds. Wastes so much time.

  • Always a good idea to back up your data before a major update on any device (be it a computer or a phone), and ideally frequently.

  • softwaregore Software Gore

    Super spicy pillow

  • That just goes to show you the state of the game

  • First iPhone screenshot on the internet with above 5% charge

  • What's the context?

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