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Ort in Mittelsachsen will Bürger kostenlos mit Wärmepumpen und Solaranlagen ausstatten
  • Bei mir im Dorf ist es zum Glück nicht so schlimm, aber die Nachbar orte sind leider sehr hart betroffen.

    Wir haben im dorf ca 50% FW und das außerhalb von Bayern. Liegt aber hauptsächlich daran das viele sehr bekannte und beliebte Leute die schon vorher als Fraktionslose dabei waren sich zu einem FW Verband zusammen geschlossen. Bei uns läufts zum Glück noch rund.

  • ich_iel
  • Er ist leider sehr harter Idealist und kaum zu Kompromissen bereit.

  • ich_iel
  • Auch das wäre mir recht. Der derzeitige ist zwar alt, hat aber schneid und hält die Koalition zusammen, Özdemir könnte ich mir in der Position auch vorstellen, aber ich weiß nicht ob er nicht doch lieber im Bundestag bleibt.

  • ich_iel
  • Geiler Typ, aber ich könnte mir auch Özdemir vorstellen.

  • Ernährung: Pflanzenöle sind wirklich gesünder als Butter
  • Ich halte mich an Frischkäse, schmeckt besser und ist nicht einfach nur fett.

    Was ich auch empfehlen kann ist Meerrettich oder Senf. Beides sehr gesund.

  • When the New York Times lost its way: America’s media should do more to equip readers to think for themselves
  • Aren't all these medias owned by rich people and full of people hating Israel? That's what the outside can see about US news (besides being often very very politically biased)

  • I emailed Jean Paul Gaultier to ask if their cosmetics are vegan, and found out that bees are not animals and that they're appropriate for vegetarians.
  • My point was never that they just leave, my point was that they don't need to leave and aren't supposed to, but besides that they live completely natural. And they still can leave when they feel like its better for the hive, the other methods don't physically hinder them to do that, they just don't need to do it, the only thing they can't do natural is changing the hive, wich in nature they do to prevent pests from accumulating, but thats the beekeepers job for honeybees.

  • I emailed Jean Paul Gaultier to ask if their cosmetics are vegan, and found out that bees are not animals and that they're appropriate for vegetarians.
  • What? No, never heard of that. Its probably illigal in most places as well.

    Also the queen isn't really necessary to start a new hive, a queen egg is laid by a worker bee.

    The worker bees could and do carry the queen from time to time as well.

  • I emailed Jean Paul Gaultier to ask if their cosmetics are vegan, and found out that bees are not animals and that they're appropriate for vegetarians.
  • I act like someone who has no idea what it is like to be a bee and so defaults to respect.

    So you agree that beekeepers keeping the bees safe from basically all harm is good?

    Insects are animals btw, definitionally. They are in the kingdom animalia.

    I think you are intelligent enough to know i meant animals that have their skeleton on the inside (fish, mammals, birds)

    You seem very confident you know what it is like to be a bee. I assume that's because you just enjoy making shit up.

    No because i own two bee hives in my garden and take good care of them, wich includes informing myself about my bees and watching them do their bee things.

    Do you know what it is like to be a human?

  • I emailed Jean Paul Gaultier to ask if their cosmetics are vegan, and found out that bees are not animals and that they're appropriate for vegetarians.
  • Actually most animals like round things... ducks, humans, wolfs, cats (all sizes) dolphins... Bumblebees are just the first insect we discovered that on, BTW honey bees are a different species than Bumblebees.

    And acting from instinct doesn't mean everything is hard wired, it means that the actions they take follow specific patterns in specific scenarios, like big animal "attacks" hive -> defend hive with life (wich we protect them and us from with smoke wich triggers another response and makes them less aggressive without doing them harm)

    Again, you act like insects live in the same cognitive sphere as animals or even humans.

  • Multiple nations enact mysterious export controls on quantum computers
  • To be fair there already is Quantum ready encryption. Governments just acting slow as always.

  • I emailed Jean Paul Gaultier to ask if their cosmetics are vegan, and found out that bees are not animals and that they're appropriate for vegetarians.
  • The bee mites can't be effectively treated medically, lighting it on fire is however not common practice where i live(setting stuff on fire is most definitely not legal anyway), the beekeepers spray fine sugar on the bees and provide them with water in a attempt to get the bees to clean each other and the nest, it also harms the mites apparently, the method isn't always successful but better than trying nothing or having these mites spread.

    And bees feel threatened by humans obviously but as insects they act on instinct alone, you can't teach them that the beekeeper doesn't harm them and having anti sting clothing is also good for the bees, they die when they sting humans.

    Furthermore calling taking out the honey coombs like designed "harvesting" is pretty idiotic, it doesn't harm the bees or the integrity of the hive, as they are built so you can easily take it out. The bees only try to sting because there is a big thing taking out a part of the hive, they don't know they get it back, they don't know that the beekeeper doesn't want to harm the bees/queen. You talk like tiny insects have feelings you can hurt, they don't have a concept of feelings, they act on instincts, the beekeepers don't harm their bees.

    Oh and the last paragraph is just plain stupid. Bees aren't humans and they have no concept of ownership, they also don't get mistreated, they live just like in nature, only difference is the material and size of the hive casing, wich is often clay or wood or plastic depending on design, in nature it would be wood and mud only. We also "domesticated" bees thousands of years ago, wich basically meant that people back then put wild bee hives in poetry or wood casings so they can access the honey, even back then it was known how much they need and how much they can produce, they aren't stressed, they are just living normal bee lifestyle that hasn't changed for thousands of years, they don't care who they loose honey to, but humans do it way less destructive than bears or other natural honey eating animals. We don't destroy their hives, we don't kill them and we most definitely don't harm them.

    I think you need to learn a little more about bees and beekeeping. Honey is the only "animal product" wich can be seen as vegan, its literally just bee spit and pollen, we don't milk the bees we don't shorten their lifespan or alter their lifestyle for it, they just get a pre-built hive from us in exchange for some of their honey. Otherwise we don't actually interfere with what they do.


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