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hot take, feel free to dunk but holy shit, all the posts from white people being like "let's kill all the white people" is insufferable "i'm one of the good ones!" nonsense and it really should stop
  • i wish i could remember who exactly it was, but i remember a few accounts of black panthers leaving the united states - possibly on a trip to mecca, and being like "these white people aren't really white" because they were "brothers in islam" and weren't actually behaving like crackkkers in america do, and were instead being respectful and kind. So actually yeah, the black panthers did understand that whtieness is political and a social construct

    Ah, looks it was literally Malcom X himself

    "We were truly all the same (brothers)--because their belief in one God had removed the white from their minds, the white from their behavior, and the white from their attitude."

    i know you're making a joke, but i want to point out that this thread is about white people joking about hurting white people is bad, but somehow a joke about black activists not understanding basic critical race theory and jumping to being violent to white people is okay. I don't really get that. i feel like joking that black activists will hurt white people because they don't understand their own theory is far more racist than white people saying "kill all mayos"

  • hot take, feel free to dunk but holy shit, all the posts from white people being like "let's kill all the white people" is insufferable "i'm one of the good ones!" nonsense and it really should stop
  • Hilarious. goading racist white people into being banned and dunked on is good to me, and it's why i make "kill all whitey" posts or whatever. It is definitely not to win brownie points from POC members. I'm just a shit stirrer and hate racists, and it's quite easy to troll them by just using the same language they use to be racist against the people in power instead. Suddenly they have a problem with language like that if it's used to punch up instead of down.

    IMO in a white supremacist culture you can't even be racist to white people. Baised against maybe, but you can't actually be structurally racist.

  • hot take, feel free to dunk but holy shit, all the posts from white people being like "let's kill all the white people" is insufferable "i'm one of the good ones!" nonsense and it really should stop
  • I guess i don't see it much differently than calling for the genocide of colonizers or xi-plz . Like it's not that deep. It's fun to dunk on people who take anti-whiteness seriously. But i'm sorry it makes you feel uncomfortable and like mayos are trying to absolve themselves of their mayoness. I guess i just see it as white people rejecting white supremacy and punching up at white people who believe in white supremacy or race """science""", which seems harmless to me. But thanks for sharing your point of view.

  • I suffered great violence for over a decade and was brainwashed to never even think about hurting my abusers. Help me not be a lib about violence.
  • this might be terrible advice. Maybe since you have PTSD you are dealing with your body going into freeze mode when threatened, but you really need to get more fight mode. Practicing hitting for real and sparring will definitely help condition you to automatically respond when threatened, i have experienced this when i've been forced to self defend. It is automatic now.

    I think just build up to making it feel safe to spar and feel angry. I feel like when i was stuck in feeling frozen from PTSD, i wouldn't even let myself feel anger because it was too dangerous for me, so maybe you're in the same place? Yeesh i'm terrible at this.

    If you can't imagine hurting them over self-defense, maybe try imagining hurting them over some imagined defense of others. When sparring, as long as you've got safety equipment on, you're good to go. it's great practice for learning. If it's too real to think of it as real self defense, just think of it as a fun game like fencing to get yourself into it, that lets your body learn how to move and gets your brain time to warm up to the idea of actually hurting another person.

    You could try reading some black panther's theory about self defense and seeing if any sticks with you into why it's good actually to be ready to hit back. I'm kicking myself because i don't remember exactly the title i'm thinking of, but Black Against Empire is great, or maybe it was Against Civility. thonk There's also a citations needed about nonviolence somewhere, i'm sure it's in the podcasts directory or here's the transcript.

    Anyway, here's "In defense of self defense" by comrade Huey Newton

    "the oppressor has no rights that the oppressed is bound to respect. Kill the slavemaster, destroy him utterly, move against him with implacable fortitude. Break his oppressive power by any means necessary."

  • Trump opens up lead over Biden (40% to 34%) in a rematch many Americans don't want.
  • remember when trump got like two billion dollars in free coverage from the news and everyone was like damn, maybe we shouldn't do that next time

    Well, the news corps are at it again folks. More and more people are saying it. They're gonna meme the big red boy into the white house again

    Two one term fascists fighting over which gets to be the next full term war criminal in chief

  • I love hearing increasingly tortured euphemisms for death, murder and suicide because people don't want to get flagged by bots looking for advertiser-unfriendly content
  • Tiktok isn't an app for kids, i don't want to be ageist - it's for all ages and everyone can have fun on there. But the way tiktoker's talk on tiktok and other platforms with their cutesy little euphemisms for violence and sex does make me think every time "Ah, they're used to the kiddie app", because it's making grown adults be afraid to talk about adult topics.

    This is just the fault of censorship and not the app or the users, but it is literally sanitized kiddie language and feels very out of place and hard to take seriously on websites that don't have that censorship.

  • What the fuck, Kava tea is literally a nice and mellow psychoactive drug just sitting in supermarkets and no one told me about it?
  • honestly what's the deal with kratom? I see it sold in sus looking stores here ?

    All i know about kava is i stumbled upon a reddit thread about it and it had a bunch of comments of (presumably) white people who were like nooo it's actually not cultural appropriation to take and sell indigenous plant used for ceremonies. I don't know anything about that but if i was consuming kava i'd try to buy direct from indigenous people, same as coffee.

  • hexbear dot net
  • me for real

  • Check-In Thread: How are you doing, comrade?
  • I'm doing good but cold brrrrr

    Deep on my garden grindset, at least until the ground froze. I've been doing a ton of research on veganic gardening while i'm trapped inside. I'm motivated to find a job, looking every week but haven't found the perfect one to swap to yet. My job is fine, i just feel like it's lowkey misogynist and not what i want to be doing for the rest of my life so i can ride it out until i find a better one.

    I want the world to change so much yet there are so many fighting that. It hurts at times, but it feels empowering when you realize that despite that, you can actually do a lot as one person. Maybe i can't change the world, but i can make it more pleasant for those around me in a limited capacity. And maybe that's fine. Maybe if everyone did that, we'd be okay. If nothing else i can do is offer solidarity to someone to needs it, at least i'll have done something.

  • Amazon’s Twitch to Cut 500 Employees, About 35% of Staff - BNN Bloomberg
  • Tech companies really fucked themselves by all making a run on that one bank that was apparently funding literally every tech company in amerikkka

  • you gotta read theory
  • what a mood. i got called a chapo for posting about the fash on /politics and you could track my radicalization from there. No wonder they shut it down

  • you gotta read theory
  • replace the "innocent left libs" with hexbears and breadtube with yellow parenti

  • She got dunked on heavily for this, but itd bad framing of a good argument at worst.
  • I agree with the X'r, but hot take

    Everyone should have a self directed bedtime, because that's the best practice for sleep hygiene and preventing insomnia :)

  • She got dunked on heavily for this, but itd bad framing of a good argument at worst.
  • We need the 4/20/69 model

    4 days a week max 20 hours a week max $69 an hour

  • Fatty liver disease is so fuckint stupid
  • Ah, superglue, the poor person's surgery :)

  • Most of the modern internet is indistinguishable from what we used to call malware
  • love it when i'm applying for a job and have to misgender myself because there's no "nonbinary" option in their for some reason REQUIRED gender field

  • Not a War Crime if I push the "do war crime" button from the comfort of my base.
  • it's not murder if it's done at a distance. Therefore all gun violence that causes death is no longer murder :)

    We did it, amerikkka!

    This is where the logic of "it's okay to kill as long as it's humane" gets you.

    To unjerk for a second, they don't view it as murder or brutal because

    CW: racism against Palestinians


    They are viewing them as subhuman. They're no longer people. You can't murder a subhuman, according to fascists. You get rid of an invasive species that's taking up valuable land. It's not brutal, it's efficient.

    This tactic of dehumanization has been used over and over to justify genocide. I'd recommend this book "Less than Human, Why we Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others" if anyone is interested in what i'm saying. It holds up from a leftist POV - it talks about how the genocide always happens for a material reasons such as a desire for land/free labor, and then a dehumanizing rhetoric is created and used to declare those in the way as either dangerous, too unintelligent to make their own decisions, or dirty and uncivilized in a way that is threatening. Same exact pattern with very similar arguments happening over and over again.

    I know we all know this, but seriously this book is really good and shows over and over how it happens.

  • Jeffrey Epstein was blackmailing politicians for Israel’s Mossad, new book claims
  • excuse the tinfoilhat shit, but i've heard epstein was heavily involved with trying to do some starseed eugenics program shit. source 2

    I could definitely see that being a weird pet project that somehow was justified to get funding for in the CIA. Like "these are the best/most important people and we're gonna use them for the template for our eugenics program"

    It sounds ridiculous but since it was all men, it could have been a weird cum harvesting + blackmail combo harvesting operation. Not that much stranger than the israeli cum harvesting and giving soldiers a bunch of drugs to see if they could mind control, i guess. If it wasn't the CIA, he just seemed personally interested in having a "smart"/"famous" people cum depository to do eugenics with

  • Gay_Wrath Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]

    vegan btw

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