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Marxist analysis of the the mentality behind right-wing libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism?
  • I agree with some of what you said but mainly disagree with your analysis of poor libertarians. I will use the USA as a model for my post.

    Historically we should expect to find more economic fluidity amongst white people, meaning they'd be able to move from worker to labour aristocracy/petty bourgeoisie. The classic example would be for a white worker to labour for a time at a decent paying job, save money, buy a house, and start a business.

    So as we see, the class lines would be more blurred in the past because of the stronger wages and free time of labourers, and so there becomes no real need in the present to tie poorer libertarians historically to immaterial things since their interests in the past were absolutely material and aligned.

    With the polarization of the economy the class lines become more defined. So then the poor libertarians, stuck without any mobility as workers, become very reactionary and oppose any groups that threaten their elevated or once elevated position. Those who are petit bourgeoisie themselves, even though they may not be poor, are threatened with becoming workers again.

    This plays out nowadays as the libertarian to fascist pipeline, though American libertarianism is already inherently reactionary by being supported by colonialism and imperialism (as opposed to, for instance, a petit bourgeoisie in another country trying to rid itself of the shackles of colonialism).

    In the American case libertarianism is a petit bourgeois (and white i.e. settler, very key here) ideology that fits very well with the standard Marxist model of the petit bourgeois being the source of fascism.

  • It is saturday night and I am currently receiving death threats on social media
  • Whilst saying this cannot bring back everyone that has died, like a whiny athlete that doesn't play fair, the empire lashes out the most when it knows it is going to lose.

  • The deprogram server 😭
  • Yeah fetishizing philosophy is fairly common in western spheres. But we Marxists are not philosophers, we are scientists and with that comes observations and experimentation (real world implementation, praxis, etc ).

    I come from a natural sciences background so my honest feelings is that a lot of that pre Marx stuff is, while nice to know, not particularly necessary.

  • What exactly is the deal with Influencers?
  • Economically they are rent seeking. You pay a subscription to them for further access to their brand. They also fill the market niche created by alienation, serving a social and economic function here. They qualify as petit bourgeoisie I think.

  • U.S. police have arrested more protesters in just two weeks, than the Hong Kong police arrested in four violent months in 2019.
  • It's fairly obvious you arent well read on socialism. The way you think about history, development of society and its transformations are clearly incorrect given the other stuff you've posted (for example, you don't understand how propaganda works). So we don't need to explore very much further.

    You are not taught how to grapple with those topics properly in America and in fact are taught an older, outdated manner that is instilled into you since birth by everyday interaction with parents, friends, education, media, the list goes on. This is the true nature of propaganda.

    What you should be concerned with is the scientific interpretation of history, since growing up in America, you do not learn this but rather the ideological one that, even when you say you criticize the US, often simply ends up supporting the US, who has been the biggest barrier in modern times to historical progress.

    Have a good day and don't take it personally. I'd wager 90%+ of us here started out like you.

  • Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • The YouTube channel is called Sasuke Ninja Warrior TBS 公式. Last two posts have been about the newest generation, Morimoto sedai and their training so even if you don't understand Japanese a lot of the training stuff is super digestible anyway. Some of the older videos have Nagano and his son training together, but please beware of spoilers!! The newest tournament has a lot of content up already.

  • Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • Yeah I didn't like Yamada and his squad (black tigers haha) but the whole thing grew on me after watching the Sasuke yt channel, and Yamada has been really important to the growth of the show recently. I want to watch kunoichi but it's even harder to find than Sasuke. Same with unbeatable banzuke, viking, and pro sportsman series. Need to find them.

    I think I pretty much like every regular now! The drummer is Darvish Kenji. I do get annoyed when there is too much focus on celebrities/tarento but he worked really hard and does also promote and care a lot about the show so he's my favorite from that sphere. Kong is a classic, loved him too and agree he should've been an all star.

    Off the top of my head my favorites are Urushihara (he responded to one of my comments on YouTube 😍), Hioki, Morimoto, Kawaguchi, the remaining all stars...too many great competitors to name...Do you like the shin sedai/new stars and the Morimoto sedai?

    Obstacles?? The cliffhanger and all its variations, maybe the salmon ladder. The cliffhanger builds so much tension during runs. How about you?

  • Early tests of H5N1 prevalence in milk suggest U.S. bird flu outbreak in cows is widespread
  • Great article to read after I just downed a glass of milk

  • Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • If you can understand japanese the sasuke YouTube channel has lots of good content too, but spoilers beware. Which tournament are you up to? Sorry I am a huge (understatement) Sasuke otaku so I don't want to spoil anything for you.

  • Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • I believe they are talking about the athletic obstacle course show, Sasuke, whose spinoff is America Ninja Warrior. It's way better than the American one. Definitely recommend it, but it's very hard to find right now.

  • Where do you live? (Wrong answers only)
  • Took the name from a character from the anime Demon Slayer who had severe self doubt and imposter syndrome. The pic is of Cao Cao from the Chinese TV adaptation of the historical epic Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  • Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • Another SASUKE fan?? Let's goooooooo all the new competitors coming through are awesome. It will hopefully be a new golden era for the show.

  • Where do you live? (Wrong answers only)
  • Rent free in your head as Mao intended

  • Americans be like
  • Boohoo China has a 90% home ownership rate. Their system is literally working properly because you failed at becoming a landlord and have to get a real job.

  • dammm xi got that drip tho
  • New emoji?? 😳

  • US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • Your world view is collapsing and this just how your brain responds to protect itself. It's ok lol.

  • US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • Dont get your history lessons from reddit folks or you'll end up like this

  • Chad’s government threatens to kick out US troops as Russia expands influence in Africa
  • "No!! You can't just kick our troops out of your country!!"


  • Grad school in China

    Hey comrades. I've been thinking of going back to school for a while now, and one of the things that just hit me is checking out the feasibility of going to a Chinese university. It's a lot closer to my home as well. If anyone has any suggestions on where to look for English language masters programs, Id be thankful. Just exploratory for now but if there is a real opportunity in a field I like I would jump at it.

    Giyuu Giyuu
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