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The Deprogram guys are pretty great.

Yugopnik might be my spirit commie though.

He talks like he's a cousin who would call you an idiot but would undoubtly have your back in a scrap.

Analysis of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
  • Griswalds, Simpsons, Griffins, McAlisters, Bradys....

    Even in their time, these families werent average. MAYBE AT BEST by the numbers they were a not an insignificant minority.

    👀 If your family owns a two story house with a semi finished basement, you are NOT average in America at any time ever.

  • ...I hate the west
  • Yes. This. It's gone beyond PatSoc horse shit and Im seeing a very noticeable uptick of platforming backwards discussions by leftists calling it "platforming free speech" and "not being afraid to hear out your 'enemies'"

    And it's fine. It's really jist okay that stochastic violence is happening to the LGBTQ community because I guess letting that slide will somehow pave peace between the East and west if we just have a global coordinated genocide of queer people? Because that's what it looks like.

    Im over it. Im sick of free speech fetishists ignoring fighting words just because corporate will silence a virulent antisemite to protect their brand.

  • ...I hate the west

    Their obsession with free speech and how people thinks society went too far to ban Kanye from twitter after his PRO. NAZI. Media tour makes me SERIOUSLY resent western values.

    Liberalism is white supremacy.

    ...If you are even SLIGHTLY marginalized... Get a means of self defense that puts bigots in the ground.

    westerners arent going to stop until there's a ubi for conservative voices and leftist voices are put on notice for being devisive.

    Death to this whole fascistic psycho world.

    Also. I know what all this bullshit is about. It is all mass hysteria about trans people. It's transphobia top to bottom and side to side.

    Here's some free speech for the west. The anticolonial and anti imperialist left trapped in the west who have a platform to be heard by many are transphobic by always lumping social progressivism into the democratic party platform AND... those same leftists low key hope that more stochastic terrorism kills more trans people. I said it and Im not wrong. How is that for free speech?

    Pan-Leftism; An Infantile Disorder
  • Alright. Im gonna turn all y'all into MLG thought.

    You got some hungry people. Answer. Feed them.

    Contradiction: people who prevent people from eating

    Synthesis: kick their ass and chase them off

    Contradiction: Distribution

    Synthesis: Fix roads. Streamline supply chains. Adjust for weather conditions.

    It's that simple. You dont need a long hard discussion over these things. At no point does the necessary way to move forward require that liberals feel free about it.

    This is what I call Marxism-Leninism-Gloriousism

  • Im calling bullshit

    Look. There was a lot of leftists out here giving the GoP too much shine and too much rub with their claiming of the Donbass war money funneling is wrong.

    If the red wave happened; they would NOT have ended the funneling of weapons and cash to the ukraine.

    They would have blamed the dems for starting shit and causing a moral trap and NOW we cant pull out because we have to RELUCTANTLY fight the Russians instead of being enthusiastic about it.

    And Im frankly done playing along with the anti imperialist left giving the GoP way too much credit simply because the republicans are morally lucky and currently morally advantaged.

    These MAGA politicians are not some right wing populist thing that we should BELIEVE them about their whole anti war posturing. Stop. They're full of shit and just as fake as the squad and Bernie.

    Christ. Are we REALLY gonna do this?


    The witch is gone, the witch is gone 🦀
  • I got a better question. Countries basically live and die on trade. What does England have to offer? What do they have that people want that folks likely cant get anywhere else cheaper and from a lesser asshole?

    What can Corbyn realistically do when England has burned so much of its good will?

  • Cope, Honky
  • Huawei is NOT radioactive. Someone such as myself, a working class dude, doesnt immediately know how to get such a phone or if they are even serviced by American phone monopolies.

    Someone such as myself doesnt hate Chinese products as a principle. I just dont have easy access to them.

  • My thoughts on the western online left after some days on Twitter 🤮
  • Much to the chagrin of white communists; intersectionality has a bulletproof point that class has several dimensions.

    Capital is ultimately a system of who works and who doesnt have to work and live passively.

    Zoom out and there are other systems of "captial" such as systems of racialization and gender conditioning. Those exchanges are as immutable as having to pay rent.

    Whites just want the easy solution without having a reckoning of what revolution genuinely asks of them to do.

    Sakai was not wrong. But it is up to white workers tonprove Sakai wrong. It can be done; but they actually have to do it.

  • What do you all think of Settlers
  • It's fine.

    I look at it like this. The book is correct until it isn't. If you're a white worker settler, do what you gotta do to help prove Sakai wrong. Obviously to prove Sakai wrong would be to have the whole of white workers to overturn white supremacy and play reparations and surrender power to nonwhite revolutionaries and the colonized.

    It's a tall order. But it isnt impossible.

  • Just spitballing here....

    So the USA has federal laws protecting things such as mail and privacy and protection from unlawful searches and whatnot.

    And I got to thinking. MOST abortions arent surgical anymore. Most are just pills you take and you go into a heavy period.

    You can order these pills online and get them shipped anywhere.

    So HOW can single states even manage to enforce anti abortion laws so long as folks have a network of friends willing to do things for their friends or even for themselves?

    Im at work and dont have much time to elaborate.

    But just put yourself in the shoes of Mississippi for example. How can you go about enforcing an anti abortion law without violating SEVERAL amendments? HOW can you even know when someone has an abortion? Do you have the manpower? Is the court big enough and willing to serve warrants for every period cycle in your state?

    How exactly can you enforce it even if you wanted to?

    noted friend of the LGBT community, a group of literal nazis
  • Two nominally right wing governments are at war. Why yes, we can say nazis are on the right side of this one because they get endorsed by their local queer community.

    Well shit. I am pretty sure that you can find some based queer community in Russia that supports Russia.

    This war and the liberals and reactionaries are fucking braindead. Even the brain worms are dead from starvation!

  • I serve the Soviet Union o7
  • I have not been banned nor suspended.

    And I talk shit. A lot. The only thing is, I dont go into worldnews or politics hugboxes where it's totally okay to demand the erasure of all Russians.

    Maybe that's why. I smack talk crackers all over the place in GenZedong. But I dont engage like that in liberal subs unless im confronted. Then it's on sight.

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