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I studied political science and jazz...
  • Some would say that acting is the grandest lie.

  • Steve Balmer quotes
  • Even enterprise stuff has largely moved away from Microsoft. They are still dominant in some areas like the business desktop space/office 365/active directory, but 'enterprise' apps running on Windows Server (and associated stuff like IIS) with tight Microsoft integrations are a thing of the past.

  • Yet they immediately forgot again
  • Ackchyually they were grapplers, not harpoons.

  • Doomba
  • It keeps the streets clean both literally AND metaphorically!

  • White House: Russia is executing soldiers who refuse to follow orders
  • Alright, it's pretty clear to me you don't actually care about the truth of the matter here, so I don't really see a point in engaging further.
    Feel free to have the last word. Best of luck to you.

  • White House: Russia is executing soldiers who refuse to follow orders
  • If you don't think Ukraine is on Russia's doorstep I suggest you brush up on your geography.

  • White House: Russia is executing soldiers who refuse to follow orders
  • it’s difficult to keep things secret when an entire country is suddenly involved in a war that’s literally on it’s doorstep

    This description applies to the war with Ukraine as well. Weird that you think this is a point in your favor.

  • /r/AskReddit Comments Per Day, Graphed
  • The best part is now all the foundations are here too so when the next big 'event' happens Lemmy will be in an even better position to absorb all those users.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • High-proof alcohol stores really well in the freezer actually.

  • Plane goes brrrr
  • Reducing your meat consumption is likely the most effective way of lowering your personal climate ‘footprint’.

    I hear this a lot, but I think the context of what other actions are available and their relative impact is important in this kind of discussion.

    Of course, this is all with the knowledge that trying to put the onus of fixing climate change on the individual is both doomed to fail and a great burden for many. Climate change can only be properly addressed by top-down action, which we should all advocate for.

  • US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it
  • That literally proves @Coreidan wrong though. 18% increase in all goods from 2020-now would be less than 5% inflation...

  • California Senate approves ban on autonomous trucks
  • Just wait until they secretly replace the trained human safety operator with this:

  • Fight me
  • Specifically these full sized bad boys:

  • Book ban defenders use sex scenes to make their point at Senate hearing
  • “No one is advocating for sexually explicit content to be available in an elementary school library or in [the] children’s section of the library,” Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said. “That’s a distraction from the real challenge. I understand and respect that parents may choose to limit what their children read, especially at younger ages. My wife and I did. Others do, too. But no parent should have the right to tell another parent’s child what they can and cannot read in school or at home. Every student deserves access to books that reflect their experiences and help them better understand who they are.”

  • My favorite 6 actors
  • I feel like a "colm smiley" joke was missed somewhere in here.

  • I'm not even sure I want to know
  • You may have me confused with someone else. I didn't say anything about defederation or banning instances.

    What in your opinion is behavior or views that is worthy of defederation? There appears to be many different standards for that from what I've seen.

  • I'm not even sure I want to know
  • If you'd like examples I know some of their bad takes are starting to be posted to !

  • He who sees with his eyes has forgotten the face of his father.
  • Yet he who aims with his hands has forgotten the face of his father.

    I think we can all agree: You kill with the heart.

  • Coincirule
  • Why does Mr. "AB" have like 8 shoulder pads on? Is he insecure about the size of his shoulders?

  • GnothiSeauton Gnothi

    Know thyself

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