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Jerboa v0.0.69-alpha Release
  • Thanks for making the vote numbers a bit bigger. Really appreciate that

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • Yes I am sure it's not 686. 686 distros don't boot anyways

  • The unsung genius of MLK
  • My English is limited so I'm not sure I understood this essay correctly but I think it says that one should treat every single person as a person and not as something else which is what I absolutely agree with.

    In Ukraine the government, bloggers and journalists are trying to make people think Russians are basically no more than objects. If you try to share a different opinion on it there, you can get in serious trouble. It's a very big problem. Same with ultraconservative racists. You do not treat anyone as an object or anything else except for a human being, no matter the reason.

    For example, I do not agree that alternative sexual orientations are normal/healthy but it doesn't mean I can treat people that (falsely) identify themselves as LGBT not human beings. In this case I consider it a disease so I should consider them not just as human beings but ones that need even more attention and care. Same goes to every person with a serious disease such as AIDS or schizophrenia (there are more causes of discrimination of them though).

    The case of people with dark skin is even worse. I don't even know what is the reason of them being discriminated. What I know is some of my relatives think that dark skin is an indicator of a person with increased chance of becoming a criminal. This is prejudice (that is obviously bad and inhumane but also instinctive I guess). Some other people probably discriminate them just to keep themselves privileged or "to be like the crowd" idk.

    In any given case, after some analysis, we can clearly see that discrimination is always an immoral and ultimately bad thing. However, the immorality of it can just have various, sometimes not obvious, forms in different cases.

    What we should do is change our mentality to delete stupid discrimination from it. As civilized and intelligent beings we should just be "above it". This means we should think instead of simply using reactions (usually wrong ones) we already have. This can make us more resistant to evil propaganda and negative social trends, as well as help to delete already formed wrong things in our mentality too.

    But tbh idk if this world can change. It's getting worse all the time and I'm very depressed because of it.

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • I meant slower in terms of any rendering (web, 3D or anything else). And I'm only used to graphical DEs. I installed Arch via archinstall a few times and had a minimal Debian server with nothing except ssh working but that's about it

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • My main Linux machine is too slow to run a VM of any kind

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • BSD is an option but I heard it's slower and idk anything about how it works and how to install it

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • It's just for experiments and learning. Why judging? Also a Pi is like $100 here and it is a big deal for me

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • I think it's easier to write your own kernel from scratch than learning how to install something in Nix lol

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • Hmm I can't find a browseable repo so idk if there's anything useful for it but I might check it out. Thanks

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • I know and I think I tried the same version

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • Void doesn't support the CPU architecture of that machine

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC
  • I just checked it and it seems to be an independent distro. Does it have a repo or do I have to compile everything I want to install?

  • Linux distro for an ancient Pentium PC

    I need some help finding a distro for a very old machine.

    It's my family's old desktop with 2001 components (bought in 2004) and a Pentium CPU that is NOT i686. I checked the exact model and architecture once but I don't remember it now. The only thing I remember is that it's not i686 so 99% of modern 32 bit distros don't work on it (stuck right after grub).

    The machine has 1 Gb of DDR1 RAM though so I think it may be useful or at least fun to play around with.

    Now it's on Windows XP that runs quite well but doesn't support modern SSL certificates so it can't browse the internet (idk how to fix it ok?).

    A long time ago I tried to run multiple distros in live mode on it and got only one (Puppy) to work. Display, sound, ethernet and pretty much everything worked fine. GPU seemed to be an issue though because NVidia and I couldn't install the driver (it was skill issue and I think it's possible to do). But now it doesn't work for some reason.

    Are there any Linux distros or other operating systems (preferably not deprecated) that I can install on it? And btw it does have bootable USB support.

    Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising
  • Fundamentally, privacy and data-driven marketing are diametrically opposed

    This is so true

  • Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising
  • Data anonymization is a good thing. If websites start using this solution instead of Google ads that'd be quite good. Well better than Google at least. But people seem to be afraid of ads getting added into Firefox. If it happens it will be a ticking bomb because the hunger for data and profit will rise every day.

  • Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising
  • They could just use non-personalized ads instead tbh. They do need to earn some money after all

  • You guys nailed the new way votes are displayed.
  • Sure but fyi in 2024 you can be considered a criminal for laughing at people with bad vision.

  • You guys nailed the new way votes are displayed.
  • I don't like the new style because the numbers are way too small and even changing the font size doesn't help. You must have 100% vision to see them

  • Android Intent Filter Verification Service
  • It doesn't say anything about the suspicious connections mentioned by the OP

  • America’s assassination attempt on Huawei is backfiring
  • You didn't say it's fully open-source so RISC-V is better no matter how "open" ARM is

  • ALIEN is a CUDA-powered artificial life simulation program.
  • This is very cool. I don't want to look demanding to the devs of such an amazing thing but can we please get this for AMD by any chance?

  • Experimenting with local alt text generation in Firefox Nightly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog Experimenting with local alt text generation in Firefox Nightly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

    Firefox 130 will feature an on-device AI model that automatically generates alt-text for images, integrated into its built-in PDF editor.

    Experimenting with local alt text generation in Firefox Nightly – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

    I think this way of implementing and using AI is actually good from all perspectives (probably except some legal aspects but I don't think Mozilla will add a legally grey feature). What do you think about it?

    And I'm sorry if it's already posted here. I didn't find any posts on this topic myself

    Android 15 is on the way. And it's pretty bad

    Sorry for a kinda clickbait title but it is what it is. I just watched a video about Android 15 changes and a lot of them are either not important or straight up bad.

    I want to specifically mention increased background sensor usage (such as microphone) and the Find My Device network. These are serious privacy issues that just make lives of custom ROM developers and users harder by having to disable more and more stuff (that's turned on by default of course), as well as a contribution to ewaste generation and general decrease of battery life.

    I guess we are getting into the era of complete death of digital privacy and absolute surveillance. This is scary but not too unrealistic I guess. I just hope the devs of privacy-focused ROMs will be able to do something about it and purge these changes.

    Netris - an experimental open-source GeForce NOW alternative (cloud gaming solution) GitHub - netrisdotme/netris: [Experimental] Open-source GeForce NOW alternative with Stadia's social features

    [Experimental] Open-source GeForce NOW alternative with Stadia's social features - netrisdotme/netris

    GitHub - netrisdotme/netris: [Experimental] Open-source GeForce NOW alternative with Stadia's social features

    What do you think of this project and cloud gaming in general? I thought it's dead already

    Can I degoogle a phone without root?

    I am in need of a separate degoogled phone for some things that require high level of privacy (nothing illegal).

    I have 2 phones that I can use. One of them is my business phone (it has my business number, apps, data and that sort of stuff) which is now running an OS with all the Google spyware because it's necessary for the apps to work. I can reinstall everything on the second phone and use the first one as the secure device since it supports everything I need. The problem is that it has some issues on vanilla ROMs that I don't really want to deal with and the reinstalling will take a lot of time.

    The issue with the second phone is that it is rocking an old MTK chip and rooting instructions are let's say a bit beyond my ability to understand. I still want to use it without Google if possible though. So can I degoogle its stock ROM with ADB or something? And is it worth trying or there will still be some vulnerabilities?

    EDIT: to clear some possible misunderstandings, the reason of why I need a separate secure phone is that I am forced to use a very invasive proprietary app that I'd prefer just keeping on a separate device instead of trying to limit its spyware abilities with firewalls and that kind of stuff. I don't trust the last solution much. Also I can't use it in a VM because I need it to always be accessible wherever I am and yk carrying a PC is not an option

    Is xz 5.6.1-3+ still dangerous?

    When the xz backdoor was discovered, I quickly uninstalled my Arch based setup with an infected version of the software and switched to a distro that shipped an older version (5.5 or 5.4 or something). I found an article which said that in 5.6.1-3 the backdoor was "fixed" by just not letting the malware part communicating with the vulnerable ssh related stuff and the actual malware is still there? (I didn't understand 80% of the technical terms and abbreviations in it ok?) Like it still sounds kinda dangerous to me, especially since many experts say that we don't know the other ways this malware can use (except for the ssh supply chain) yet. Is it true? Should I stick with the new distro for now or can I absolutely safely switch back and finally say that I use Arch btw again?

    P. S. I do know that nothing is completely safe. Here I'm asking just about xz and libxzlk or whatever the name of that library is

    EDIT: 69 upvotes. Nice

    Core Distance to TjMAX randomly spikes to 100°C in OCCT

    Recently I tried to clean my PC with an I5 11400F CPU. I removed the GPU and wanted to remove the CPU cooler too but couldn't do it. I tried though and I think I might have damaged the motherboard with a screwdriver in a few places during the process (don't ask how). Can it be the reason for the spikes? Like could I damage some sensors and now they sometimes fail and show 0°C (which is what 100°C to TjMAX means)? There are no other visible issues with the PC though so I guess it can be a just a bug. Btw I can't add screenshots because of some weird Jerboa bug

    [SOLVED] "Create" FAB bug

    I updated Jerboa from 0.0.60 (or 0.0.59 I don't remember) to 0.0.61 (all are F-droid versions) and I noticed this issue: the "create post" ("plus") floating action button hides under the navigation panel. Cleaning the cache and disabling-enabling the panel didn't help. The button is still clickable but it doesn't look right. When the panel is disabled it looks fine if course. I'm on Android 13 btw

    how's your week going, Beehaw

    I'm recovering after quite a bad period of my life. Everything else seems surprisingly ok so far. Absolutely nothing out of ordinary happened yet

    EDIT: nvm the good bad repeat cycle is still there so it's all still the same

    Just a public "goodbye letter" (delete when?)

    I've been on the Fediverse for like 2 weeks and the system itself was pretty good and even enjoyable. But I can't stand what's being posted recently. It looks like the humanity is just dead. The negative influence is real on here (and I think it's around the same on other social medias) plus I have some personality development issues now that do cause vulnerabilities to that. I don't want to die with this society so I have to go. I will most likely miss some of the places from here and I will miss my username but hey surviving and being able to help people in the future is much more important. Goodbye Lemmy. It was a nice experience

    EDIT: everyone who made me stay here is to be fought. This place has some good things to it but still there's too much for me to handle. And there is bad stuff too which is not that easy to notice but it does intoxicate me over time. FOSS is good but FOSS community sucks.

    Unixporn GolfNovemberUniform
    There were no bad setups on Unixporn... so I made one

    Introducing the all-new Debian 12 ESDE (Enhanced Security Desktop Edition) Plasma UI pre-alpha v0.2.1: a Debian desktop setup created for a fiction organization's low-end office computers. It features simplified KDE apps, no blur, generally lightweight system settings (some features are disabled or tuned for higher performance and security) and a custom auto-hide floating panel (on the right) with a large clock and a system monitor overview. Security features are planned and are not added yet. For now the main issue is that it's quite difficult to use scroll bars on full-screen windows because the panel opens every time the mouse cursor touches the right edge of the screen. Would love a solution for this. And it often crashes in certain scenarios so yea it's just a pre-alpha now. Oh and the specs:

    Distribution: Debian 12 DE/WM: KDE Plasma 5.27 Theme: Breeze Dark Icons: Papirus (it would be more realistic to use the stock icons but I just hate how folders look there so custom icon pack it is) Apps: Konsole, Dolphin (Qt apps) and Firefox (GTK 3 app)

    The Debian logo on the top left just opens a slightly tuned KDE's Application Menu so I didn't show that. Everything else isn't really ready yet. Well, could you expect more from a bad setup?

    P.S. The actual purposes of this post are to show the flexibility of KDE and deleted

    [FIXED] An error occurs when trying to add a photo to a post

    I wanted to post screenshots of my riced KDE setup on Unixporn so I copied them to my phone using a USB cable. And now when I'm trying to add them to a post, it seems to always show the same error (Client request(POST invalid: 403 . Text "<..."). The app has all the required permissions granted and I'm not banned from the community. What can it be then?

    FW-2024-02-25-1 or Just the first encoded rant

    10 - 9, 2 - 1, all the same but all mean "one". And one is nothing. But if it's nothing, why I still haven't put that knife into my heart? Or fall off the edge of level 26? Is it hope or is it fear? In any imaginable case it's still no more than just some pain. But here there's no place for pain. It's just a waste of resources. Though no matter what it is, I'm still waiting for that Altair notification sound. Or I guess it's an orange circle cuz the sound is turned off.

    I started it wrong (or maybe right and then switched to wrong it doesn't matter). Even though it was like 3rd attempt, it wasn't a regular attempt at all. It was something else. And it's been 14 months. Quite a lot of time if you ask me. Quite a lot of time of complete happiness. But started wrong and not fixed in time was the recipe for failure. I tried to fix it but I was never even brave enough to say one censored sentence. And it expectedly fell apart. My fault. My bad. My punishment. But guess I just never was brave and honest enough. I understand. But it's not like it's enough to start a normal life again

    Windows 11 vs Ubuntu vs Fedora 39 vs Arch Linux - Speed Test!

    Even though different Linux distros are often fairly close in terms of real-life performance and all of them have a clear advantage over Windows in many use cases, we can't reject the fact that Arch Linux has undoubtedly won the competition. And now I'm so glad to have another reason to proudly say "I use Arch btw"

    ::: It was a joke of course :::

    GolfNovemberUniform GolfNovemberUniform

    After the last experience, very proudly homophobic.

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