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  • Okay all my comments are "rape apologia" re: mod log but like literally what the fuck.

    If I build up a persona to deceive you in order to have sex with you, I have raped you. If a teenager does this to a person, it is no longer rape? because they are being raped? How the fuck is THAT not a form of rape apologia. Man fuck this whole ass thread.

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  • The story is incredibly awkward to tell in this context of all this shit in here, I guess, but it wasn't awkward at all in the moment. I gathered relevant information in a "normal person" type of way (as opposed to "let me see your ID right now!") and moved on.

    But like, she wasn't actively attempting to deceive you, you just asked her and she was like oh yeah I'm in high school. And like... not having a car or your own transportation is a fairly common thing, especially for college aged adults? I've known so many people who need rides places just because they don't have their own cars. So like, red flags aren't universal I guess.

    I can't imagine someone who wants to have sex (or whatever- it doesn't have to be sex. Any romantic contact is inappropriate here) suddenly being turned off and repulsed by the suggestion that they look really young and you don't want to do anything immoral (or illegal).

    Hank Hill: in my experience, women really respond to formality

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  • if I get banned for my involvement in this thread can you at least please do it like some other time I don't wanna deal with bad news for a bit thank you for your consideration modmins

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  • No 15 year-old is remotely mistakable for an appropriate partner for someone over 30.

    "they should have known better"

    p.s. I'm pretty sure that lying to a person in order to have sex with them is also literally rape. Rape by deception?

    ignore that lol

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  • That was my thinking, like the most socially acceptable way to handle that would probably be to discuss the so-called upcoming 19th birthday and poke for inconsistencies.

    Yeah, but why do that if you're not in a state of mind to be suspicious of it? Like yeah that would make sense to find out if someone is lying about their age, but it requires you to suspect the possibility in the first place?

    like idk I just think it's a complicated situation. He's legally guilty of statutory rape, but without any knowledge or intent of doing it (even if people seem to widely agree he "should have known better") it feels wrong to refer to him as a rapist, especially when he's also a victim.

    Like you know when you push someone off a cliff to kill them, you've done murder? But if you push someone because you're playing around and they fall and hit their head and die, it's manslaughter? It feels kinda like that where it's more nuanced than that

    p.s. I'm pretty sure that lying to a person in order to have sex with them is also literally rape. Rape by deception? So... OP is also a rape victim? idk the whole thing is fucked. And saying that the child can't consent doesn't seem to absolve this part of it because ability to consent or not, they sought out the situation

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  • are people expected to ask sex partners to see their IDs because I've literally never

    I mean I've never hooked up with someone 10+ years younger than me either but I don't think if I were doing that I would think to be like "let me see some ID" about it and I think it's weird that that is some sort of responsibility to have

    OP should have confirmed the kid's identity before starting anything

    and if they met on some hardcore kink site I mean technically access to that should be seen as confirmation of adulthood?

    you kinda handwave that away as "jumping through a bunch of hoops to illegally get into a kink space" but that kind of begs the question of "what if they fabricated an ID, then?" like what if OP asks for an ID, gets a convincing fake, and the end result is the same?

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  • I missed all this but I guess I belong on a list or something because I think if a person is lied to they're a victim? that makes sense to me? (edit: I forgot but yes? rape by deception. Oh cool all my comments are "rape apologia" because rape by deception isn't also rape)

    Like, what? The guy should have just magically known this person's age?

    If they continued after finding out, yeah, fuck em, straight to gulag, thousand year gulag. But how the fuck am I supposed to blame someone for being misled?

    clicked on the thread but it's like 100000 words and the comments, where I assume people are articulating how this makes sense, don't load

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  • my favorite part about that is that there's literally a fucking memo from the state department in the 50s where an undersecretary is like "yeah basically we're going to starve cuba to force regime change" in, you know, not those words. Like they fucking say it.

    so yeah sanctions have no effect (but the people doing the sanctions have literally said "we're going to put the screws to the people to make them so desperate, diseased, and plagued by death that they revolt")

  • when you'd rather be a subsistence farmer than a gold miner

    the new local prices shit doesn't make any fucking sense like I guess I have to literally make tools IN this province for them to be cheap enough for people to actually want to use them? I don't fucking know. Don't explain it to me I don't care I'll figure it out

    what the fuck, Victoria 3

    Im playing China and chugging along, can probably 1v1 a great power, I ally with Britain in exchange for an obligation when France decides to attack me. But despite getting the fucking alliance, Britain isn't helping me, which really fucks me given that Russia piles in with France

    What the fuck is the point of getting an alliance in exchange for an obligation if they can just IMMEDIATELY ignore it and leave you to die

    *record scratch* you're probably wondering how I got here

    i took texas as a beachhead to invade the U.S. to force recognition as a great power, which I'll do as soon as I get my munitions plants up and running :^]

    and the very first thing I did was build a university there to educate the savages

    how should I deal with this finger injury at work

    I needed stitches on my thumb but like i'm not supposed to keep it wet but also i wear gloves that fill with sweat, so, what's the best way to deal with that

    Id post in the megathread but it's at 23 hours and despite me complaining repeatedly about the chilling effect the megathread cycle has on posting at the end of the day it's still in effect

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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