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A little help goes a long way
  • The "Help" action is so lackluster in D&D 5. I appreciate that it exists that IS certainly a step up. But you do nothing with your turn (not very exciting), and your friend has Advantage, which helps, but if I had a nickel for every time I failed a roll with Advantage, I could probably buy a new copy of the PHB.

    (Only a small part of why my game of choice is something completely different.)

  • What RPG have you been dying to run?
  • I'm not surprised, I don't recall how much the kickstarter raised, but it wasn't a ton. (Still enough to fund, obviously.) It was originally called "Bite Me!" (which is approximately as vampire-y, though I certainly liked it a lot better) but somebody had a copyright on that name.

    Anyway, here's the DriveThruRPG listing

  • What RPG have you been dying to run?
  • The MCDM RPG, it's not out yet. (Patreon backers have access to playtest documents, but I'm not that dedicated.) Also it has a name, we just don't know it yet. No, I'm not salty about that.

    "Bite Marks", a PBTA game about werewolves. Just hasn't been the right time yet.

    Savage Worlds variants include Weird War II, Weird Wars Rome, Last Parsec, Legend of Ghost Mountain--in each case, I only have limited game time, so there's just a big old backlog, you know?

  • I just need my fix, ok?
  • It's such an odd game. There are some genuinely interesting dichotomies at play, a lot of potential for good drama, and themes I like, but it is not easy to wrap your head around, and moreover the book feels like it was laid out by an actual faerie. Which is kinda atmospheric, I guess, but you could, you know, impose some organization in the character building sections so players can find stuff.

    My wife (girlfriend at the time) ran a short campaign for some of our friends a little over 10 years ago. It was fun, but damn. Building a character was such a headache.

  • Ca...can I just roll for it?
  • It’s absolutely demanding on your real life charisma in a way no other check is.

    Yes, I have a bard like this. I love her dearly, but she is exhausting. That's why I consider carefully before I decide if I'm going to use her.

  • MCDM RPG Crowdfunding Campaign is Live The MCDM RPG

    Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.

    The MCDM RPG

    Hey folks, Matt "Running the Game" Colville is launching his own RPG, and it is NOT a d20 clone (though it has some similarities to D&D 4), and so it's not weighed down by legacy mechanics like Armor Class and Ability Scores. The campaign video, and the page, will tell you about the game's core design, so you can decide if you're interested. It's already funded!

    First Word from GenCon on CR's DAGGERHEART

    The Character Sheet summarizes an early playtest of Critical Role's upcoming fantasy RPG DAGGERHEART. TL; DR: it is NOT a D&D clone--task resolution is 2d12 based, results might be success or failure, and either can carry with it Fear, or Hope. There are classes / roles, sounds like MANY ancestries are planned. Highly narrative, but we expected that, right?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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