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Shocked Brits react to rise in cost of living under Conservative government
  • Last pound pint night I went to, I swear they were watering them down.

    It was still a messy evening, mind.

    2015, so not that long ag....oh shit...

  • Google AI making up recalls that didn’t happen
  • That's not an unreasonable reason not to subscribe.

    I do have a bit of a fear that the company may hit a turning point. And he'll either tone it down a bit, or they'll lose a lot of people, both staff and subs.

  • Google AI making up recalls that didn’t happen
  • I stopped recommending kagi on lemmy after the umpteenth person accused me of shilling.

    Maybe I should take a screenshot of the £20 leaving my account each month!

  • Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • clocks in at under £40/month. That's hosting, and backups. is similar.

    Plus our time, but we're obviously doing it as a labour of love.

  • Thames Water urgent 'do not drink' warning to hundreds of Surrey homes
  • A long time ago, a government decided it was in the best interests of the country to sell off the water companies to private investors.
    Over time, those companies were loaded up with debt to pay dividends to investors.
    Lumbered with huge interest payments, and shareholders pushing for more returns, investment in the water systems were cut to the bone.
    So now we're seeing more and more failures as a result of cost cutting.

  • What will Royal Mail’s takeover mean for customers and postal workers?
  • It's a complete farce, imho. Especially since it's another case of "buying a company by taking out loans against that same company".

    It'll just be a waiting game for the promises to expire, then splitting off the profitable bits, lumping the debt onto the obligated post bit, and letting the state pick up the pieces.

  • Researchers crack 11-year-old password, recover $3 million in bitcoin
  • There is a guy fighting Newport council to let him dig through a landfill at the moment:

  • When do I get a home studio?
  • Massive love for Reaper. One of the few bits of software I'm happy to pay for each time I've had my 3 future versions, or whatever it is.

  • Insulation scandal: ‘I have to scrape mould off the walls every two weeks'
  • The canadian chap has explained a lot of things well.

    The biggest part is, water vapor in the air condenses to liquid water when it encounters a surface that is colder. For example, nice warm inside bricks connected to cool outside bricks after someone put something in the cavity.

    If that water condenses in a place that is cold, and low airflow, it will be there for a while. It soaks into anything that might take it, and gives a fantastic place for mould to grow.
    So if the cavity filling between two walls is not executed with a serious survey and planning, this can happen.

    The two main options to prevent water are putting up membranes that prevent water vapor reaching the bad area in the first place, or by using materials that are breathable to the vapor throughout the wall, so it can wick away in either direction.

    So in the bad situations, you end up with water condensing, then getting trapped by non-breathable insulation, in some cases pooling up at the bottom of the cavity, leading to the damp growing effectively out of the walls, and into the room.
    And of course, non-breathable materials are often cheaper/more insulating, so generally get picked first.

  • Waitrose only major supermarket with majority Tory customers, polls show
  • "Waitrose customers found to be older and richer than average"

  • nicest bloke from the south east
  • South isn't that bad, outside the M25.

  • The Internet Archive is under a DDoS attack
  • Admins that access the post through their instance can currently see the votes.

    Someone explained it to me that a lot of the downvoting is people browsing all, then getting annoyed and downvoting when they see things they're not interested in :|

  • Buckfast gets reviewed
  • It's about a month until the 12th, perhaps the orangemen are trying to drive the price down.

  • Featured
    Register to vote for the General Election
  • Whichever is on offer at the offy!

    Plus a couple of bottles of that malt stuff from Nigeria.

  • Featured
    Register to vote for the General Election
  • Depends how many tins of Guinness I've had.

  • McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills
  • Five guys do unlimited refills, but the cup is 5 fucking quid. Similar tale in Marugame Udon.

    And that's on top of a tenner each for the burger. At least they don't police whos cup is whos.

  • Featured
    Register to vote for the General Election
  • I've pinned this post to the instance.
    One of the best things we can do is encourage everyone to get to get registered, and get ready to vote.

    Congrats Frank, please don't change the title to something horrid while I'm busy :)

  • EDPM vs Fibreglass for a flat roof
  • Sounds good to me. If you're getting a builder to do it, you're almost definitely better off with whatever system they're happy using.
    Everyone will have their preference that they feel most comfortable with.

    Honestly, I reckon it's 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. Over 25 years, it'll probably do the same job.

  • Government tells Britons to stockpile as part of emergency planning
  • I honestly don't hate this policy. Keeping at least 3 days supplies with rotation is just common sense, right?
    If something knocked the power/water out for a couple of days, every person with something in store is one less person the authorities have to worry about, until things either stabilise or get worse.

  • Mr Bates vs Post Office drama lost £1m, ITV boss says Mr Bates vs Post Office drama lost £1m, ITV boss says

    The agenda-setting drama made a loss despite being the UK's most-watched TV show of the year so far.

    Mr Bates vs Post Office drama lost £1m, ITV boss says

    They did, however, do a public good. I'm sure Channel 4 loses similar amounts for some of the Dispatches.

    Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer both rule out St George bank holiday Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer both rule out St George bank holiday

    Labour previously said it wanted four new UK-wide bank holidays to mark each nation's patron saint day.

    Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer both rule out St George bank holiday

    £1bn/year cost, apparently. I wonder if that still applies if a monarch dies.

    High court upholds top London school’s ban on prayer rituals High court upholds top London school’s ban on prayer rituals

    Muslim pupil loses case against Michaela community school, run by former government social mobility tsar Katharine Birbalsingh

    High court upholds top London school’s ban on prayer rituals
    MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 2009 MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 2009

    Rishi Sunak's bill aims to create the UK's first smoke-free generation in a major public health intervention.

    MPs to vote on smoking ban for those born after 2009
    Short downtime this evening - Now completed

    The server seems to be heavily into swap again, so I'm going to do a reboot (and a few bonus patches, because why not).

    I might also take the opportunity to start the pictrs upgrade.

    If anyone requires replacement entertainment, let me help you find something on TV for an hour or so.

    Show us your dashboards

    Mine have always been a bit functional, and I'm curious what more creative people have achieved.

    Anyone fancy showing off what they've put together? Feel free to blank out personal information, obviously.

    And on another note, I'm now moderating this sub. Hi! Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see added to the sidebar, I'm aiming to update it over the next few days.

    The Tory party has lost the plot – and could be bad news for Labour | John Harris (Opinion piece) The Tory party has lost the plot – and could be bad news for Labour | John Harris

    This paranoid, belligerent rabble will never offer the effective opposition Britain needs. They could even come staggering back into power, says the Guardian columnist John Harris

    The Tory party has lost the plot – and could be bad news for Labour | John Harris

    I know, it's a meme at this point "Tories collapse: Find out why this is bad for Labour"

    Washington's Lottery AI site turned user photo into porn Washington's Lottery AI site turned user photo into porn | Rantz

    A new Washington's Lottery site featuring AI technology turned a user's photo into softcore pornography. The site has since been taken down.

    Washington's Lottery AI site turned user photo into porn | Rantz
    Liz Truss shares bizarre Easter message as she holds uncomfortable-looking lamb Liz Truss shares bizarre Easter message as she holds uncomfortable-looking lamb

    Liz Truss has been mocked after sharing an Easter message alongside a picture of herself holding a lamb outside a church which was devastated by a fire two years ago

    Liz Truss shares bizarre Easter message as she holds uncomfortable-looking lamb
    GreatAlbatross GreatAlbatross
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