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[Update: No they are not] Are they killing
  • Same here :(

    Update: Deleted cookies. Now I can't log in anymore.

  • Steven Wilson - December Skies
    Defederated from Update: Refederated!
  • Oh no, not my beloved neighbors :(

  • me_irl GrishAix
    Was ist euer bester Chuck Norris Witz?
  • Chuck Norris commits with a roundhouse kick into the SVN server’s head.

  • Kennt Ihr gute Blogs?
  • Eher ein Tipp. Ich schaue, was bei Rivva gerade im Web populär ist. Wenn da ein interessanter Blog bei ist, kommt der in meinen Feedreader.

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals GrishAix
    What’s one word to prove you lived trough the 90’s?
  • I like it very much. But I wonder if it will ever be suitable as a daily driver.

  • me_irl GrishAix
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals GrishAix
    Surprise floof
    StarTrekMemes: Meme-ory Alpha GrishAix
    The time travel episode i missed.
    When you hear someone pronounce GIF as 'JIF
  • So its "Jraphics Interchange Format"?

  • Underworld - Rez
    Where does Windows' new media player gets the artist backgrounds from and why does it put a photo of these giddy old men doing stuff on curtains for C418?
  • MusicBee had the same Problem. Listening to the band "Bush" and getting images of president Bush. At lest they used safe search ;)

  • What are you wearing right now?
  • Home office. Dark gray sweater pants, t-shirt and slippers.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Bimbo. In German, it's the N-Word.

  • Probably the worst Deck 2 design I've seen
  • Not only the controller. I always had to put something heavy on the toploader or the CDs wouldn't load properly.

  • Leute die ä, ö, ü als ae, oe und ue schreiben, was ist falsch mit euch?
  • Sorry. Ich muss. Wir benutzen Software, die das nicht kann :(

  • Grishaix GrishAix
    Posts 97
    Comments 43