This chair is about 20 years old and gets used every day 2 0
Fuck you with your reddit Bot
What hobby of yours do you wish more people were into? 3 0
Bro, it's same as lemmy. In few years it will be more advanced, and users too. Why bigger communities risk to be banned on telegram? Maybe more better to host your community on matrix?
What hobby of yours do you wish more people were into? 11 2
Telegram Will die, Matrix will takeover
older laptop distro recommendarion 2 5
Try archlinux+i3wm. This is best thing happened to my laptop 💻
The Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Frederic William Burton (1864) 2 0
Hahaha made my day 😂
Can someone please explain why not to use Brave browser ? 3 5
Looks scam to me. Tooooo much X on chrome, some even hardly possible.
Zinc batteries that offer an alternative to lithium just got a big boost 6 0
Looks promising, but not soon, I think.