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What if I told you Israel doesn’t have a right to exist
  • BDS ist "Konsumkritik" like we say in germany. It's the bullshit anarchists are promoting. If you really wanna do something you start a revolution. What do you wanna do next, not buying at Amazon to make Jeff Bezos suffer? I bet he starts crying, if you stop buying at Amazon. If you really want to change sth. you have to start organizing people and seize the means of production. And where do you start with it? In the state you're living in. Start a revolution, bro and stop trying to reform capitalism.

  • What if I told you Israel doesn’t have a right to exist
  • Then go to Palestine and fight on the side of Fatah. In which way are you doing your part in international solidarity? Are you doing practical work or are u just using words? I bet you're just using words. Using words is nothing.

  • What if I told you Israel doesn’t have a right to exist
  • Yeah, I'll wait till this really happens. You can remind me anytime. Till then everything we're talking about this is a waste of time. The imperialists and capitalists in your country are laughing about us.

  • What if I told you Israel doesn’t have a right to exist
  • You didn't understand it, comrade. If you're saying Israel has no right to exist your focus is not on point. Why do you have the urge to mock about Israel all time? It's a waste of time. It's the job of the citizens of Israel to do a revolution, not yours. Your job is to start a revolution in your state. You're wasting time and resources. You can mock about Israel, if you have the power in your state, but not now.

  • Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in 10 German states
  • Guess what? The constitution of the Weimarer Republik is also one of the most modern in the world. What do you wanna say with this? Those are just nice words. The problem with our constitution is, that you have to interpret everything in it. What is "Würde"? Have you seen "Würde" in your life? Can you touch it? No, you can't. Also we have a lot of exceptions. In theory, nobody of the state can enter your house, if you don't allow it. But if you get Bürgergeld suddenly it's allowed. Weird, right? So, if right wing people get into all instutions, if they become judges etc. we have suddenly a lot of problems. What if they become Bundesrichter? What if they rule the Bundesverfassungsgericht? Then we have huge, huge problems. All nice stuff, to prevent Nazism is worthless, if the AfD gets a lot of votes. And the voting-system doesn't help you a little bit, if the people are voting AfD.

  • China complains to Germany after foreign minister calls Xi a 'dictator'
  • The joke goes deeper. Comrade, I bet you know STASI. The big secret service of GDR. They knew that the NSA was spying whole germany. They wrote whole files about it. They knew everything. I bet the secret services of west-germany also knew, but they didn't care or couldn't say anything. Anyways. Let's skip some time... The best germany yet lost the cold war, the unification with capitalistic germany let Nazis rise again... Let me skip some more time. They founded the Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv, a capitalistic german instititution, which only task was to tape and glue all scraps of paper the Stasi left and one former enemy of the GDR became it's leader. This leader was later known Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, who is mostly known for his stupid comments, which he makes nearly every second day, till now - Anyways... This Joachim Gauck got his hands on the files, which the Stasi wrote about the NSA and spying all germany. What did he do? He didn't make it public, he just sent the files to the USA. End of story. There's not much left on the internet, but here you go:

  • Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in 10 German states
  • It didn't start with Putin. It started with destabilizing the socialistic states and fighting the left. You can argue that the socialism wasn't good, I am fine with it - but you have to understand that this was the beginning. You can begin with Italy, after ww2 it became nearly socialistic - the US were against it. Same with Poland, it became far right after the fall of the USSR. And even Russia - you know where it started? 1994 after Gorbashev. And now we have the problems starting in germany, in east-germany. After the end of the GDR there were nobody who fought against Nazis. They spread like hell and even the secret services ignored it. Now 30 years later we have huge problems. I don't know if everybody remembers, but there was Rostock-Lichtenhagen ( - it was nearly after the reunification. In the GDR this would've been impossible, in new germany even the politicians participated with the demonstrations (at the beginning, later with escalation it changed). It was horrible. Nobody wanted to see it. They had 30 years time.

  • Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in 10 German states
  • You're from germany? Where have you read it? Do you know what happened with the Weimarer Republik? If our secret services warn about it, you should believe it. It's also not just about the Bundestag, it's about all institutions. It's serious.

  • Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in 10 German states
  • You can't get rid of BILD, because of press-freedom. It's very very difficult. You're right, if you're saying they're a big problem, but they're not extremistic. If you look at NIUS on the other hand - WTF! NIUS of openly everything, you think BILD is already. There is something big coming and I am really afraid of it. And yes, NIUS is from Reichelt, the guy who was kicked out of BILD.

  • Germany bans neo-Nazi group with links to US, conducts raids in 10 German states
  • I wish we would do it more often. But in fact west-germany and now whole germany always were slow in fighting against Nazis. Currently we have an extreme right-wing party in our parliaments. Many say they're all Nazis and our secret services say that large parts of them are Nazis. It's not funny anymore. Many people are thinking about leaving the country, especially jews. And if they're going to win the first big elections in the next few years, this won't be funny. Democracy will fail in germany, if we don't do anything about it. I am talking about AfD. if you look at the charts, you'll see that they're already the biggest force in Thüringen (one of our states). It's scary. Here's a source of our secret services, that they're extreme right-wing: It says that parts of the party are a threat to our democracy.

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