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From my resistance lib mom... It's so joever
  • Yeah all this stuff with Biden is making me real sad about my relatives in their 80s

  • Just Stop Oil protestors break into airfield, spray paint 2 private jets orange
  • They're paid for by a Getty, who seems to hate her family. It's run by rich kids, but they are kind of class traitors so it's cool I guess? Definitely a bit out of touch with the masses though

  • Just Stop Oil protestors break into airfield, spray paint 2 private jets orange
  • Technically it predates the British bronze age, it's one of the few well-preserved neolithic sites. Though any permanent damage done by yesterday's stunt is 100% the fault of the fossil fuel capitalists for sabotaging the last fifty years of environmental policy, I don't blame the kids at all

  • Just Stop Oil protestors break into airfield, spray paint 2 private jets orange
  • I think that's the point, they are trying to make life increasingly annoying for everyone, especially westerners, until climate change is adequately addressed. I can backseat activist all day and nitpick what they're doing, but honestly it's more direct action than I've ever done for the climate

  • I want to show yall my favorite band: Neutral Milk Hotel
  • Jeff man-gum sure loves his cum lyrics

  • What's up with the ruling class choosing the most unlikable representatives
  • I think, to some degree, they're concerned that actually likeable politicians are a threat to their control over the political system.

  • CNN reports on American Run Concentration Camps in Syria
  • Yeah the full truth is probably much worse

  • NSFW
    Average pope during pride month
  • It was Italian, too. It's a fun word to say out loud, it's really bouncy and flamboyant. Leave it to the Italians to have fun, silly-sounding words with the worst meanings

  • Reposting this because I saw one person have a take I disagreed with
  • Maybe he thought you liked the music? He was just sharing the vibes instead of keeping them all too himself

  • JUST IN: Hunter Biden convicted on all 3 charges at federal gun trial
  • Hunter is absolutely hoping his dad loses the election so he can do a lame-duck pardon

  • I've been unemployed practically my entire life and I don't know what to do about it
  • It sounds like your parents are ok with the arrangement, assuming that's true you don't need to start right by jumping into the job market. I have a job and a house and I fucking hate it, if I had the time there are so many things I'd rather be doing. If you just spend time out in the community, being helpful and generally pleasant, you can make connections and there's a good chance one of those people will know of a good job opening for you, they might even end up being the owner if you're lucky. I'm not sure if that's viable for your situation or not, but don't assume you have to go straight to the exploitation machine

  • Biden’s poor polling numbers have raised questions about the possibility of a blowout victory by Trump in November
  • Bread and circuses with a strong imperial presidency bordering on Cesar is not an impossible outcome for the American empire

  • Biden’s poor polling numbers have raised questions about the possibility of a blowout victory by Trump in November
  • That's why it's going to be a self-funded billionaire Democrat with a savior complex who will win cosplaying as a social democrat in 2028. We'll all get some nice treats and then they'll die and the Dems will spend the rest of our lives clawing it all back

  • NSFW
    I still don't truly know if I'm included in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • You're thinking of this backwards. You ARE a part of the lgbtq+ community. There are just people out there who claim to support the community but are actually hypocrites. Remember that Boris Yelstin used to call himself a communist. Some people are just liars

  • NSFW
    Why is it that if I walk 3 miles around a field that's a hike
  • Hiking is to walking as mountain biking is to... regular biking. It'd be odd to say you were mountain biking if you just went around the neighborhood. Honestly even calling a walk through a field a hike is pushing it, but I guess that's as wild as nature gets in some places

  • Really makes you think v2a
  • I think you need the original to have this make sense

  • Turns out everyone owes the "suspended license" zoom court guy an apology
  • The fact that they weren't able to sort this out before he was jailed is absolutely fucked

  • Bad news, everybody: the revolution is cancelled
  • The revolution can be peaceful if the bourgeoisie and fascists let it be peaceful (they won't)

  • Is libgen working

    I've tried all of the URLs I know and I can't find a way to reach library Genesis. Is there a known problem?

    Ted Kazcinsky was a whiny dork

    Img: the Unabomber manifesto

    Seriously, how can someone who spent their whole life in the wilderness need to touch grass so hard? You feel alienated by wage labor and capitalist development and your solution is to complain about feminists and Berkeley professors? What a useless crybaby.
