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Only The Best Groomers
  • The Bible and it's mostly commendable teachings are an uncritically examined votive for a cargo cult that is being weaponised against America's democracy. What the ten commandments are, or are not, is immaterial. The critical lesson is the hegemony of Christians over non-Christians and, most importantly, distilled to the naturalness/righteousness of hegemony/hierarchy.

    It is a thin entering wedge that is intended to open up the possibility of inculcating children with divisive conceptions and undermining critical thinking.

    Yes the ten commandments could be put up on the wall with egalitarian intentions but that is implicitly not the case with the MAGA movement.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • Think of it more like the flu. If I caught the flu I might have a temperature, a sore throat, loss of appetite, and headaches. If you catch the flu you might get headaches, diarrhea, exhaustion, and a dry cough.

    Fascism is built upon and characterised by the exploitation of the current fissures of a stressed society. It is unlikely to lead to gas chambers and Hugo Boss uniforms as they were part of the specific evolution of fascism in Germany after it was crippled by the loss of the first world war. Usually, there are all sorts of barriers to full blooded fascism that give it part of its local character too as it tries to morph into whatever conglomerate of memes that it can ride to power.

    Right now in America the pressure for fascism is being built with the tacit support of a lot of evangelical christians. It is not the whole of the story. It is part of the conglomerate. So the pride flags come down and the ten commandments go up.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • The impulse behind one act is inclusive, welcoming persecuted minorities. This is fundamentally egalitarian and strengthens society.

    The other is intended as part of a drive for cultural hegemony where a specific ingroup is underlined as sovereign. A hierarchial society of a majority of innate winners and, importantly, subgoups of losers/outsiders (to be feared/hated) is the backbone of fascism.

    Of course, a single piece of straw will not break society's back and manifest fascism on its own but pressure towards it is created by an aggregation of such straw.

  • Just a little UI query

    I done goofed up. I hit the 'block user' option instead of the 'go to user' option (need glasses) and I can't now find an option to unblock them. Is there one?

    BBC Question Time: analysis of guests over nine years suggests an overuse of rightwing voices
  • This bias has been known and commented upon in UK political forums for over a decade. This, for instance, is parr for the course.

    The show also constantly used rightwing hacks from client media or thinktank spokespeople when filling the non-politician spot. It got to the point that if felt that Kate Andrews had been burnt onto my monitor.

  • Just a reminder
  • Fair enough. But I'm not talking about drama. I'm talking about change. I can appreciate that sitting in a slowly boiling pot of water may seem preferable to getting tipped into the fire but a big part of your problem is that too many are fed up with being slowly boiled alive and most of those are clueless about what to do about it so are thrashing about causing the pot to tip. Boring is partly what got you into this position.

  • Just a reminder
  • Vaccines don’t cause autism, but the lie won’t die. In fact, it’s getting worse.
  • Hey hey hey!

    Don't be dragging granola into this fuckwit-ocracy. It's a perfectly reasonable low effort breakfast for those of us that are unable to cook for ourselves because we can't find our arses with both hands for the first hour of semi-consciousness in the morning.

  • How do you recover from seeing something awful on the Internet?
  • This is my go to type of therapy. It's about re-centering your focus so that your mind stops looping back to the trauma./ Where it becomes problematic is then weaning yourself off the game to healthier pursuits.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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