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How big is your desk?
  • Many, many years ago I used to have two Wyse50 terminals, running split screens each with two parts. I did a lot of support on remote systems (via modem!) and I would have a session on a customer system, source code and running on our test system and internal stuff. I didn't have space for a third terminal.

    At another job I had an office with a "U" shaped desk. I would spread printouts across half the "U" and swivel around between the computer and the printouts.

  • Members of Britain’s richest family get jail terms for exploiting Indian staff at Swiss mansion | The Straits Times
  • I always thought of "Briton" in that last sense, while "Brit" has the meaning of anyone living in the UK (almost). But that's from an outsider's perspective.

    As my English cousin corrected me, though, "I'm English, 'British' could be anything!". She wasn't, of course, talking about the difference between English and Welsh, or Scots.

  • Make a raid 5 with two almost full disk and another one empty
  • Technically, he would have three drives and only two drives of data. So he could move 1/3 of the data off each of the two drives onto the third and then start off with RAID 5 across the remaining 1/3 of each drive.

  • Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass
  • I really like that water molecule analogy. Personally, I have always viewed it as so feature of the topography of our universe in a higher dimension. Think about two two dimensional people living in a spherical plane. The furthest actual distance they could get from each other would be the diameter of the sphere. Yet they wouldn't even know of the spherical nature of their universe.

  • Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass
  • I'm not sure that they saw it as a "placeholder" at the time. It wasn't until Mickelson and Morley demonstrated that the fixed frame of reference demanded by aether wasn't there, paving the way for Relativity, that it was abandoned.

    I don't see people treating Dark Matter an a placeholder right now either.

    But, like I said, I'm not qualified to comment.

  • Southern Baptists expel Virginia church for believing women can serve as pastors
  • I'm not sure what you're getting at.

    All I'm saying is that, for Christians, the text of the Bible has been mostly locked down since the Vulgate Bible at around 400 AD. The content is what it is, and is the basis of the faith.

    At this point it doesn't matter if someone mistranslated the Hebrew, misquoted Jesus, made Jesus up entirely, or forged an epistle. It's been in there for 1600 years and it's authenticity or accuracy is moot.

    Arguing about the origin of 1 Timothy is like arguing about the colour of the wings on the fairies that live at the bottom of the garden. It's all made up rubbish anyways.

  • Southern Baptists expel Virginia church for believing women can serve as pastors
  • I'm not sure about the value of questioning the authenticity of something that has been canon for almost 2000 years. It's like quibbling about how the Latin translation of the Old Testament doesn't match Hebrew sources.

    Who cares which misogynistic jerk wrote that passage? It's been part of the bedrock of the faith of countless generations of misogynists since then.

  • The hottest place on Earth is cracking from the stress of extreme heat
  • Death Valley appears to be a very contained thing. When I was there, the temperature in Las Vegas was 108. When we started down into the valley the temperature started to rise dramatically. Half way down, it hit 117 and I had to stop to get out to see what it felt like.

    But then the temperature kept going up as we went down into the valley. We hit 126 for a while approaching Badwater, and it was 124 when we got out at Badwater.

    And this was in May, around 15 years ago.

    The point is that when you go there, you see that Death Valley is a meteorological phenomenon created by, and contained by the geography of Death Valley.

    Yes, 108 is hot, but there was an almost 10 degree increase as soon as you crossed the ridge into the valley and started down. The idea that Death Valley climate will somehow spread to the surrounding area just doesn't make sense.

  • Protesting is getting weird...
  • As a Canadian driving around the UK I always found these signs strange. When passing one we would raise our fists in the air and shout, "End road work...end road work everywhere!!!".

    It amused us.

  • A cool guide to Epicurean Paradox
  • It doesn't. All I'm saying is that your assertion that free will requires that evil is a choice assumes the existence of evil in the first place. If God never created evil, then it's simply not something you could ever choose, just like an infinity of other non-things that you cannot choose. But that doesn't inhibit your free will.

  • Crochet HamsterRage
    Group Shot

    For some reason, the wife decided to pull out all of the amigurumi critters that she's made since she started doing this at the beginning of the year.

    So, here you go, the group shot:


    Crochet HamsterRage
    The Wife's Latest Creation


    She said that the pattern was awful and that she had fudge all kinds of stuff to make it work. The hat needed to be completely redesigned.

    This sub is not ready yet HamsterRage
    Still Not Ready?

    I'm beginning to think that this sub will never be ready. What's the hold-up????

    Crochet HamsterRage

    The wife has started to make these amigurumi creatures. Here's her latest two.

    She uses worsted weight wool (she tells me) which generally results in bigger creatures.

    1981 Mockingbird Supreme

    I wanted one of these back in 1980 when I was 16. I remember that they were $1,200, but they might as well have been $1,200,000 as far as I was concerned.

    Many years later I had the $$$ to buy one, and this one is a beauty. Koa, with Bill Lawrence pickups.

    Look at all the knobs and switches!!!

    This sub is not ready yet HamsterRage
    When will this sub be ready?
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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