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German museum in racism row over partial ban of white people
  • How is that even legal in Germany?

  • What do you call Marshmallow in your native language?
  • マシュマロ


  • Russian soldier admits proudly his comrades were killing POWs
  • The only gymnastics here are happening in your head.

  • Russian soldier admits proudly his comrades were killing POWs
  • You need to return to lemmygrad.

  • Leute die ä, ö, ü als ae, oe und ue schreiben, was ist falsch mit euch?
  • Ich lebe in Japan und hab dementsprechend nur ne Japanische Tastatur.
    (DE IME Tastaturbelegungen kann ich mir nicht merken... -, ^ oder : sind ue oder oe, und keine Ahnung wo der Rest ist)

  • Is Orwell fiction becoming real? Ukraine and the permanent war.
  • Seriously, this reads like a piece from lemmygrad.

  • Osaka Expo asks for overtime cap exemption as time pressure mounts
  • Maybe your Japanese isn't quite at the level you think it is.

  • there is no problem
  • Depends on if there's Russian soldiers inside.

  • Why exactly did the android community's mods decide to basically leave world?
  • Unless you're on Kbin, which is not federated.

  • Is there any one else who feels like their life has been disrupted by this whole debacle with Reddit.
  • What I liked about reddit was its "googleability". You had a question and found an answer without reading through an endless article that winds it's way through rephrasing your question 5 times, adds extensive biographies of everyone mentioned, the wider history of the problem and the author's grandmother, all to pad the article and have you scroll through more adds.

    But now there's ChatGPT, so most of my "googling" can be done that way, and I don't have to scroll through walls of puns or "this is the way" or "thanks for the gold, kind stranger", or "take my updoot and get out". I wonder how much of that bullshit were bots, anyway.

  • “Reddit cannot survive without its moderators. It cannot.” - The Verge
  • I'd been using RES to overwrite, then delete all my posts and comments every few weeks for the last years. If Reddit tried to restore any of my stuff, even if they went past the overwrite nonsense strings, they most likely only caught a fraction of it.

  • Hanabie Hanabie
    Posts 0
    Comments 13