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Memorable rules mistakes
  • In Quest I thought that evil players, except for Morgana, always had to play Fail.

  • Why the Rich World is Dying and How to Save It
  • Depopulation isn't a big of a problem for the wealthy as it is for the working class. I don't know about the US, but in countries like Italy where retirement pensions are paid by the state through taxation of workers wages, depopulation is the biggest threat possibile.

    This kind of system requires workers to be more than retired people. Every year some people retire and if new borns aren't enough to fill that gap, we get a situation in which retired people are more than the workers. This means less wages to tax, that leads to low pensions for who's already retired and also people who are still working will be able to retire much later and with even lower pensions.

    This scenario is catastrophic for young people like me and I think other european countries are facing this very same problem. The next decade will be tough to say the least...

  • meow_irl
  • I find cleaning to be a funny activity, so this is me when I have to study.

  • blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy
  • Well, they can just open it on another instance. This is the beauty of Lemmy and the Fediverse.

  • What game(s) do you replay the most?
  • Coup if I'm playing with 3-5 Player. Quest with more tan 5 players.

  • Marketing at its best
  • It doesn't look to bad to me. The shape is there, maybe there are few chocolate chips, but those bastards usually lay at the bottom.

  • ...what?
  • Are you stupid or something? You clearly have to put your username, duh

  • When someone writes a sentence, uses a comma instead of a conjunction
  • Is this considered grammatically correct in English? As far as I know, this form is correct when you're listing something, but the last element must be preceded by and.

  • The EU wants to crack down on rogue efforts to alter the atmosphere
  • This time I'm not on the same side with the EU, I think that an experiment won't hurt anything. If it doesn't work, we'll know that this is not the right way, but if does, we might have new tool for managing climate change.

  • Locked
    threads is already going great 💀
  • Well, it's not easy. I fell it's like choosing a Linux distro to use.

  • Delaware town seeks to give businesses right to vote
  • The more we progress the more society looks like a cyber dystopia:

    • mega corporation that holds all the power
    • people that seek company in artificial intelligence instead of real people
    • immense concentration of wealth
    • politicians that straight up lie to defend their financiers without facing any consequence
    • cities more and more crowded with increasing houseless population
    • nature destroyed and made unliveable by industrial disasters
  • Reddit was a slog too at first
  • To be fair, neither Reddit was intuitive when I first started using it.

  • Why It Seems Everything We Knew About the Global Economy Is No Longer True
  • the market was left to decide how to deploy labor, technology and capital in the belief that efficiency and growth would automatically follow

    This idea that the invisible hand of the market would have allocated resources in the most efficient way is the biggest lie ever told to the people.

    I really hope the whole idea of globalization dies and nations start to bring back labour previously exported elsewhere. The funny part is that we knew this would have happened, but nobody cared to changed the system.

  • HariSeldon_official Hari Seldon
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