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Bell curve of Linux distributions
  • Eh, I've been around the block at this point. Fedora ftw. Simple, easy, GUI installer, "just works"™️, sane package manager, normie default DEs, stable, corporate backing. Maybe not for a purist or enthusiast, but I don't have time for that stuff anymore anyways. My days of pouring hours into getting my Arch install just right are long past me. That was for when I still had free time.

  • I need some help on how to study INTERMEDIATE Japanese...
  • I swear I could have written this post. Here's my 0.02:

    1. I totally understand where you're coming from. That feeling of not being able to understand even a single sentence without having to look up a word or two is just... the worst. Basically, I've just had to come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to 100% understand everything. Heck, man, I live in Japan, and I doubt I truly understand 100% of any given (nontrivial) conversation. So, my advice is to give up. Give up on trying to 完全に understand every sentence, every word. Be okay with ambiguity. And I know, it feels like "I know every word in the sentence except the most important ones!" Sucks, but you'll enjoy Japanese a lot more if you release yourself from the need to grok every tittle.
    2. Tobira was the very next textbook I studied after Genki II. If you've finished Genki II and retain most of it, it shouldn't be too advanced for you. I know the Internet romanticizes the idea of learning languages quickly, but really nothing beats time in the language stretching your skills. If it's not too frustrating for you, try studying the textbook a little more contemplatively rather than speedrunning it.
    3. Believe it or not, you actually have an advantage over me, despite the fact that I live in Japan. Japanese people aren't exactly warm and forthcoming in casual conversation with foreigners, so I wouldn't describe living in Japan as a constant state of immersion, especially because I work remotely for an English-speaking software company. Your advantage is in the consumption of Japanese media: I'm not a huge fan of anime/manga, and I don't have time for video games. I've noticed that my friends who do like anime in particular have much better listening skills than I do. Simple exposure will get you used to speaking styles, etc. and you'll be able to pick out the difficult words in time.
    4. Key insight: if a character says a complicated word once, and it's never used again for the rest of the show, don't worry about learning it. Media consumption is a natural SRS. If they don't use the word again, chances are it won't be worth learning (at this stage in your learning). We're not targeting 100% comprehension, after all.

    Best of luck to you!

  • Best dictionaries and Japanese-related APKs for Android?
  • I live in Japan and survive completely with Takoboto and Kanji Study.

    I could go completely with Kanji Study but for the fact that it doesn't do deconjugation and minor error correction like Takoboto, which is a lifesaver when trying to look up words that I only heard. For example, if you type in けいしき, it will still show 景色, and if you type in こべ, it will still show 神戸, and if you type in れんこう, it will still show 連合.

  • Topical Vocabulary: Buying a Suit

    I recently bought a suit to go to a friend's wedding.

    New vocab:

    • 生地 cloth, fabric
    • 生地感 texture of fabric
    • 縮める bring in the sides/waist/legs
    • 仕立て tailoring, fitting
    • 直線的 linear
    • 曲線的 curved (style for broad-shouldered as opposed to 直線的 for skinny guys)
    • 既製 off-the-shelf, ready-to-wear (as opposed to パターンオーダー)
    • お渡し ready, done

    What new vocab have you learned in-context recently?

    CTA: Create a thriving Fediverse without relying on Reddit

    The Fediverse must be very careful to avoid getting branded as the "alternative to X". In my experience, platforms that have historically branded themselves as "alternative to" or "anti-" have generally not done well. Learned this from the last Reddit exodus: let's make this one different!

    How can this time be different?

    Join real communities, contribute real content.

    Sorry, but low-effort image macros and meta-posting about how much everyone hates Reddit (yes, yes, u/spez sucks, carry on) is not a recipe for a successful platform. It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't really help either.

    This time, the exodus appears to have been large enough to start disrupting Google search, at least anecdotally. This is an opportunity for the Fediverse: now is the time to create searchable content, to ask the questions that people are asking search engines, and to engage in real communities.

    Here's my call to action:

    1. Find 1 new community on any Lemmy/Kbin/etc. and make a post/article. Not a low-effort post, but something that a search engine would pick up on.
    2. Comment when you've done so, with a link to the post.
    3. Then, go and comment on someone else's post that they've commented.

    Let's make the Fediverse succeed!


    Here are some options for Kbin communities, but feel free to pick others on other instances as well!

    「忠実」=「ちゅうじつ」だけじゃない?2つの読み方がある漢字3選 「忠実」=「ちゅうじつ」だけじゃない?2つの読み方がある漢字3選

    「水面」と書いて「すいめん」と「みなも」。また、「最中」と書いて「さいちゅう」と「もなか」。 漢字の中には、こんなふうにまったく同じ漢字なのに二つの読み方をするものが少なくありません。 そこでこの記事では、上記のように“二つの読み方がある漢字”をピックアップしてご紹介。あなたはいくつ読めるでしょうか?




    > > > 「水面」と書いて「すいめん」と「みなも」。また、「最中」と書いて「さいちゅう」と「もなか」。 漢字の中には、こんなふうにまったく同じ漢字なのに二つの読み方をするものが少なくありません。 そこでこの記事では、上記のように“二つの読み方がある漢字”をピックアップしてご紹介。あなたはいくつ読めるでしょうか? > >

    Comprehensible listening resource recommendations?

    I listen to a lot of podcasts in English, and I've been trying to find good, interesting podcasts in Japanese as well. Audiobooks are also good.

    I found すずめの戸締り, but I'd love to hear about other resources that people have found.

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