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What do you think of this prediction?
  • For sure, valid to fear the enshittification of steam. But they aren't killing proton. Maybe ignoring proton at worst. But Steam has profit motivations for not being reliant on Windows, which has actively been trying to supplant them with the Windows Store for years.

    As another separate, profit-motivated company, with a gaming division and a lot to gain from eating Steam's lunch, Microsoft is not Steam's friend. Proton is a critical bargaining tool for them, and not having to include windows licenses for devices like the Steam Deck helps their costs too.

  • Anon tests a pilot's reflexes
  • Yeah, my first thought as well was that "pulling up" would be pulling the steering wheel back, which wouldn't do anything. Certainly wouldn't swerve the car all the way off the road, you wouldn't want to jerk a plane left or right in that scenario either.

    So... definitely made up. But still an amusing greentext.

  • AsahiLina: ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨
  • Asahi Linux is a project to get Linux running on M-series macs, which has taken a bunch of difficult reverse engineering, since Apple doesn't really provide public documentation on how they work.

    Running Linux means they can run steam games like a Linux machine. This is a pretty impressive landmark in terms of their OpenGL rendering support.

  • *braces for down votes and possible ban*
  • Fiction is fiction. This is the same kind of logic that adults used when I was a kid because Harry Potter promoted witchcraft, or when the country had a moral panic because Call of Duty had their children killing people. Nothing in the game literally advocates for or glorifies IRL slavery, that would be absurd.

    If you can't parse fiction from reality, then you aren't fit for just about anything. Movies, music, video games, books, etc. Every medium frequently depicts things you shouldn't emulate. Even the literal Bible has depictions of slavery, rape, incest, and murder.

  • "prompt engineering"
  • I don't necessarily disagree that we may figure out AGI, and even that LLM research may help us get there, but frankly, I don't think an LLM will actually be any part of an AGI system.

    Because fundamentally it doesn't understand the words it's writing. The more I play with and learn about it, the more it feels like a glorified autocomplete/autocorrect. I suspect issues like hallucination and "Waluigis" or "jailbreaks" are fundamental issues for a language model trying to complete a story, compared to an actual intelligence with a purpose.

  • I just ask my problem bro...chill....
  • Same honestly. And if I ever ask a question that someone might think is a duplicate, I link to that question and say something like "I found X, but the answers here don't reflect Y".

  • Streaming from a modded Switch
  • Hmm... bluntly, a lot of games struggle to hit their target framerate on the Switch as is. I'm not sure there's available overhead to implement streaming. At the very least, I've not heard of anything either!

    If you don't want to buy a capture card, but have a PC, the easiest way may be to dump your games and run them on an emulator like Yuzu, so you can stream from the PC.

  • Rumour: Major Xbox Series X|S Controller Revision Still To Be Revealed This Year
  • Honestly, would still be nice to have, for how much Xbox controllers are the de facto controller on PC as well.

    Lots of games there between steam input, emulators, etc, where it just feels odd to not have that gyro in what's otherwise a very premium controller (I'm using the Elite controller). It's my favourite controller hands down, and yet I consider using my Switch Pro Controller just for gyro in some titles.

    And yeah, better to lay that groundwork now for the next generation than miss out on it entirely.

  • The 4 best Reddit alternatives: Top picks to replace your subreddits - Lemmy is listed first!
  • Eh, that's a mixed bag. Absolutely, one could setup shared delete requests, to federate a delete request, but it would be a bit of a lie as anyone could simply.... update their instance to simply ignore delete requests.

    For now, simply not having a delete feature is a more honest to the realities of the fediverse. There'll never be a "true" delete, even if they do eventually support one that's "good enough".

  • YouTube’s video games are almost impossible to find – but once you do, you’ll wish you never looked | Dominik Diamond
  • Yeah, similar experience. The only game I tried was basically a web version of, which was already a free app anyway, but instead I got to play a worse version in YT that made my phone burning hot. Cool.

    I actually did enjoy it, so I just... downloaded the real app and never booted a game via YT again.

  • FTC offers $25,000 prize for detecting AI-enabled voice cloning
  • I'd be very surprised if anything functional actually comes out of this. Far more likely they get scammed out of the money by garbage like the current "AI writing detection" methods, with terrible success rates that cause more societal problems than they solve.

  • How do you feel about Tom Scott going on hiatus after 10 years?
  • Pretty happy about it honestly. He's been counting down to this for ages in his newsletter, so it's far from a blindside on my end.

    I've preferred much of his "second channel" content for a while now anyways, and I suspect we'll see lots of interesting content outside of the boundaries of "things you may not know".

  • What games can you not get into because they feel too outdated?
  • My two are Morrowind, where I loved the quest design and lack of handholding, but the random hit chance and BS difficulty distribution were just... too much to handle.

    And also, KOTOR, which I expected to love as a huge Star Wars fan, but the "stand around while dice are rolled" combat was just... exceptionally boring and tedious.

  • It's time to admit Lemmy has won the "the biggest reddit alternative" award, why it's time for all of us to consider supporting it (here's why) + reopening r/LemmyMigration
  • Eh, that is kinda the appeal of Reddit, and its alternatives. Finding smaller communities of likeminded individuals that you can group into a tailored feed.

    I always say the magic of this model is that it's not just a firehose of every possible interest, it's more like a shower of dozens of tiny handpicked jets. It just happens that on Lemmy, the "All" feed is still reasonably tailored to the main demographic here. That being tech nerds who dislike Reddit's recent decisions enough to make a change.

  • Looking for First Build Advice Part List - AMD Ryzen 5 7600X, Radeon RX 6700 XT, Montech AIR 903 MAX ATX Mid Tower - PCPartPicker

    Part List - AMD Ryzen 5 7600X, Radeon RX 6700 XT, Montech AIR 903 MAX ATX Mid Tower

    Never built a PC before, but I've got some tech awareness, LTT videos, Digital Foundry, that kind of thing. I've also helped friends build PCs, but I've never actually pulled the trigger and built my own PC, so I'm hoping to get some experienced eyes on this thing to help out! I based this build off PcPartPickers default "AMD build", and replaced many of the parts one by one.

    Budget is about 1500$ CAD, and I'm hoping to use this thing as a living room gaming PC. I've also got a Series X, so I'm mostly looking to run emulators at high settings, mod some games, play some of the Sony exclusives that hit PC, some non-crossplay multiplayer, that kind of thing.

    Looking to get something upgradable, that I can build onto in the future as well. Thus my paying a little more for AM5, for example.

    Please let me know if I'm buying anything dumb, or making any missteps like not getting enough VRAM for modern system emulators or something. Incredibly nervous and excited about finally doing this! Thanks so much for any help you can give!

    [meta] thanks for not camel casing your post titles
  • Surprisingly legible, but feels like I can only read it with momentum, flitting past it and letting my subconscious tell me where the word breaks are. The moment I get confused and look more closely, it becomes almost impossible to read.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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