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Smoking age should rise from 18, by one year every year - Rishi Sunak
  • Wishing a very chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder on every dumbass calling this authoritarian

  • Does anyone else find whales kind of unsettling?
  • In fact the decade with the most killed whales in history was the 1960s

  • Does anyone else find whales kind of unsettling?
  • It's true the international ban on whaling is only from the late 80s. I feel like it's something people think has been around for a hundred years but no, like only one generation of whales has ever been not hunted by humans.

    Not to mention the barbarous countries that never stopped hunting whales, Norway and Japan.

  • This is the way
  • They do like oil corporations yes.

    That's like what the US is known for. Liking them so much they invade countries

  • This is the way
  • Why would they do that I presume they like the rhinos because they are killing people on their behalf

  • Weight Obsession Is Ruining Everyone's Health – SOME MORE NEWS
  • considerably more than 90% of people who undertake a calorie restriction diet regain all the lost weight, or more, within 5 years.

    Is this true? This study suggests that 20% of people who lose weight keep the weight off, and that the longer the weightloss is maintained, the more likely they are to keep it off