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Bye, Felicia
  • Brand new sentence!

  • Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission
  • As someone running a windows 10 update right now that I procrastinated to let install I am now having a bad day already. Can't wait for this to happen to my pc!

  • I love democracy
  • For all I knew this could have been a very recent post or even if this was 10 years ago someone could've created that image on the left very recently

  • I love democracy
  • Is this the actual ACTUAL picture or some sort of AI recreation based on the drawing?

  • Birds are cool.
  • Look, Raymond. A yellow crested warbler.

  • Twitch no longer supports Firefox ???
  • I have had this exact issue for so long now. What always works for me is a simple reload.

    Also unrelated, but still want to say it: Fuck every single browser based on chromium!

  • I see your point, but, counter argument: ROCK AND STONE FOREVER!

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  • Honestly I do not subscribe to the idea that the devs simply "ran" with the money (because why would you - years later - post something about an upcoming update). I think the von Funk's (the devs) genuinely tried to make a great game, but their vision of what it should be simply did not align with that the most people (including me) thought it was going to be.

    I'd be genuinely happy for them if an update gets released, people love it and maybe they get more attention once again for their work, but you'll never know when or if this is going to happen.

    Also as far as I know (haven't tested it) there's a mod out there to return to the more alpha-ish progression system instead of the one found in the steam release (what I believe most people - including me - did not like about the steam version).

    If you want to get more into the details of what happened around this game I can highly recommend this YouTube video on the subject.

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  • It was, it really was. Played it a TON in alpha. When after years the steam release came I did not waste a second and bought 2 copies (one for my friend) only to realize the updated version is so different and honestly.... shit.

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  • Is this the release date for the next cube world update?

  • I think this speaks for itself.
  • Easy fix! Simply do not open the epic games launcher ever again (and uninstall it while you're at it)