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"Mao's wife was so mentally ill she decided to pee for hours on end" - brand new anti-communist talking point from Tumblr's brightest
  • holy shit that comment was made by me

    never thought there would be a day where i'd see my random tumblr comment that's buried under the replies be referenced on hexbear oh-shit

  • HAN: CDC confirm first human infection of bird flu in the US
  • 3 month old account with the only comment being this one. Possible concern trolling detected. Opinion discarded.

  • If you don't believe Jesus was a giant rabbit, don't celebrate Easter.
  • Can I celebrate it by going to the grocery store after Easter to buy the discounted chocolate eggs?

  • Locked
    Why do I lack the ability to trust white people who claim to be progressive or leftist?
  • They score brownie points by saying they’re allies to people of color, although the “color” is exclusively black and brown. East and Southeast Asians are fair game though. Apparently too privileged to experience racism but look different enough to get mocked for it.

  • Locked
    Why do I lack the ability to trust white people who claim to be progressive or leftist?
  • Whites can claim to be leftist or progressive or inclusive or whatever and then do nothing about dismantling the racist system that exists here (I mean why should they, considering that it benefits them the most).

    Assume all whites are racist until proven otherwise.

  • Removed
    "Gay sex has never been tried before"
  • Of course the Asians got slits for eyes 🙄. Bad meme

  • I fucking hate white people
  • lmao @ the triggered cumskin lemmitors thinking that this is a personal attack on them

    white fragility on display

  • I fucking hate white people
  • their skin is thin

    accurate description considering how many crackers got offended by this thread lmao

  • ass thicc
  • He definitely has a thing for fat dumpers

  • the brain rot in this thread is real
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Imagine buying a workhorse truck and being scared of getting blemishes on it.
  • this has to be a bit... right? making fun of the way the truck's parked??? anakin-padme-2

  • Guys I think I found the next "as a black man"
  • so you're telling me, people would go on the internet and just... lie? whaaaat? avgn-horror

  • Less than 24 hours until open season
  • cumskins want to be oppressed so badly

  • Why did you pick your profile pic?
  • When I first created my account I used this image (which I based my username on):


    It was one of the funniest and most relatable reaction images I’d seen (much better than wojaks).

    current pfp because I like kitys and lifting

  • Celebrating Christmas in the bunker since Joe Biden made being white illegal.
  • As a Cis White Christian male, I have been afraid of going outside ever since JOE “Beijing” BRANDON and KAMALA “Communist” HARRIS were elected. It feels like I have a target painted on my back for being a red-blooded American... This country has become an authoritarian socialist dictatorship that hates individual freedom… 😢

  • r/neoliberal is here to tell you that war is good actually
  • ya war is fine as along as it doesn’t affect me and my family personally or if it’s us who’s doing the slaughtering

  • NYT writes a really bitter article on China benefiting from having good relations with Russia
  • Russia’s war in Ukraine has also gotten an image boost from China. State media disseminates a steady diet of Russian propaganda in China and around the world.

    holy cope biaoqing-copium

    Sanctioning a country that has, for centuries, shared a border with another country that happens to be the world’s largest producer of goods makes them trade with each other more. Who woulda thunk