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an empty cask, all alone
  • “Ok, so hear me out.” says Elon as he opens a file folder.

    “This,” - he lays an 8-bit pic of the Ferrari from Outrun - and “this” as out comes a crayon drawing of a truck from same-era kindergarten.

  • OneNote alternative to make a knowledge base
  • Have you looked at World Anvil? It's been a long time and I don't remember what the free vs. paid tier comparisons were, but I thought it was pretty slick.

    Edit: Didn't realise the community I'm in. I have no idea the privacy state of World Anvil but I'll edit if I come across it.

  • Gaetz claims House Ethics panel opened ‘new frivolous investigations’ into him
  • Gaetz has maintained his innocence through multiple ethics inquiries and alleges the panel is using investigations against him as retribution for spearheading the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy last fall.

    “This is Soviet,” Gaetz posted on social media Monday.

    If you're innocent then let's find out. If you want people to believe they are frivolous though, I mean, you're the media machine manipulation experts and all but... no.

    Also McCarthy. Soviet. Get it. Hehehehe. Sigh.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Just my opinion here, but once the thrill of driving lights and sirens wears off (which is unfortunately quite soon) you realise that the benefit to risk ratio isn't what you thought. People are supposed to pull over (this varies by jurisdiction), but in reality people panic and do a lot of irrational and unexpected things. Which is why are probably a lot more choosy about it's use than people realise, at least here (heading to the hospital - heading to a call is based on the caller's description and dispatch, but we are allowed to nope for safety). It also doesn't save the time one thinks it does (but it's pretty slick for getting through lights - this is the time saver).

    I don't blame drivers though. They're trying to do the right thing but everyone has a different idea of that even if it's to full-stop in place. There was no formal training for me as a driver on what to do when sirens approach, and if there was it was changed since and muddied by countless buddy tales. For example, here you are supposed to pull to the closest side, but used to be the right IIRC. Sirens are HARD to hear when driving and blaming drivers for loud music is kinda bullshit when sirens aren't actually that effective. Lights are ineffective in some environments. Other environments have multiple sirens going on.

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