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Zelda Movie Is Being Made In Close Collaboration With Miyamoto
  • Came here to post that I would only be satisfied by an adaptation of this.

  • Different takes I've seen on sex work
  • I think that, so long as work is mandatory to basic survival, it will be degrading. When people have real options is when that changes.

  • Very nuanced issue
  • I mean, it is a complex issue, and there are two sides of it. One of the sides is doing a genocide. The other side makes attacks when they can, killing much smaller numbers. If suddenly the power balance switched, I'm not convinced Hamas wouldn't go for doing a genocide.

    What actually matters here is that nobody should be doing genocides, both sides have reason to say, "they started it!", and it's not going to end until both sides can accept that yes, shit happened, bad things were intentionally done by people, and everyone needs to move on, or there will be another round, and another, and another, and another...

  • ‘We don’t have a democracy’: why some Oregonians want to join Idaho
  • "Don't kill queer people," is outsiders imposing their opinion. A constitution that applies to everyone doesn't necessarily follow what locals are going to want to do.

  • ‘We don’t have a democracy’: why some Oregonians want to join Idaho
  • Crook County

    Nominative determinism strikes again.

    All of these come down to, "we want the right to keep fucking everyone else with externalities while enjoying the benefits of outsourcing those costs," which, no sympathy. Grow up, people.

  • ‘We don’t have a democracy’: why some Oregonians want to join Idaho
  • What happens to queer people who happen to be born in rural areas, in your model?

  • “Out of control”: Legal experts call for recusal, reform over Stop the Steal symbol at Alito home
  • So you can't do it, I can't do it, nobody we know can do it. Maybe write Joe a letter or something?

  • “Out of control”: Legal experts call for recusal, reform over Stop the Steal symbol at Alito home
  • I think there has to be an actual crime, directly witnessed.

  • “Out of control”: Legal experts call for recusal, reform over Stop the Steal symbol at Alito home
  • Well, I can't do an arrest. Can you do an arrest? I'm guessing you can neither arrest nor prosecute. If you can, by all means. I look forward to hearing about it. But I don't expect to. I expect that that is not a solution that will be employed. John Oliver tried an extrajudicial offer to Clarence Thomas, and he doesn't seem to have accepted that. So there don't appear to be any remedies within the system, adjacent to the system, or near the system. And somehow, I also doubt I'll hear about you throwing his tea into the harbor.

    Who bells the cat?

  • “Out of control”: Legal experts call for recusal, reform over Stop the Steal symbol at Alito home
  • Literally impossible right now. It'd take a 2/3ds senate majority to remove him.

  • Biden’s labor report card: Historian gives ‘Union Joe’ a higher grade than any president since FDR
  • He quashed the strike in the moment, and got them most of their demands as a follow-up, as I hear it. But only the first part ever made the news, for some reason.

  • Florida teen says she was denied entry to prom for wearing a suit
  • "Why don't you just be a gender nonconforming <ASAB>?" trans people get asked, from reasonably well-meaning people who don't Get It. My sibling in Christ, even if we did, look what happens.

  • North Carolina lawmakers push bill to ban most public mask wearing, citing crime
  • I wear a respirator every time I leave the house. If COVID taught us anything, it is that people are more disgusting and less considerate than we had imagined. Meanwhile, COVID is still a thing, long COVID is still a thing, and it's progressive - every time you catch COVID the rates and the damage are worse.

  • Analysis Warns Student Debt Crisis 'Would Likely Worsen' If Trump Elected
  • The smell of maralago may improve marginally.