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Scavengers Reign
  • My son and I watch every week. Amazing storytelling.

  • Large fossil spider found in Australia
  • This, of course, comes as a surprise to no one.

  • Found a friend on a mountain hike
  • One of my favorite wildlife encounters: sneks.

  • Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods
  • Any autopsy results yet? I mean, I've eaten them, and yeah, they're f*@ked up hot, but...

  • Show of hands:
  • Oh, I meant lurking Reddit. I still peek in thru the window.

  • Deleted
    What are your favorite countries or continental regions (other than your own), and why?
  • Atm, Montreal, QC. Public arts and architecture are my weakness. And global cuisine everywhere.

  • You have a team of 10 clones with you and no weapons, what's the biggest animal you could take down in a open field?
  • Size is a poor indicator. 11 of me could take down a large but slow grazing animal. But a smaller predator would jack up 11 unarmed me's.
    Maybe we could all gnaw on a cow long enough to bring it down.

  • So, I guess Squabbles imploded.
  • @CorrodedCranium another reddit alternative, but run by one person (opposite of kbin/lemmy).
    He claimed to champion "free speech" and users took that to mean hate speech was the norm. It devolved rapidly.

  • “Wolverines really need Colorado”: Federal decision looms over another reintroduction plan
  • I don't recall ever hearing that they were native. But, I've seen them in Wyoming not far from the staye line, so maybe they already pop in now and again.

  • [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man...
  • I think it's a sign of a very niche mental illness that I keep laughing at Linux references in the wild.

  • Conservatives be like
  • Wish I could boost this more.

  • Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees
  • Holy hell.

    The news just keeps getting better.

  • Am I the only one daydreaming of Hockey Season, snow, and scraping my windshield?
  • @CodingAndCoffee I'm glad somebody likes summer, cuz it ain't me.


  • 2-year-old Nevada boy dies from brain-eating amoeba likely contracted at natural hot spring | CNN
  • Well, f*@k, I was just in hot springs 2 days ago...

  • CDC facing major funding cuts, with direct impact on state and local health departments | CNN
  • CDC should never, ever suffer a B-B-Billion dollar budget cut. We are so boned.

  • did anyone else from the USA grow up being forced to say the pledge to the flag in school?
  • I'm 50, and yes. Except in HS, I sat and dared them to do something about it. My school knew how to pick their battles, they never disciplined me for my acts of civil disobedience (I also protested the dress code when they enacted one).

  • I've seen a few discussions about the "failed" protests and wanted to talk about it
  • I still lurk. I expected the slow decline and change in character that others here have predicted.
    What I have seen in the last 8 days floored me. Continues to floor me. Reddit is already a zombie platform. Front page is week-old posts. Bot generated reposts from 2 weeks ago.
    And astroturf posts trying to spin the whole thing as a "what was that blip?" Or "glad those whiners are gone"

    It happened so much faster than I expected.

  • Horik Horik
    Posts 7
    Comments 19