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Electricity consumption in Europe
  • Fascinating shit

  • Electricity consumption in Europe
  • Fascinating shit

  • King of the Hill
  • That is, um, terrifying.

  • RE: Is Ernest still here?
  • Take your time. I like it here. I hope you recover well and feel much better soon.

  • i can try!
  • I'd very much like to

  • Gender equality rule
  • Ha! You're not wrong.

  • Gender equality rule
  • But I only packed these sweatpants :(

  • Gender equality rule
  • God, what a choice. Catholicism or the British. Holy shit.

  • Donald Trump is broke hahahaha
  • Awww, I miss geocities. I was all over that shit in middle school.

  • Orange chicken is just chicken nuggets tossed in sauce.
  • Thank you, that's awesome

  • He is strong.
  • Pakleds. Dumb, deceitful, and extremely ambitious.

  • He is strong.
  • They first appeared in TNG.

  • Anon waits at a bus stop
  • Really makes you think

  • laugh out loud.
  • <:3 )~

  • Do any of you eat and actually enjoy dino nuggets?

    I'm not really a fan of nuggets in general. I've always been much more of a tendies human. By and large, I find the texture of processed chicken to be extremely revolting. Even as a kid, I thought they were vile and Dino nuggets always seemed to be particularly low-quality.

    Do you like them? Is there something I'm missing? Maybe a particular brand that's good? Wendy's spicy nuggs are pretty okay. Please defend your position.

    Would like to learn Mandarin, what are some good free/cheap places to start?

    Additionally, any recommendations for a good C-drama or movie would be very appreciated!

    HotDogFingies HotDogFingies

    Chaotic good or we can't be friends.

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