Yeah he and Rostov, and I think Helen Hindpere too, have a studio called Red Info.
It basically exists as some legal documents and investments as far as the public is concerned.
Apparently Argo worked at one of those successor studios before going on to fund his new one, and something in that work or agreement seems to be the alleged problem.
ZA/UM separately alleges shit like copyright infringement, which I would assume is some shit like accusing him of repurposing material from the cancelled games and DLC he worked on.
Also I think some of the quips are just misleading for no reason?
Like he quips about finding the zodiac killer when talking about handwriting analysis, but the reality is way funnier in that the handwriting analysis they were doing was the classical kind where you can tell if a guy is gay based on how he writes vowels and shit like that, and then force gay soviets to defect or go double agent.
The project by project breakdown is nice and it's better than most pop-politics content on MKUltra just by virtue of not taking the magician shit seriously, but things get kind of obnoxiously lib when dealing with anything about the eastern bloc.
Like he quips "gotta learn from the best" or something with the subproject about studying Russia and China, but we literally have a handbook produced to teach agents about what the CIA knew about combloc "brainwashing", and they literally just write that its extremely mundane "if you make every aspect of a prisoners life really fucking bad then their willpower will deplete." Like just the most obvious cop tactics, and they remark on how unexceptional their findings are in that regard!
And I still maintain my hot take that I think it's kind of genuinely unhelpful for most people to learn more about this stuff than the general gist, like at some point certain people begin to only think about MKUltra to the point where you literally can't discuss a single thing about Ted K's ideology and actions without half a dozen people jumping in to tell you ghost stories about how the CIA made him do it all.
Overall idk, I think the best way to introduce people to this would be to explain the sort of guiding philosophy of like, tossing out inherent mojo and weird tradecraft tricks in exchange for everything being hard science, so shit like "heh why'd you need a scientific test to figure out if people find other people more attractive when intoxicated" is easily explained with the fact that they want the hard numbers so the big nerds can crunch it instead of relying on gut feelings.
It might be referring to the relatively archaic ethnographic/anthropological term?
Like the Pisces is supposed to center objects of significance/power in their sexuality, or something?
I have to assume this is some kind of satire on blanket assertions within astrology, otherwise I have no idea how you justify or even begin to consider assigning a 12th of all births as having some inherent necrophiliac tendency?
And repeat that for the other truly horrible ones.
Wow, I've heard of burying the lede before but this is ridiculous.
If he was willing and prepared to do that then he should have spent the last 8 years doing so.
Unless he admits to having acted like a coward and an opportunist then there's no reason for anybody to trust him, he switches effortlessly between closing blue ranks and offering carefully measured critiques that will permit him to stay at the table.
The problem is he doesn't have any credibility, you can't show up in the aftermath and assert that you always thought the emperor had no clothes.
If he can't risk the basic embarrassment of being wrong about the Dems losing the election due to abandoning the working class, then what can he be trusted with risking?
I have to wonder if writers when deciding to create a fictional character, kind of just think about the minimum reasonable age to have achieved whatever is required for their story position.
Leaves you no blank stretch of time where you gotta wonder what the hell they were up to.
The specific critiques I saw when just skimming people talking about it don't even seem that unbelievable.
Like they said something like the game is too obnoxiously handholdy with tutorial dialogue and also they thought Luigi was basically an annoying obstacle to manage rather than a partner.
Now I haven't seen the game yet so I can't tell if that's true but that just seems like plausible things that a Mario and Luigi game might fuck up.
A lot of the hate was probably just nostalgia rage combined with Ava being kind of the annoying bratty kid archetype and doesn't really do anything except talk at you on comms in a game that already has way too many annoying people on your comms all the time.
But really she's far from the worst character in that regard, it's just that the more annoying characters like Vaughn are shielded by being returning characters and also not a girl with short hair dyed blue or whatever. Basically just became the easiest target to complain about.
Doesn't actually address the content of the words he spoke, just appeals to the content of his soul and innermost thoughts.
Sadly they haven't invented a way to observe those parts of a person yet so this doesn't mean anything.
There is something morbidly funny to me in the Zionist line that Yahya Sinwar "died like a dog." Basically just confessing that they regularly kill dogs using drone surveillance and tank shells.
It never looks quite good to compare the killing of your enemies to killing a dog, but if you're gonna use it it needs to be embarrassing for the victim and not your own side, like death by starvation or just plain execution.
That looks like curiosity rather than fear.
There's like one German general that people generally know about and he's literally the one that didn't understand logistics and also got involved in a coup plot.
His last sentence literally just sounds like the hasbara claiming that Muslims have a fundamental hatred in their blood against Jews.
Also with the moronic anti-communist talking point comparing political ideology to religion.
I'm sorry but this is just wishful thinking and active whitewashing, sure he doesn't say Sinwar individually killed 1,200 "innocents", but he says Sinwar masterminded the attack that killed 1,200 "innocents."
The only way history will show that Bernie had a good heart is if someone donates him a new one, where is the good heart in calling IOF soldiers innocents? He is treating Israelis as ontologically innocent.
It's a fundamental issue, Bernie showing his ass on it either means he considers Israelis ontologically innocent, or he is deeply lazy and dishonest figure who abandons any gesture towards integrity to instead appeal to American fascism.
So frightened by literal sticks and stones thrown at their stupid drones by a one armed man, that they resort to shelling the building.
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AKA: Resident Evil 2 Remake 2
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Time to see if I will have to eat my own words when I said that this guys videos feel much shorter than Hbomberguy videos of half the length.
I don't care who shot JFK, I don't care how many guys it were, I don't care who planned it, I don't care who shot officer JD Tippett, I don't care why Jack Ruby shot Oswald nor do I care if the CIA gave him the MKULTRA brainwashing lung cancer, don't care who covered it up, and actually its way funnier if it was just two bumbling failures who did it on their own.
Shut the fuck up and let me browse my slop in peace !kitsuragi-depress
Download the app to participate or just watch the Silent Hill horror play out
This shit is fucking goofy, this is so fucking stupid I cant think of a better way to describe it than fucking moronic.
Not a single decision in this was made by someone who wasnt an executive ghoul lobotomized by capitalism.
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Actually pretty funny Exorcist spoof, brings back some fond nostalgia from the "mad about video games" era of youtubers.
To clarify, by people I mean regular NPCs who aren't designated as existing in a stage of berserker rage at your existence, but just like guys walking around in a town.
Every gameplay I've seen of someone trying to shoot like a regular guy you can talk to seems to just result in the dumb incapacitation thing because its an essential NPC.