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Rare China L.
  • Wow, that was basically my guess for how this might actually work, that's really funny if this turns out to be true.

  • Rare China L.
  • I was thinking what if the law is written so it only applies if the cheating couple could get married after causing a divorce, which would be an extremely funny way to word a law like this.

  • Rare China L.
  • That doesn't make any sense, the law "recognizing" certain relationships isn't the same as purely acknowledging the existence and possibility of them for the purpose of laws like if there is a law against cheating on a partner.

  • Does anyone remember when Julian Assange was accused of sexual assault? What happened with that?
  • Swedish authorities demanded he return to Sweden for interrogation and evidence collection, he refused with the justification that this shithole of a country would just hand him over to be tortured by AmeriKKKa, the Swedish State offered no guarantees or alternative routes for the investigation to take place, so the investigation was closed for lack of viable routes to investigate and prosecute it.

    As far as I recall that is what happened in short.

  • They're chipping the friggin cheese wheels
  • I think for most English speakers, "Mortadella Bologna" and "Bologna sausage" are separate things, with the latter being like a completely homogenous tube of meat slop, and anything that has actual bits and chunks of stuff separated inside of it getting called "Mortadella".

  • I want to show yall my favorite band: Neutral Milk Hotel
  • I would definitely suggest people check out the band that drummer Jeremy Barnes started afterwards, "A Hawk and a Hacksaw", him and violinist Heather Trost play their take on Eastern European and Balkan folk music, with lots of Accordion and sometimes variants of hammered dulcimers.

    I think at least one or maybe several of their albums were collaborations with folk musicians from the various countries like Romania and Hungary too.

  • Slurs becoming normalized in 2024?
  • I feel like people even on here want to have their cake and eat it too, so if they can't use the r slur they move to "-oid" type insults and just pretend they have no idea what lineage it has to ableist slurs and instead just do the exact same type of plausible denial excuses that right wingers use.

  • [BMF Repost] consumer desire for most "classic American foods" was manufactured by '50s psyops from corporations trying to sell highly processed bologna or onion dip etc
  • Entirely good within the framework of eating meat yeah, and on top of that organ meat and offal literally just is good.

  • Depicting Xi as Winnie the Pooh is racist
  • You don't believe that, you absolutely know that there's a difference.

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • Disabled people exist wether or not a shitass news org covers them, dipshit.

    It's progressive to be concerned over disabled people in the imperial core, you are literally just being ableist.

  • Bit idea: Americans make aliyah to Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man only)
  • I have no idea if theres any significant Cornish immigration history to the US but the concept of Cornish Americans in particular tickles me, and also the language is critically endangered so it would be good to boost it in whatever ways possible.

  • #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin - Why are Parisians planning to poop in the Seine?
  • It also sounds like if it has been illegal to swim there for over 100 years, and theres still tests indicating that it's not safe, then shitting in the river makes sure that people wont actually have to swim in this dangerous water for these dumbass competitions?

    I mean they'll probably have more security on the actual days of the events but can they actually guarantee competitors that they wont be swimming with human waste at all? Should at least give an excuse for some of the athletes to start boycotting and ensure a proper controlled pool is set up instead.

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • Coincidentally the same demographics actually likely to suffer in heatwaves.

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • What news outlets publish any kind of article about the suffering of disables people due to the environment?

    Genuinely I would like to know if you hear about how post covid disabled people suffer in any kind of mainstream media?

    Just because you construct an ideal justified victim of the UK heat doesn't actually excuse you from the reality of who will be victimised.

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • Great thread to prove my theory that Americans aren't actually real people, but just homonculi built with an inherent compulsive desire to be the greatest white people on the planet, and absolutely no restrictions on being dumb assholes about it.

  • Depicting Xi as Winnie the Pooh is racist
  • Missing the excuse of "well Chinese people started the meme so it cant be racist for anyone ever to repeat it"

  • NSFW Removed
    (CW: Slurs)R/Helldivers right now
  • Bizarrely prescient, unless "orc" was a national slur already at that point.

  • Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • The US military seems to have a particular vendetta against Muslims getting vaccinated, remember when they used a polio vaccine campaign in Pakistan to collect mass genetic materials in order to try and get a genetic match for Bin Laden?

  • A follow-up to the legendary Disco Elysium might have been ready to play within the next year⁠—ZA/UM's devs loved it, management canceled it and laid off the team
  • They have created a new studio and have gotten investors from China, last I heard they basically have an office in the UK right now but nothing announced officially.

  • Silent Hill 2 Remake - Combat Reveal Trailer

    AKA: Resident Evil 2 Remake 2

    Starfield Analysis | A Quick Retrospective - (8 hour runtime)

    Time to see if I will have to eat my own words when I said that this guys videos feel much shorter than Hbomberguy videos of half the length.

    I'm gonna say it.

    I don't care who shot JFK, I don't care how many guys it were, I don't care who planned it, I don't care who shot officer JD Tippett, I don't care why Jack Ruby shot Oswald nor do I care if the CIA gave him the MKULTRA brainwashing lung cancer, don't care who covered it up, and actually its way funnier if it was just two bumbling failures who did it on their own.

    Shut the fuck up and let me browse my slop in peace !kitsuragi-depress

    "Silent Hill: Ascension" is the stupidest concept for anything I have ever heard. Silent Hill: Ascension’s pricing explained ahead of Halloween premiere

    Download the app to participate or just watch the Silent Hill horror play out

    Silent Hill: Ascension’s pricing explained ahead of Halloween premiere

    This shit is fucking goofy, this is so fucking stupid I cant think of a better way to describe it than fucking moronic.

    Not a single decision in this was made by someone who wasnt an executive ghoul lobotomized by capitalism.

    Beating Jekyll and Hyde - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

    Actually pretty funny Exorcist spoof, brings back some fond nostalgia from the "mad about video games" era of youtubers.

    Can you actually kill people in Starfield?

    To clarify, by people I mean regular NPCs who aren't designated as existing in a stage of berserker rage at your existence, but just like guys walking around in a town.

    Every gameplay I've seen of someone trying to shoot like a regular guy you can talk to seems to just result in the dumb incapacitation thing because its an essential NPC.
